World Book Day - 23 April

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World Book Day - 23 April

World Book Day is an annual event celebrated on April 23 by people all over the world. This is a very important program organized by UNESCO annually to promote reading, publishing and publishing among people all over the world. Instead of celebrating it on April 23, it is celebrated on the first Thursday of March in the United Kingdom. World Book Day was started by UNESCO for the first time on April 23, 1995.

The World Book Day 2018 will be celebrated all over the world on Monday, April 23.

Generally, it is celebrated by the author, painter to encourage reading among the common people. This is a world-class festival to read more about the books and is celebrated in more than 100 countries.

History of World Book Day

There are many stories behind celebrating World Book Day on an internationally international basis all over the world. In order to pay tribute to the most famous writer named Miguel de Sarvants, the relationship between World Book Day and Books was first established in 1923, in the year 1923 by the people who sold various bookstores of Spain. This day is the death anniversary of Miguel de Sarvants.

In order to celebrate World Book Day and Publishers Day, the exact date of World Book Day was first established by UNESCO in 1995. According to the Gregorian calendar, the birth and death anniversary of William Shakespeare, Vladimir Nabokov, Memuel Sezia Vallejo, Miguel de Sarvants (died April 22 and buried on April 23) was decided by UNESCO to celebrate it on April 23. , Birth anniversary of Joseph Pla, Inca Guarilasso de la Vega, and birth anniversary of Manuel Vallejo, Morris Drunon and Holloder Laxnes.

How is the world book celebrated

Anyone can participate in celebrating World Book Day by buying or reading some funny and interesting books from the market or famous bookstores, where all the favorites are based on the brand, character or author. To learn about the authors and other important things, as well as creating curiosity, World Book Day plays a big role in bringing children closer to reading habit.

It is easy to promote the habit of reading among the children, using the copyright to publish intellectual property and keep it safe from UNESCO around the world. April 23 is a significant date for world literature as 23 April 1616 was the death anniversary of many great personalities.

This date was announced by UNESCO to draw attention of people all over the world to pay homage to books and writers. Besides generating new ideas for their special contribution towards the social and cultural development of the people and the country, it encourages the common people, especially the youth, to discover real happiness and knowledge among books and to read books. By giving a rose on every book to the customer, those books will be encouraged to read and feel honored.

World books and copyright days are typically celebrated by teachers, writers, publishers, librarians, all private and governmental educational institutions, NGOs, working groups, mass media etc. Various types of programs are organized internationally by UNESCO National Council, UNESCO Club, Central Institute, Library, School and other educational institutions.

The people of the working group encouraged the membership of the library to receive the collection of the latest books written by famous writers. Various activities, such as visual arts, drama, workshop program, can be more helpful in encouraging people.

Importance of world book day

In the General Assembly, the date of World Book Day celebrations by UNESCO was decided in Paris in 1995. Interested people from more than 100 countries, affiliate organizations, universities, schools, government or professional groups, private business etc. The World Book and Copyrights Day festival attracts people from all continents and cultural backgrounds around the world. This enables people to discover new ideas and spread their knowledge. Books are heritage treasures, culture, window of knowledge, instruments for communication, source of prosperity etc.

The World Book and the Copyright Day Celebration has inspired many professional organizations from various countries and has received support from UNESCO. In addition to spreading different kinds of culture to other people, every year UNESCO's Worldwide Member States celebrates this program to promote the power of books among people to bring them together. These days are celebrated with the people living in the deprived part of the facility as well as promoting education among young people.

On this day, some youths, including children, are rewarded for their excellent work, for understanding and respect among each other for novel, short stories or peace-loving picture books, generosity, other culture and tradition. A separate poster based on the special theme of the year is designed every year and is distributed among the people all over the world. Posters are designed in such a way that people and children can be encouraged to read more books.

World Book Day Theme

  • The theme of World Book Day 2015 is "Read the world."
  • The theme of World Book Day 2014 was "Be Sharper-Reading Books."
  • The theme of World Book Day 2013 was "Reading; Protection of intellectual property by publication and copyright. "
  • The theme for World Book Day 2012 was "Books and translations."
  • The theme of the World Book Day 2011 was "Development of book creation, from writing to digital".
  • The theme for the World Book Day 2010 was "International Year for the Culture of Culture."
  • The World Book Day 2009 theme was "Development of Quality Full Education and Linkage between Publications and Human Rights."
  • The theme for World Book Day 2008 was "International Year of Language."
  • The theme of World Book Day 2007 was "The Idea of ​​Learning."
  • The theme of World Book Day 2006 was "Literacy transforms lives."
  • The theme of World Book Day 2005 was "The Study is Forever."
  • The theme of World Book Day 2004 was "Reading; A continuous journey. "
  • The theme of World Book Day 2003 was "Friends for Life."
  • The theme of World Book Day 2001 was "hours of happiness."
  • The theme of World Book Day 1999 was "Give a Book."
  • The theme of World Book Day 1998 was "Reading is cool breeze."

Quotes on World Book Day

  • "The first chapter in the book of wisdom is sincerity." - Thomas Jefferson
  • "The things I want to know are in books; My ultimate friend will be a man who will give me the book which I have not read. "- Abraham Lincoln
  • "You can not bring enough of a cup of tea or a long book covering me." - C. S. Lewis
  • "Unlike a dog, a book is the closest friend of a person. It is very dark to read inside a dog. "- Groocho Marx
  • "Any book that is a habit of reading a child, to make reading one of your deepest and constant needs, is good for him." - Maya Angelou
  • "Normally a book does not have any order, and the reader will have to find it himself." - Mark Twain
  • "There is no end to education. It is not that you are getting a book, to pass the exam, and education will end. Throughout life, from the moment when you were born and those moments when you die, there is a process of learning. "- Jiddu Krishnamurti
  • "If someone can not be happy to read a book repeatedly, then there is no use for reading it altogether." - Oscar Wilde
  • "There is no such thing as a moral and immoral book. The books are either written well or bad. "- Oscar Wilde
  • "I'm feeling humiliated to say that, America, the sale of a book can be a question of inquiry, and also a criminal inquiry." - Thomas Jefferson
  • "A book is a world, it does not travel which only reads a page." - St. Augustine
  • "You can not open a book without learning anything." - Confucius
  • "Books produce capital. The book of a library is as durable as a home, for hundreds of years. These are not just the use of the material but the capital adequacy, and in the case of a professional human being, traveling in life, this is his only capital. "- Thomas Jefferson
  • "It's my ambition that I say in 10 sentences that people say in the entire book." - Friedrich Nietzsche
  • "I am writing a book. I have completed the page number. "- Steven Wright
  • "Every burned book illuminates the world." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • "The book seller should be respected because he brings us to our attention, as a rule, we need most of the true book and the most neglected." - Confucius
  • "The one who created himself is wise from who created a book." - Benjamin Franklin
  • "I get televised education very much. Every time someone starts, I go to another room and read a book. "- Grocho Marx
  • "There is no one sincere friend with a book." - Arnest Hemingway
  • "Do not forget to eat if you have to, but do not forget a book." - Jim Ron
  • "The book you do not read does not help you." - Jim R.
  • "Every book is a book of children if the child can read." - Mitch Hadberg
  • "I can say to you, honest friend, what is to trust: trust in life; That book or the speaker teaches it better. "- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • "For us, the book is an ax for a frozen sea." - Franz Kafka
  • "A book is a good companion. It is full of dialogue without any catharticity. It comes to your wish with full instructions, but you never follow. "- Henry Ward Beecher
  • "I've read many unknown books and it's great to open a book." - Bill Gates
  • "This is a great thing among a hungry person who wants to read a book and a tired person who wants a book to read." - Gilbert K. Chesterton
  • "A book is never a masterpiece: it is made of one. The talent of a dead person is the talent. "- Karl Sandberg
  • "The hungry person reaches for the book: this is a weapon." - Bertolt Brech
  • "A book is a garden, a garden, a storehouse, a party, but a companion, a counselor, a bunch of counselors." - Charles Baudelaire
  • "Eliminating a book is like leaving a good friend." - William Feather Author Manisha Dubey JhaDear Reader, My name is Manisha Dubey Jha. I have been blogging for 3 years and through the Fast I have been giving important educational content as far as possible to the reader. Hope you like everyone, please share your classmate too. As a literature person, I am very passionate about reading and participating in my thoughts on paper. So what is better than adopting writing as a profession? With over three years of experience in the given area, I am making an online reputation for my clients. If any mistakes or wrong in the article, please suggest us @

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