Here we have long and short speeches in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. "Speech on Democracy vs. Dictatorship" which are widely written and easy to understand. If you are a student, than, here you can find Speech in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams students.
1. Speech on Democracy vs. Dictatorship
Good Evening Ladies & Gentlemen - Thank you for being part of this panel discussion, which has been organized to review which system is a better democracy or dictatorial.
Before going to any conclusion about the best and the bad, it is important to argue to prove something true. Democracy is the form of government where delegates are elected directly and indirectly through the electoral system. In the case of India, we also follow some guidelines which make us eligible to live as a democratic country.
The basic requirement includes the written rules in the constitution, which is also considered the highest document and all have the need to abide by it. A democratic country needs to meet some basic human rights, which not only involve fundamental rights, but also the fundamental duties which are contained in the Constitution. It is important that in a democratic system every citizen of that country should be equal before the law and should not be discriminated against on the basis of caste, religion etc.
It is necessary that democracy should be decentralized and should have different parts of the state where power should be developed. In India, power is divided between the Legislature, Executive and Judiciary where judiciary is considered as a guardian of democracy. The Government of India ensures that our country is free from corruption and poverty so that we can better manage ourselves and improve development and economic development. Some advantages of democracy include:
- Rules and procedures can be amended, which can be discussed peacefully among our country's representatives.
- The government is selected by the public for some time so that they too be accountable to their citizens and in case of any wrongdoing, every party in power realized that they will not come back in the next term if people are not satisfied with their work And governance
- The most important benefit of democracy is that citizens realize responsibility when choosing their government or representatives. We are given an option so that we can choose the best representative who will be able to maintain our government and will fulfill the interests and wishes of its citizens.
These requirements and benefits truly follow this for democracy and the country. In spite of all, some countries either comply with dictatorship or force them into elections. There is no separation in power, but it is only a dictator or a person who rules the country and is also not accountable to the people. The dictatorship is exactly the opposite of democracy. There is more damage in a dictatorship rather than advantages:
- No advice is taken from the people regarding the rules and policies. They are only applicable to citizens.
- In some situations the public feels overwhelmed and becomes sensitive to revolution against the government.
- A dictatorship is largely ruled by the army rather than the general personnel.
- A dictator is bound to struggle in the country which makes him unstable.
I hope I am able to give you an enlightened view so that you can choose for yourself which government is better and worse.
Thanks to all of you!
2. Speech on Democracy vs. Dictatorship
Dear Members of society and all children - Warm greetings to all!
As you all know that we live in a democratic country like India and accepting democracy as a quality is important. Today as a citizen of this country, I am going to make you aware of democracy vs. dictatorship. Both post democracy as well as dictatorships are also fully implemented in different scenarios and countries. Some countries follow a democratic pattern, while others follow authoritarian rule, which is similar to dictatorship. We all hear that democracy is the best form of government through newspapers and media.
Democracy is considered by people as a rule for the people, so it is said in the right form as a government. When India gained independence, many other countries questioned how despite the diversity we are going to unite India and make it a democracy, but our first elections in the free and fair way proved to the whole world that India can maintain a democracy.
We should be proud of the fact that all of us have kept the true spirit of democracy in India alive. We are able to choose civilians who represent our thoughts and interests in our country's government. All persons and groups are equal in law in a democratic system and they are given freedom of speech and expression.
During elections, we all have the option of selecting our representatives because India is a multilateral democracy, which basically indicates that we have different parties and the option to make the best choice among them. There are editorial columns in various newspapers, where the editor and even the author can put their opinions on something wrong about the government.
Even the media channels also debate these days where people speak of their mind despite being against the government, thus this aspect of democracy is different and can never be found in a dictatorship In the latter part, a person can not speak about his mind. The government does not give them freedom of speech and expression.
Every country follows its own religion, but a democratic country is one who allows its citizens to preach and practice any religion. Nothing is understood as a public and private sector, which is very contrary to an authoritarian country, where people should follow their religion in private and publicly, they should follow the rules and procedures of the state. .
Finally it is important to understand that if we need to live independently and hassle free life in our life, then we should adopt democracy in our personal life where we should not interfere in each other's affairs and everyone's opinion Should respect
I hope that I have made all the people present here aware about the qualities of democracy and we should honor our country, who has kept ourselves as a true democracy and respect every human being. And have given the right to self-respect.
Thanks to all of you!
3. Speech on Democracy vs. Dictatorship
Respected Principal, Vice Principal, teachers and my dear students - hearty congratulations to all!
I want to thank everyone for giving me the opportunity to speak on democracy versus dictatorship. I, Atul Sinha, a former alumnus of the school, feel privileged to give you a pragmatic view of India's democracy in particular.
Before going to anything else it is important to understand what democracy really means and how India is able to maintain its democratic setup despite some setbacks and how we too experienced a brief phase of dictatorship in our country. Which eventually made us realize the importance of democracy.
India's former independence was never a democratic country. We all know that we were ruled by the British for almost a century. Initially, we liked the fact that there was somebody's rule over our country and they would take our country to a certain level of development, but our leaders were very aware that the British only had our country and those living in it Will exploit. It is quite disappointing, but it is true that our previous generations present during the British rule were exploited and they had to follow the rules and procedures set by them.
With the various revolts in 1947 we definitely got freedom and all of us were left free to make our decisions which were best for the development and development of our country. In the initial years of independence, many doubts were created against the Government of India, how and by what process we will keep our country united despite the great inequalities and diversity in our country, but the first election in India proved everyone wrong. And since then India has been able to maintain a democratic establishment.
The first party to rule our country and start economic development was a Congress party and their era was also called "Congress system". This system clearly showed that there was only one party to rule our country, but still all our rights and duties were kept in the Constitution. After the Congress Party era, our democratic processes have established various other parties through which people will have the option to choose their representatives. It gave people the freedom to choose who they feel that it is best to rule our country.
From 1975-1977 our country saw a brief period of authoritarian rule, which is known as "Emergency Period" under Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Various rights and freedoms were suspended during this period. Newspapers and magazines were banned so that they could not write anything negative against the government during that period. We were not allowed to contact the courts as citizens, even if the fundamental rights were violated. It meant that the right to constitutional treatment was suspended. Different leaders were put in jail to give their opinion against the government and there was no right to create associations or organize meetings during that period as it would take negative steps against the government.
In the end, I would just like to say that a brief period of Emergency gave us a sense of how important democracy is and we must have the value of living in a democratic country like this.
Thanks to all of you!
4. Speech on Democracy vs. Dictatorship
Hon'ble Principal, Vice Principal, Dear Teachers and my loving students- Congratulations to all of you!
Today, I, XII (A) 's class teacher Mrs. Apurva Gupta would like to give a speech on a topic which is very suitable for the current scenario, which is democracy versus dictatorship. Being a teacher of the humanities section, I have always taught our students about the relevance of democracy, which is exactly the opposite of a dictator's rule.
Unless you understand the differences and equality between student democracy and dictatorship, you will not be able to honor India as a democratic country. We should also honor the citizens of our country for the democratic structure and processes in our country, which helps us to achieve development independently and fairly. Different differences between democracy and dictatorship have been classified as follows:
- Electoral system: Elections in the democratic system are fair, and everything from scrutiny is taken from the election manifesto to the documents of the standing representatives in the elections. This clearly shows a fact that not everyone can stand in the election in a democratic setup, someone needs to be qualified for that situation. Whereas in a country ruled by a dictator or a king, it is not necessary that he can make an election in a fair way. We often hear that elections are often rigged in an authoritarian country.
- Rights and Duties: A democratic country ensures that every citizen is equal before the law and given some rights, which people can use to develop their personality and live in an open environment without restriction . In a dictatorship, people are not paid attention and they are not given rights. The right to life and liberty, which is the basic or fundamental right of the Indian Constitution, is sometimes not provided to people living in a dictatorship ruled country.
- Freedom: In a democratic country every person and groups are given the freedom of speech and expression that gives them the right to increase their opinion which may or may be in line with the government. Both types of opinions are acceptable in a democratic system, whereas in a dictatorship, the citizens of that country are not given the original rights and the government ignores the opinions of the people and the rulers are never accountable to their citizens.
- Uprising and Revolution: Wherever people are allowed to independently keep their opinions, there are bound to revolt against some of the rules implemented by the government. Especially in a democratic system when people are not satisfied with any government decision, they often come on the streets to revolt against them so that pressure can be made on the government so that they can withdraw their decision. People in the dictatorship do not have the basic rights to leave the power to question the government and whoever does this, is punished to the extent that they do not repeat the same mistake next time.
In this way, I leave you to choose which form of government is the best and which needs to be followed so that people can stay and work together and work together.
Thanks to all of you!
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