Here we have long and short speeches in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. "Speech on Indian Culture" which are widely written and easy to understand. If you are a student, than, here you can find Speech in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams students.
1-Speech on Indian Culture
Good morning to all, I am here to present the speech on "Indian Culture".
In India, there are different cultures and traditions which are adopted by Indians. It plays an important role in India. If the tradition followed by people in the right perspective can never be hindered for progress, unless the Orthodox hypocrites are pushed in a person with rudeness.
India is a country where people live with more than one religious culture. There are various types of Indian culture in India.
Traditions and customs are indispensable part of India. It is an important level of tradition that follows the number of people in India. This is an attitude that is handed over to generation-generation, ensuring that it leads to higher expectations of spirituality and respect in India.
Indian cultures are very proud of the person who believes in it and follows it. There are many traditions in India such as respecting elders, being honest, honest and helping other people. This is all the culture of our country and we must follow it.
Culture, family and neighboring cultural activities like a religious festival. Culture leads to the right attitude for marriage and death in the family as it has been for centuries.
Family Tradition:
In Indian culture, the joint family is also included. It is a country's culture and has many benefits. The joint family all share the problem with each other. If there is a crisis in this family, resolve it. After discussions with each other, members of the family can solve the problem and can be gathered for discussion, this is not correct. The other aspect of the joint family is that the strength lies in the members. It is today's main factor that when a member of a family is sick or goes out of the station to work, he has the mental faith of caring for his family and staying safe.
There is also a dissolution of tradition in the joint family. Here, each member wants to make a decision without interruption of another member. This creates difficulties for others. In the joint family also, in our society, these systems are that the son leaves the family and lives with his wife after getting married. This is a very bad reason for the disruption of the joint family.
Rituals and religious activities in Indian culture:
In Indian culture, people are deeply involved in religious activity. There are many rituals in any such religious work that are difficult to understand in the right perspective and the current generation, trying out of tradition, tries to be sarcastic about them.
As a result of these traditional activities, individuals get to learn about their heritage, religion and another spirituality in the company of senior people.
Match for marriage:
In Indian communities, people marry many rituals. Matching the horoscope with the person whom we want to marry, is one of the main traditions followed by Indians.
The result is that the percentage of separation and divorce is comparatively lower among the Indian communities.
It is a part of our tradition that we have not tried to apply any specific religion to the public. Our culture teaches us tolerance and we have not moved in spite of this, but because of it.
In the end, I want to end my speech by saying that Indian cultures are the best and everyone is followed in all parts of the country.
2-Speech on Indian Culture
Honorable Chief Guest, Reputed dignitaries, faculty members and dear friends!
I am very happy to share your thoughts with you today because we come together to celebrate India's great and grand culture.
India is synonymous with hospitality and greatness. The warmth of India is to be seen in its diverse relationships and exchanges with people, races and communities around the world.
The value of hospitality in India can be seen in the homes of Indians. The warmth that Indians have shown in their homes is a reflection of their warmth.
"Athithi Dev Bhav" is a dictator who lives in Indian life. In other words, the guest is considered as God. It symbolizes the love and trust of Indians in the human race without any discrimination and reservation. Indians can embrace other humans with open arms. Xenophobia is not a specialty of hospice and hot Indian.
The sense of hospitality gives Indians the priority of the guests, to ensure themselves well, their well-being and comfort.
The idea of ​​hospitality in people can be seen as the root of the country's culture, which is ready to be inclusive in its approach, in the form of accepting and embracing an attitude. It has always been the tradition of India and its people.
The culture of India has not been rude, but in the whole world, within itself, there is a very elastic one to accept and integrate unequal elements. It has strongly produced a healthy culture of diverse traditions, customs and customs. And this diversity has found its place under the Indian Sun. In fact, Indian psyche has been encouraged to promote diversity and promote the development of many elements that make the country's culture.
Therefore, we look at the presence of so many different religions in India, all are willing to be together in harmony with brotherly love and affection. India is ready to openly host the people of all religions, with open arms and big hearts. People have the freedom and freedom to follow their beliefs and follow their traditions and traditions boldly. You can see Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Jain, Jewish and Zarathustra Indian population.
Can say that the people of the country are very forward in their thinking. As an Indian, Indian culture is a very forward side.
Hospitality of Indians has been a virtue that has gained its manifestation in every region that develops the country's culture.
There is an underlying unity for the diversity of India. And it makes for people peace and harmony. Unity is, in fact, in shared ideals of service, shared brotherhood and love.
Indian society is pluralistic. And Indian culture has evolved to be a rich, vibrant and sustainable.
We, as Indians, pride each other to be part of Indian culture!
Thanks to all of you!
3-Speech on Indian Culture
Good morning to all!
I welcome all of you to this magnificent event. Hope you are doing all very well and are happy to be part of this session.
Today, share our thoughts on the most entertaining thing about India. Give it an idea. Fine! In the meantime, think about it, I will share my point. This is the culture of India that makes me most thrilled. India is a unique amalgamation of cultures, religions and beliefs. Perhaps no other country in the world presents such a fascinating medley of a rich and changing heritage that is old as a civilization. There is an amazing ability to assimilate other beliefs in our country as well as deeply influence other ideas and traditions.
Indian culture is completely made up of the values ​​which offer liberation to its soul. India's social customs, religious and spiritual concepts, education, literature all come together, which we call our culture. It is also known as 'Mother of Culture'. Music, dance, painting, sculpture and other art forms, agriculture, science and industry all fields explore their roots for centuries.
The strength of Indian culture has always been in general, its ability to accept and assimilate other ideas. Respecting and revealing elders is the cornerstone of Indian culture. Our guest is our God; This is a very common cultural trend of this country.
India is a large nation with a federal structure. There are 29 states and seven Union Territories which present a true description of different cultures, languages, habits and religions, which stand the Indian culture all over the world. Unity in diversity is the strength of Indian culture.
Even in food habits, India presents a mind-blowing variety: North Indian, South Indian, Mughlai, Continental, etc. Different festivals celebrated in the country join the peaceful coexistence of the people of different religions living on the country. . Indian culture is actually a result of the continuous synthesis of many external influences during its long and eventful journey.
Indian youths are proud to be associated with diverse cultural trends and often choose to be part of showing Indian cultural trends in their schools, colleges and institutions.
The surprising thing of India is that a waste of time has managed to escape from many external attacks and foreign rule over the centuries. It also gives strength to my thinking and interest to learn more about Indian culture.
Being a citizen of this mesmerizing country, we all should feel proud to be born in this cradle of civilization. This is a rare experience that India gives us among all the countries. A perfect blend of different rituals, beliefs, traditions and whats not. Along with being part of this wonderful culture, we should ensure that we create awareness among the next generation also. Our message is the first thing that will create an impact in their lives and that will enrich Indian culture.
4-Speech on Indian Culture
Honorable Chief Guest, Honorable Vice President, Honorable Principal, Dear Partner Teacher, Staff Member, Dear Student and Dear Parents,
As you all know that we have gathered today for the inauguration of our much-awaited ABC Arts College, on this auspicious occasion, I feel very honored to have this opportunity to give welcome speech.
There were many exciting and popular topics like Digitization, Globalization, e-governance etc, which I could consider, but then I thought, is an important topic that we all forget in our busy life, i.e. Indian culture.
Since our colleges will provide knowledge on the arts, this is the best time to give me some lines on our Indian culture.
Culture is a condition of being educated or cultured. This is an idea and philosophy of a particular society at a specific time. In fact, culture is made up of ethics and moral values ​​that govern a society. While culture is the result of many factors like social, religious beliefs, rituals, traditions, but it is important that we cultivate our culture with rich and positive ideas.
India is always considered to be a culturally rich country in the world due to its unity in diversity. There are many states in India with diverse food habits, traditions, beliefs, social customs, rituals, languages, festivals, etc. India is a vast land and all major religions of the world are practiced here such as Hinduism , Jainism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, Buddhism, and Parsi Religion.
The distinctive feature of our country is secularism and the best part is that every citizen of India lives in harmony and peace by respecting one another's beliefs and culture. We celebrate every occasion with prayer, feast, fairs, singing, dancing and wearing colorful clothes with the same enthusiasm.
Students are the future of our country and we want all our students to absorb our cultural values ​​and promote goodwill and peace in the country. It has been seen that some anti-social elements are harming the country's respect and its rich heritage. We appeal to you not to be influenced by all, instead Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, and Dr. Support the ideals of peaceful coexistence presented by veterans like BR Ambedkar.
In our college, we are celebrating all the festivals such as Diwali, Id, Dusshera, Holi, Christmas, Baisakhi, Onam, Gurperv, Pongal, Bihu, etc and we request all our students to participate in it wholeheartedly. The success of all these occasions depends only on your enthusiasm and innovative ideas, while the college administration will always be there to provide all kinds of support and assistance.
While India is known for its cultural prosperity, on the one hand it has created great fame and identity in the world of science and now the scientific nature has become an integral aspect of Indian culture and society.
After saying this, I would like to say that culture is still easy but it is difficult to preserve it. Our ancestors have been engaged in creating such a holistic and racially rich culture, which is important for us to preserve and I am sure, together we can get it.
5-Speech on Indian Culture
Good morning to all, I am here to present the speech on "Indian Culture".
Culture is a state of cultivation or refinement. Culture is created by those values ​​which dominate a society. Social customs, religious or spiritual concepts, education, all come together, which we call culture. Thus, from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata to the cave art of Ajanta and Ellora, all together creates the puzzle of Indian culture together. Prosperity is essential to produce the richness of cultural material.
Whatever people think of culture, they complain about deterioration. The extent of truth can be challenged in this allegation. Lament about the lack of cultural ethos usually comes from those quarters of tradition who do not appreciate the air of modernity to destroy the palace of the conference.
Tennyson said, 'Remove old, ring in new.' So, is the rich tapestry of Indian culture traditionally known as its swan and faded away? Do the myopic Orthodoxy's knowledge of generations be abandoned as a utopian idealism? In that situation, knowledge of the Vedas and Upanishads is to be trampled.
The culture of India tells of its origins about the beginning of human civilization. When you talk about Indian culture, you have to go back to the Hindu roots of Rigveda. There is no known date of origin of Hindu religion, Sanatan Dharma. Vedic sages developed knowledge of Vedas, Upanishads and Geeta through the study of the generations of spiritual researches and through subtle study of matter, energy and soul. From basic values ​​of life to education, medical science (ayurveda), astronomy (astrology), no aspect of human existence is untouched. Thus, in the form of today's Indian culture, we mention it.
It is worth remembering here that Christianity came very long in South India in the first Century AD after spreading across Europe. After the spread of Islam, courtesy of the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughal empire, there was a deep impact on Indian culture. Thus, Indian culture as we think today is a mixture of ideas of different religions and therefore cultures.
From the Buddhist religion of Ashoka to the Hindu religion, from the Sufis music to the humanism of the Bhakti movement, from the simple knowledge of Guru Nanak to the Khalsa of Govind Singh, from the glorious 'Jauhar' of the Rajput women, 'Sati' by Ram Mohan and Vidyasagar 'To fight against evils, Indian culture has really come a long way.
The strength of Indian culture has always been in a comprehensive mindset, the ability to accept it and to assimilate it wholeheartedly. This is what our Founding Fathers declared India an ign sovereign, secular, socialist, democratic Republic '. As Indians, we need to ensure that the richness of our heritage is not left in a hut.
Our identity should not fail with a cheap surrender before buffering with the preservative trend and modernity. To bring joy, humility and grace to every precious jewelery, from Tamas (darkness) to light (light), touching the feet of our elders to touch its purpose, Indian culture evolved with eternal values ​​of life. Is the base This is not a myth, but it is the truth.
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