International Mettles Day is celebrated every year on 25th of every year. It is also known as International Vegetarian Day. This day is also special in this sense that it is a symbol of the birth of Sage TL Vaswani. Vasavani was a great Indian educationist and he started the Meera movement for the upliftment of Indian education system. He also established Saint Mira School in Hyderabad city of Sindh. This is the year 1986 that the International Meteress Day campaign was started by the Sadhu Vaswani Mission. Sadhu Vaswani Mission is an organization for the service of the society whose purpose is to serve mankind, especially the deprived and oppressive class of society. This day is also important for the animal rights group.
International Mettles Day was celebrated on Sunday, November 25, 2018.
International History of Meatless Day
It was proposed in the year 1986 that on 25th November - Birthday of Sadhus Vaswani will be celebrated as International meatless day. This day was chosen for the purpose of pursuing the life and preaching of Sadhu T. L. Vaswani, who had firmly urged the people of the world to live a life of vegetarianism. When this campaign started, it received huge support and achieved significant success as hundreds of people and thousands of people took the pledge to support this goal and to be vegetarian on this day.
Four Indian State Governments, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka have issued notices to their states on 25th November to close the shops of butcher shops.
International meatless days are celebrated
International Mettles Day is a integral part of the SAK Metelas de Sadhu Vaswani Mission. SAK stands for Stop All Killing Association. Association's President Dada J.P. Vasavani - is a spiritual master and he is also the head of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission. This Association is dedicated to support the world order established on non-violence principles. People associated with this mission believe that "everyone's life" should be considered honorable and holy. This is the first step to ensure world peace. Thus, the meaning of this mission is not only to prevent animal slaughter but also more than that.
How many times do we add meat to world peace? Hardly ever! But the SAK group believes that the two are interlinked. Until the birds and animals will be killed as a source of food for humans, peace will not be restored on this earth, because if a person can kill animals for food, then he can kill a partner whom He considers his opponent The group believes that the main reason behind world war is the sense of disrespect for life.
Apart from this, they believe that when humans have rights, why are animals deprived of it? This is the right time when lovers of all animals should meet together and should prepare a charter for performing Animal Rights Charter as well as to keep human duties towards animal species. Animals have the right to live on this land. Apart from us, animals are also entitled to some fundamental rights. It should come first in this list that every animal should be allowed to live on this earth without any fear.
No person has the right to snatch anything from someone else, which he can not give to others because when we can not give life to life, we have no right to take someone's life.
How International Meatless Day is celebrated
International Mettles Day is celebrated for spreading awareness among people, which is also called a meatless day. On this day, peace marches are held in Pune and other cities in the month of November each year. Hundreds and thousands of students from schools and colleges extend this campaign on the streets and urge people to show respect to anything that has life, which is considered the first step for establishing world peace.
In fact, in the months of August and November, on this day meatless newsletters are also distributed to encourage vegetarianism, as well as meatless days.
Since the SAK or Stop Killing Association also has many branches and also volunteers all over the world - they prevent all human species from accepting all kinds of food which is a sign of violence - if not forever Sure for that special day
Apart from this, there are other ways in which this day is celebrated:
- People are said to at least promise to eat meat on this day.
- Protect the animals from the butcher homes.
- Apart from requesting not to eat meat in hotels, giving caterers a chance to stay away from serving meat on 25th November instead of peace march on this day.
- The SAK Group has worked long-term to protect animal rights by writing articles in newspapers and by broadcasting news papers.
- To secure the rights of animals, banners are put on the streets to draw attention to the government to make rules and laws.
- Schools are contacted so that children can be educated about the development of compassion towards animals and the sin of eating meat.
- The medical camp for animals is being run by Sadhu Vaswani Mission, which owns a veterinarian clinic. After this, oral vaccination is provided in the areas of the village.
- On this day, rally, peace march and vegetarian food festivals are organized everywhere to increase awareness of animals.
With every passing year, the popularity of International Meatlessness is increasing and the number of people taking pledges for supporters and people is increasing. The pledge is being taken in every corner of the world such as London, Spain, Germany, West Indies, Singapore, Casablanca, St. Martin and New Jersey etc.
Important animal rights supported by SAK Group
Right to live
The right to live for animals insists on full ban on the killing of mute beings. This right is a fear of being slaughtered for livestock food, for the commercial purposes or to the right to live without happiness from 'hunting'.
Shelter and food Rights
The right to shelter and food suggests that animals should not be sheltered or not only when they are sick or old, but they should also be protected from sun, rain and winter during regular routine. Apart from this, animals should be provided with adequate pastoral, grazing grounds and forests.
Right to freedom from harassment, brutality and physical trauma
This right has been designed to protect animals from all forms of exploitation such as twisting, beating, hauling, capturing in cages, starving, burying etc. Forcibly evolving animals, medicines and atomic tests, chemicals should be strictly prohibited.
Right to freedom from human exploitation
According to this right, animals should not be harassed for pleasure or business purposes. Quoting an example, most injections are given to the animals so that they can get more meat. Instead, the young calves should be provided adequate milk which is their right. Puttarin injection used to obtain more milk should also be prohibited. The most important thing is that animals should not be used for fights or circus entertainment.
Right to freedom from malnutrition and diseases
The right to freedom of animals from malnutrition and diseases suggests that they are equally entitled to human beings to keep preventive medicines through animal hospitals or veterinary clinics. Animals living within the boundaries of human beings should provide immediate medical care.
Right to respect, love and security
This right indicates that humans should consider animals as their younger siblings, God's creation is a family and all life is blessed by God. This leads man's responsibilities towards animal species because everybody lives on this same planet and hence everyone has equal rights on affection and affection.
In the end, it can be said that International Metathes Day is celebrated to sensitize humans towards animal issues and brings pain on them to humankind. Apart from this, this day makes people aware about their dietary needs and does not advise consumption of animal produce. When the intake of animal meat is reduced then the energy level and the life expectancy of the people improve and the most essential plant-based foods are consumed.
More people coming under the influence of Mittles Day campaign are saying 'yes' to vegetarian food such as curry or salad to be healthy by calling 'no' such as hotdog, hamburger, rack of ribs or steak of steak .
Apart from this, the motive of this campaign is not to make people vegetarian overnight but to help them live better on a living species on the earth so that it can become a better place for all. By avoiding meat intake, along with better health, we can create a healthy ecosystem for all. Thus, the entire animal will be found on one or more days to live on this earth.
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