Speech on Constitution of India in English for Kids and Students

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Speech on Constitution of India in English for Kids and Students

Here we have provide long and short speeches in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. - Speech on Constitution of India - which are widely written and easy to understand. If you are a student, than, here you can find Speech in English language for 1st to 12+ class or IAS/IPS, Banking and other competitive exams students.


1 - Speech on Constitution of India

Respected teachers and dear students!

I would like you to know that our school has been selected in the inter-school debate competition to be held in the month of November, the date has not yet been confirmed.

Since the subject is mainly the Constitution of India, therefore, I would like to share the basics with our appeal that you should study books etc. to get a detailed knowledge about the subject.

Indian Constitution This supreme document places the frame that separates the necessary political codes of construction, process, authority and responsibility of Indian government institutions. The constitution of India basically determines the primary rights, instructions, rules and obligations of citizens of India.

This is considered the long documented constitution which can be found in any country in the world. Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar (B.R. Ambedkar), Chairman of the 'Ting Drafting Committee', is widely considered to be the chief architect of the Indian Constitution.

The Indian Constitution imposed constitutional supremacy and not parliamentary pre-dominance because it was formed by a constituent assembly instead of Indian Parliament. However, Parliament can not override the Constitution because it was accepted by citizens in its introduction with declaration. As you all know, the Constitution of India was accepted by the Indian Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949; However, it has been effective since January 26, 1950.

You should not be aware that the Constitution of India replaced the "Government of India Act", 1935, which was the primary governing document of India. Not only that, in fact India was first represented as the Dominion of India, which later became the 'Republic of India' after adopting the Indian Constitution. The 26th person holds a special place in the heart of every Indian, in the form of the day, India becomes free and generous in the real sense. The new constitution also canceled the previous acts of the British Parliament referred to in Article 395 and India saw its constitution as a Republic Day, on January 26 every year.

The original and original constitution, written in 1950, has been kept and protected in a matter of helium in Parliament House in the Capital, New Delhi. You should also know that the words "socialist" and "secular" were included in the preamble during the Emergency in 1976.

The Indian Constitution clearly affirms India as a secular, socialist, sovereign and democratic republic, to ensure that its citizens get freedom, equality and justice. It also strives to promote brotherhood between all the citizens of India and does not see any difference between people on the basis of caste, creed, color, religion etc. The Constituent Assembly drafted the Constitution of India and it was elected by the elected members of State Legislatures. . The 299-member Assembly took about 3 years to draft the Indian constitution and organized 11 sessions for 165 days to make this supreme document of India.

Well, it is very big that I would like to say our constitution and debate and competition for ourselves.

All the Best and Thank You!


2 - Speech on Constitution of India

Respected Principal, teacher and dear students!

I would like to welcome you to the 'Speech Month' organized in our school every year during the summer holidays. My topic is 'Constitution of India' today.

India, which is also called India, is a 'union of states' and a socialist, sovereign, secular and democratic republic, which has a parliamentary type of government. The Constitution of India is considered as the most important document of India and according to the Indian Constitution, according to the Indian Constitution, which was enacted on January 26, 1950, the Indian Republic is governed. The constitution provides a parliamentary form of government that is federal in structure with specific primary characteristics. The President is the legal head of the union executive.

According to Article 79 of Indian Constitution, Indian Parliament consists of Indian President and 2 Houses, called State Council, known as 'Rajya Sabha' and 'Bharatiya Janata Sabha' as 'Lok Sabha' goes. . According to Article 74 (1), the Prime Minister (Prime Minister) should be the head of a 'Council of Ministers' to assist and advise the President of India, who should exercise his duties and functions according to the advice of the PM. . In this way, the actual executive power and authority is under the Ministers Council of Ministers and the PM of India.

However, the Constitution of India has given all the citizens of India some fundamental rights. Rights can not be withdrawn; However, in case of emergency, the rules and guidelines can change. The rights discussed in the most prominent rights include the right to vote, and the right to vote on constitutional and legal measures discussed; These rights mean that every citizen in India has the freedom to tell their thoughts and ideas. One can express his opinions in an orally or in writing; However, it should be assumed that ideas do not provoke riots and harm anyone's feelings and emotions.

Any Indian citizen is free to stay in any part of the nation, engage in any business or profession of his choice and speak any language, according to the Constitution of India. However, it has been observed that many people who go from one state to another, they are involved in criminal activities and run away to their motherland; Such acts should be strictly prohibited. While all citizens of India are equal in law; Rights and duties go hand in hand and every citizen must discharge his duties honestly and honestly. Whereas the Constitution empowers each citizen to follow and spread any religion or belief; Citizens should be cautious that they do not insult other religions.

It is important for all Indian men and women to live in harmony and to carry out duties towards our nation with enthusiasm. The most important duty is to obey the laws and rules of our country of India, admire the thoughts, ideas and rights of all other citizens, protect our nation in need and pay all taxes fair and honest.

The most important thing is that we should respect our Constitution, a written document which not only tells how the Government of India should go; It also tells us how to conduct our behavior as a true Indian citizen.



3 - Speech on Constitution of India

Respected principals, respected teachers and my dear students!

Welcome to the 5th annual function of our school. Like every year, our school has organized a speech competition. We were allowed to choose our subject and I chose 'Constitution of India' as my subject.

We all know that India got independence from the British on August 15, 1947. Despite independence, India did not have its own constitution and in this way the first and most important task was to make its constitution - 'Constitution' India '. A "constitution" is a kind of charter that guides the government on the way to run the country. The Constitution of India includes the rules, responsibilities and duties that should be followed by the Indian government as well as all citizens living in India.

In order to make the Constitution, a legislative body was formed in which the elected representatives of the people were included and it was named the 'Constituent Assembly'. A sub-committee of some members of the Indian Constituent Assembly was formed to formulate the constitution; The Committee was called "Drafting Committee". Dr. BR (Bhim Rao) Ambedkar took over the post of "Chairman of the Drafting Committee".

He is also considered an intelligent constitutional businessman because he had studied the formation of nearly 60 nations before the formation of the Indian constitution. That is why they are known as the 'Father of the Constitution' of India. The Constitution prepared by this committee was adopted on November 26, 1949 and it was effected on 26 January 1950.

This day is proudly celebrated as 'Republic Day of India'. The draft committee took about 3 years to draft the constitution as the first draft was presented to the Constituent Assembly. This was discussed by the nominated representatives of the citizens in the Constituent Assembly. Thus, the representatives made some changes and finally the Constitution was accepted and implemented.

The Constitution of India declares the country as a democratic republic and the real power belongs to the citizens of India. Democracy means that our country is not ruled according to the monarchy system. People vote and choose their representatives through elections; The government of India constitutes the country according to the constitution. The President of India is popularly called the 'President' and he is also the first citizen of the country along with being the supreme leader. Our President is the head of the Constitution of India and represents the people of India; However, it is chosen by representatives who are elected by the citizens of India. Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the first president of the Indian Constituent Assembly.

The Constitution of India is the most respected document and provides legal guidelines and shares the rights of the people. It is a model for political beliefs, processes, power and government officials. It is the longest constitution in the world and in 1950 there were 395 articles, 8 schedules and 22 parts. At the present time, after various modifications, after the latest 103th Amendment of 14 January 2019 in the Constitution of India 44 Articles, 25 Part and 12 Schedules.

There is a lot to learn about our constitution and every person should take the time to learn about the rights and duties of our country. In the end, I will only say that we should respect our Constitution and feel proud to be an Indian citizen.



4 - Speech on Constitution of India

Respected parents, teachers and dear students,

Welcome to the end of the annual sports week, today we will announce the winners of the game competition held last week.

Before I share the name, I would like to talk about the constitution of India. That's because our children are the future of our country and it is our duty to create respect in the heart of India and the Constitution of India.

The Constitution of India is the most important and legal document that provides guidance to the government and the citizens to act and behave. There are 448 articles in the Indian Constitution; There were basically only 395 articles in this and additional articles were later added through modification and modification. There are 103 amendments and 12 schedules, making India the longest constitutional document in the world. It took about 3 years to draft the constitution.

You probably do not know that there were 284 members in the Constituent Assembly and 15 women were from it. Draft Committee was submitted by the Drafting Committee on November 26, 1949; The committee made some amendments and changes and on 28 January 1950 the final draft was signed by all the 284 members of the Assembly. Two days later, the final draft was implemented on January 26, 1950. Our nation, India celebrated the first Republic Day on this day and it is celebrated every year with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm. The Republic Day is celebrated for 3 consecutive days and on the 29th of every year the end of the festival is marked by 'Beating the Retreat'.

You will be surprised to know that Indian Constitution is well-documented in both Hindi and English as well as being written. It was not printed or typed. The original documents are safely preserved in cases of helium in the library located in the Parliament House of India.

Do you know that the Constitution of India is also called 'Bag of Lending'? "It is said because our Constitution has adopted various characteristics by the formation of other countries. For example, the French Constitution adopted ideas of 'freedom', 'equality' and 'community'. The concept of concept 5-year plans was adopted from the Constitution of the USSR; The concept of 'socio-economic' rights in Ireland's constitution contributed. Most importantly, the principles guiding the Supreme Court have been adopted from Japan. Various concepts and ideas have been adopted from different countries to make the Indian Constitution the most discerning and prudent constitution.

Everyone knows that the Indian Constitution was enforced on January 26, 1950, but did you know that India's 'National Symbol' was adopted on the same day? Our national symbol is an adaptation of King Ashok's popular 'Sarnath Lion'.

Popularly known as the Father of Indian Constitution, Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar played a major role in making India's constitution. He was the chief architect of the Indian Constitution and played an important role in implementing the broad scope of civil rights, such as abolishing ol untouchability 'and freedom of religion' and various other.

Well, I can move forward because there is so much to discuss about our Constitution. I suggest that you should read books to understand the constitution and feel proud to be a citizen of India.



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