Corruption refers to any person having a powerful position to do any act of dishonesty or immoral conduct. Many people, especially young students, are very curious to know about corruption and its dissatisfaction, and this is because it is affecting the economic development and prosperity of our country.
Here we are providing Speech on Corruption in English Langauge for student & competitive Examiner with given as per the time limit 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 7 minutes etc.as per your requirement select the speech.
Speech on Corruption - 1
My auspicious greetings to the respected teachers and students!
The topic of today's speech is corruption and I will share my thoughts on it, especially on political corruption. Since the formation of our country, everything is decided by political leaders and those who rule in government sectors. Obviously we are a democratic country but whatever comes into power, by misusing the power, tries to gain wealth and property for its personal benefit. The common people always find themselves in the absence of situation.
The difference between rich and poor in our country has increased so much that it is a clear example of corruption in our country where a section of society has prosperity and wealth and on the other hand most of the population lives below the poverty line. This is the reason that the economies of some countries are facing a downside like America's economy.
If we are responsible citizens of our country, then we should understand that this corruption has devastated the economic development of our nation and is giving birth to crime in our society. If the majority of our society continues to live in poverty and poverty and there is no opportunity for any employment then crime rates will never be reduced. Poverty will destroy the morals and values ​​of people, which will increase the hatred among the people. This is the right time to resolve our issue and struggle to pave the way for the overall development of our country.
Regardless of the fact that anti-social elements are within our country's political system or outside, Parliament should pass strict laws against them. There should be equal behavior for everyone in our country.
If someone considers and evaluates reasons behind corruption, then it can be countless. However, due to the reasons responsible for spreading the disease of corruption, I believe that the Government has a support to the non-serious attitude of the people about the rules and laws of the government and those who spread evil among the society. It appears that those people, who are employed to end corruption, themselves become criminals and encourage it. However, there are many strict laws to prevent corruption including Money Laundering Act, Indian Penal Code 1860 and Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 etc. But there is no serious implementation of these laws.
Another important reason behind corruption is the transparency of bureaucracy and governmental work. Especially the institutions run under the government show moral ambiguity under serious issues. The money which should be used for the upliftment of the poor, has been kept by the politicians themselves for their own use. Worse, those who are not prosperous and can not bribe people sitting in power, they are not able to do their work, so their work is dimming instead of file operations. Clearly, the decline in any growing economy will come when-when corrupt officials have ruled the country.
The situation has become very tense and corruption can not be overthrown from our society until the general public takes no action and becomes alert. So let us stand together and fight against corruption.
Thank you.
Speech on corruption - 2
Hello ours to our esteemed principals, vice principal, fellow colleagues and my dear students!
I welcome all of you on the eve of one of the senior faculty members of the History Department on the eve of Independence Day celebrations. Between celebration and happiness, faculty members have been considered to overcome our grave crisis, which is primarily corruption, which is causing our country's population suffering.
Although our great Indian freedom fighters had won the freedom struggle years ago, serious issues like corruption, unemployment, poverty etc. are still eating our country's economy and are not able to develop it. Where is the problem completely in governance or society? We need to identify areas that spread corruption and need to adopt strict measures to end those causes. Getting independence from British rule was one thing but we would be able to enjoy our freedom when every citizen of this country would be able to enjoy the basic standards of survival. After that there will be no evil in our society.
There is no doubt that our country is a country of nature and brightness. However, the beauty and goodwill of our land is battling the upcoming corrupt activities which are getting around. In almost every field we can see corrupt personnel who do not play their roles and responsibilities in a proper manner unless they are bribed by ordinary people. Such illegal activities are increasing day by day. We are encouraging these people as residents of this country and no strict action is being taken against them.
Apart from this, such people believe that they can easily escape laws and stay safe. Officers have become corrupted due to more rights and powers and the situation has become so bad that if a common man needs to get work done by a government employee or administration then he will have to adopt corrupt method. In fact, you will get a job in the administration from senior posts and junior staff, as well as a corrupt person working in clerical posts. For a common man, it is really difficult to survive or complete his work.
Not only the city but also the small towns and villages have also come under its influence. I think that this is the right time when we take the responsibility of making the country a citizen of our country to eliminate corruption and create a corrupt free country for the next generation of our country and feel proud of it.
Obviously our students are the future of this country. Therefore, you should not pledge to adopt a corrupt path in any situation, and in reality you raise your voice against any illegal or illegal activity. When we blindly ignore the problems, but I hope that all of us will strongly oppose the corrupt activities anywhere in our country and will expose the officers who obstruct our development Do the work of
Thank you.
Speech on Corruption - 3
Good morning principals, teachers and my dear friends
The theme of this meeting is 'corruption'. Corruption is a poison that destroys the values ​​of individuals and the country.
My view as a tool of corruption is that it is an act that is deliberately done, which reduces the authenticity and quality of the country. People explain corruption as a simple matter, 'I was early because I took my money immediately after paying some money' but my dear friends, this simple statement is so harmful that it directly affects the image and stature of the country is.
We should understand in the form of persons that even if our work is done immediately by giving money, within itself it is spoiling the quality of our lives. It creates a bad image of the country and brings our country up to the list of corruption countries. Although it is not a big deal, we can bribe them by paying extra money or taking advantage of some people but I believe that once you think deeply, you will know that it will eliminate the moral qualities or values ​​of the people. is.
Man's falling self-worth is not only of a person who is taking a bribe but also of the person who gives it. Corruption is a hindrance between the country and the authentic prosperity and development of the person. It affects the development of all aspects of the country's social, economic and political aspects.
Corruption also means improper use of public power for some personal benefits by breaking all the rules made by the government. A common example of corruption in our country is also to get black money in cash form. Even during the elections, it is seen that raid in some ministers' premises or cash in the house.
Yes, these are the forms of corruption. Many political leaders say that we want to end corruption, but sincerely I have not seen any concrete efforts to end it. In order to control corruption, we have to work on the root cause. Corruption has spread to the depths of our country and we must run a major activity or a project with complete dedication to eradicate it.
Strict actions should be documented in policies and apply to them who bring corruption to practice for their greed.
Thanks to all of you for being a part of this gathering. I am happy that we have chosen this important topic as our discussion point. I request you to stop corruption wherever you see it. We should not be selfish and just think about our convenience. I hope all of you will help me and our country to get rid of this ugly act of corruption.
Thank you. Good day to you all. We all have to end corruption.
Speech on Corruption - 4
Hello everyone! Thanks for being a part of this occasion and taking the time for it.
The topic of my discussion for this evening is 'cancer of corruption' which has made our life sick. Corruption is an illegal practice on the measurement of an authority or influential party which is irrevocable with illegal, corrupt or theoretical values. Although this word is very easy to define any country but it is very difficult to get rid of it. Corruption is the biggest immoral act that makes the country's image weak and negative.
Corruption can include many activities including money laundering and embezzlement. Corruption has affected the Indian economy and the government so much that there is no easy solution to eradicate it. If the citizens of a country are corrupt, then it increases the value of that country. We do not know what we do, where we live, what we do becomes a part of them all.
Corrupt people always hide themselves behind the fake face of truth and honesty. Corruption is always known as the bureaucracy-political-police alliance that eats democracy.
Most times corruption starts at a higher level and it goes to a very low level. The height of corruption has reached such a point where there is no proper law of justice for these corrupt people. It is very difficult to live for the common man or the poor because of the highly corrupt people, who can do anything for the money.
The level of corruption can be less when the traffic police officer has to pay bribe to wear a helmet or private contractor governmental people have to pay bribes to get the tender for public work or to get a job. Today corruption is one of the biggest obstacles to development and also destroys democracy. Corruption has adverse effects on the development of a nation.
We all should understand that corruption is acting as an obstacle in the path of progress of the country. Every one of us should be cautious of the acts that we do. We give the ticket ticket inspector (TTI) 100-200 for our favorite seat allocation but looking deeply, that person has made a habit of taking money from all the people.
Thank you for being part of this conversation. As the conclusion of my session, I would like to say only that corrupt is not only a person who receives illegal money but also gives bribe. I hope you will not bribe anyone from now on and control others too. We see things as small tasks, but in the end these small tasks create awareness of corruption.
Thanks! You all have auspicious day and keep sharing this message till our country is free from corruption.
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