Speech on Health in English - Very Simple Speech

Feed by Manisha Cat- Speech

Here we have long and short speeches in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. "Speech on Health" which are widely written and easy to understand. If you are a student, than, here you can find Speech in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams students.


1-Speech on Health

Good morning honored principals, guests and dear friends The subject of my speech is health. Good health is a boon. This is the real jewel of life, which is the most precious possession of man. If a person loses his health, then the world loses all its charm for him. A good wealth of health can be obtained in many ways. This requires regular exercise. good food. Good thoughts and cleanliness A healthy person does not spend money on medicines and visiting doctors.

The simplest and most traditional definition of health is that it is the freedom of disease and diseases. Beyond life, good health is the most precious gift and is essential for a purposeful existence. • A sound body is an old saying. Healthy people `sound without tired minutes or longer They can enjoy life for all the pleasures of life, while unhealthy people can not. There is no attraction in the world for them. They are always worried due to their physical complications. Money is of no importance to them. Laughter is the best medicine for good health. Therefore, we should remain calm by controlling anger, greed, fear, jealousy and hostility. The life of a healthy man is its long term asset. This enables him to enjoy complete life. People who are rich can not always be healthy, but healthy people are always rich.

Thank you


2-Speech on Health

A special auspicious morning for all the experts, my respected teachers and my dear companions. I would like to give a speech on health and fitness on this special day. Firstly I will thank my class teacher for giving me such a great opportunity to give a speech on health and fitness on this occasion.

Due to the lack of natural resources and deteriorating environment it is the most special topic for nowadays. In the true sense, health and fitness are two aspects of the same coin, both mean that living a healthy and happy life is very important. Without proper health and fitness, one can not have a sense of physical, mental and social well-being. It is a very common thing that everyone should understand and follow life for the betterment of their health and keep their body and mind in good work in balance.

To become a healthy and fit person, we need good natural environment, healthy living, healthy eating habits, daily physical exercise and personal hygiene. All of these provide us with a good health facility for a long time. On the other hand due to overcrop, industrialization and pollution, there is unhealthy environment which causes bad health and mental disturbance. Life is always prone to bad health because it brings many horrible diseases such as heart attack, cancer, hypertension, blood pressure, diabetes, hepatitis, AIDS, kidney failure, liver problems, etc.

The unhealthy mind takes the person towards the unhealthy body and vice versa. It is very important to balance mental and physical health to enjoy the beauty of life and nature. Good mental health enables a person to feel well with good inner strength. We should take care of our body and follow the routine on time, to live healthy and to eat the proper healthy foods should be consumed. Taking proper diet according to the body's requirement, high in protein and vitamins and lower in sugar, salt and fat. Alcohol is not good for health, it should not be consumed by humans. We should choose the right food which provides them the necessary energy. Healthy food provides energy to the body, keeps the person happy and offers a healthy mind. On the other hand, poor nutrition makes a person weak, depressed, angry, tired and anxious, which is not good for the mind and body.

To keep the hormones balanced, daily diet of healthy eating and yoga and physical exercise is also essential. This reduces depression levels by relieving mood and relieving anxiety. To enjoy life and nature, we must take some time off from our busy schedule.

Benefits of staying healthy and fit:

There are many benefits to staying healthy and fit. Some are as follows.

  • Being healthy and fit helps to control weight.
  • It helps in dealing with health disorders and seasonal problems.
  • It helps to improve the mood and increase the energy level.
  • It promotes better sleep every night without any negative thoughts.
  • Having a healthy and fit reduces the risk of cancer.
  • It strengthens bones and mental health.
  • It provides longevity without aging problems.

Thank you


3-Speech on Health

"Those who think that they do not have time to exercise, they will have to take time for sickness sooner or later." Mr. Edward Stanley- UK is a very famous saying by the Prime Minister three times.

My best wishes to all the people who are here to attend today on this occasion of World Health Day. We are all aware and agree with Mr. Edward. And the truth is that many of us are aware of the fact that health is of utmost importance. We all know and have listened to umpteen number several times to make a healthy start to start our day. Let's face it, how many of us really follow the health system. I would like to say about 20%! This is not a fact, but my guess is, it can be low or high, it depends from country to region, region from country to country. According to a survey conducted in the United States a few years ago, obesity was becoming more common than cancer.

Only a healthy person can enjoy the fruits of his labor. If the rich person lacks good health, then what is the use of it? He will spend most of his expenses on either medical bills or help him keep his job, which will help him fulfill his daily chores.

"Health is like money, till we lose it, we do not have an accurate estimate of its value." Josh Billing says - a famous comedian and professor at the University of the UK. It was very right when he said that it was a century ago. It is still good and will be for the coming centuries.

So it is time to think before it happens with us, and we lose our health. is time to change. Who said that change is easy? This is the fight against your will power. It is after all which is preventing me from doing myself which is best for me. The benefit of health starts with me. So should the effort be started with me too. On the day he finds out that he will be actively involved in the creation of this priceless property called a healthy body. It happens after all healthy body in which there is a sound brain. If we are healthy then we will be able to work better, think better, lead a better life and enjoy this gift completely.

Finally, I would like to point out that after at least one physical activity every day, by healthy eating, if possible, take adequate sleep, drink enough water, keep yourself hydrated, get up early and get great health Can be obtained. Yes and most importantly, stay away from junk food as far as possible. It is okay to eat fried food once in blue moon, but at the end of every week it can damage your arteries. I leave it for my favorite audience, what combination works for you. I end my speech with this very famous proverb of William Shakespeare

"Our bodies are our garden - our desires are our gardener."

Thank you


4-Speech on Health

Greetings everyone! It gives me great pleasure to welcome all of you from all my employees and colleagues. Whether there is a small child, a teenager, an old man or a middle age; At every level, our health is the center of all our activities and the life we ​​operate. A healthy body is a vehicle and I am animate, owner or traveler.

Friends, these days people have become very conscious about their health and are often seen going to gyms, dance classes, aerobics or yoga centers. Some people see it as a style statement, without knowing how important it is to each one. To keep us fit And being fit does not mean that someone has muscles and can show off them. But this definitely means that you have an active lifestyle and you are able to do your work without feeling tired or without it. I mean that you do not feel tired of everyday and you enjoy the day's full enjoyment. The health for me is an integral part of your daily activities that were woven into a one-day schedule. Take care of your health is something that can not be thought of, for which you will take time when you are free from work or daily work. There are many aspects on which our health is dependent. They include physical, mental and emotional factors.

It is important to get physical strength that we start our day with some kind of physical exercise. Exercise your Morning Walk or Jim, Yoga or even at home. Basically, whatever you are doing, are in accordance with it and can adopt physically according to your age. Take your pick and then, stick to the schedule. To live with your plan, you also need a lot of mental strength, not physical. Yes you got it; There is a lot of will needed to follow your rule. A very famous Spanish saying is "A man is too busy to take care of his health, like a very busy mechanic to take his equipment."

"It is a duty to keep the body in good health ... otherwise we will not be able to keep our mind strong and clear".

Now that you have chosen your game and governance and have implemented it in your system, then the next best thing is to check what you eat. This is the most important aspect of keeping fit and healthy. Very little or too much food is both bad. As Buddha said, well, it is our duty to keep our body healthy. By choosing the right food which gives us nutrition and strength, we should take it in the correct amount. Avoid junk food as fast as you can. "Garbage in Garbage Out" is a theory that equally applies to computers in our lives. Eat junk and the result is a bit dull and lazy! If you want a healthy body and a clear, strong mind, then you should eat your greens, eat a balanced diet, drink milk, juice and plenty of water.

Last but at least we should keep ourselves fit mentally and emotionally. Keep our emotions under control. We must learn to handle our anger, to be patient and learn the needs of others. It can be easily acquired by some people, it can be attributed to family values ​​or great upbringing. But the answer to those people who are still struggling to control their emotions is the answer. Meditation, not only on our goals, but also helps us to achieve more. It helps us stay focused. It helps us to clean our brains and make space for creative and creative ideas. Especially in today's times where there is so much stress, our life is, we need to think about the crisis and work in a logical way. Our EQ is more important than IQ which I say. Only one healthy mind can be trained to achieve. So meditation is what we should learn to practice each day. It is the health of the totem which is desired after all.

As I said at the beginning, our body is a vehicle, it is important for us to understand that we will have to face difficulties by ignoring it. Sometimes it becomes difficult for us to breathe. A slight negligence on our part may mean inviting the disease. A very well-known Dutch proverb holds things in perspective, it says, "disease comes on a horse but comes out on foot", one who is suffering from a disease can best tell you how important it is to be healthy. So if we need to reach the destination of our life comfortably and succeed in our career, there is no asset and no obligation, then we have to learn to take a lot of this precious gift which we get naturally. It is important for this vehicle to be able to enjoy the fruits of its labor.

I urge one of the health fad from each of us. Be super-conscious This is a very good point. Be healthy and fit. Enjoy it! Thank you.


5-Speech on Health

Good morning!

I was happy to see the bright, beautiful bright face of the magnificent August meeting. We popularly say, "You can guess the book from its cover." And seeing my happy faces, my decision about you is that you are all perfectly fit and healthy. If you were not, you could not find this shiny shiny smile.

It is the beauty of caring for this body which is known as the temple of our beautiful soul. We take a lot of things. For example, our eyes, hands, feet, the power to speak, hear and think intellectually, they all come naturally to us that we can not think of life without them. Now all these features are the characteristics of healthy body. But these are external gifts that give us life. How about a healthy stomach, lungs, liver or heart, even muscular gifts? These are some invisible gifts given to man. If any of these organs stops working, then our life goes for a toss! Thankfully, when we talk of caring for all of these body parts, we do not have to do a lot of maintenance work. God gave us this beautiful computer to fit inside our head. And this super intelligent thing completely controls our system.

This machinery of life is a self-propelled, self-reliant and self-made intelligent super system. Even your cars or vehicles require maintenance, servicing and an up-schedule. The great thing about your vehicles is that we can always change them, buy new ones when their life ends or you get bored with the old ones. But your most important vehicle, your body is given only once! You need to take care of it. It is your main duty to maintain it. Even if this body is not healthy, even the best cars in your fleet will not be of any use.

The health of your body is the health of your soul. To maintain an active regime, to eat healthy, to keep healthy thoughts, that is to take positive thoughts, to take a positive attitude towards others and keep your environment clean is a contributing factor to health. Yoga and meditation have become such an anger these days. Every guru, every sports coach, life coach and professional organization has become aware of the importance of Yama-meditation and meditation in the daily life of those who follow them or are associated with them. Yum is becoming a way of life. In villages and urban areas, people are becoming aware day by day. These are only those who take their lives very carelessly, and care less about their bodies and lives, otherwise they are doing very little to keep healthy and fit. They are those you will find mostly to eat in joints, restaurants, bakery shops, dessert shops etc. These people can easily be seen by hospitals, doctors and chemists, sometimes taking self-medication to overcome their digestive problems. Most of the time, they seem to fight obesity too.

On the other hand, healthy people can be seen in parks, playing in plains and sports clubs, playing gambling or jogging or running. Such people can not stop the cold weather conditions too. It is not that these self-motivated self-operated self-guided people do not go out and eat in different places. It is just that they do it less frequently and the quantity and quality of the food ordered by them are definitely different from the food given by the unhealthy eaters. It is about making choices in life, whether it is professional or personal. In the way we want to lead our lives, important discussions are important in that. We should use our power of discrimination and discretion in our discretion. What we allow inside our digestive system is our choice. What we think is also our choice. By keeping a stable body and prophylactic brain, we will be moving towards a refreshing health.

While exercise and good eating habits are good for the body, meditation is wonderful for our mind, thoughts and mind. It helps us get a great reminder and keeps us calm and creative all day long. While yoga provides physical potential, meditation gives us a psychological and cognitive approach. And should live life in an ideal way for an exemplary life. Now the most important thing is time now. We all very easily blame it on time. We say the time is where. We are always harsh for this precious item. But the truth is that when we talk of doing something for ourselves, we become very stress free and lazy. Our soul is elevated as an inherited trait. We delay it constantly and permanently, knowing that one day we have to do this when we see it on a prescription given to us by a doctor, when we will not be late in changing our careless manner. Cure our body. So why wait till that peak. Why not start now. Why no longer can be best for some time now. Let us change for "Who will be if you do not change?"

Thank you


6-Speech on Health

Good morning Venerable Principal, teachers and my dear friends,

The fresh air in the morning, the dawn that brings the sun's soothing rays, green plants and trees, is fragrant with rose and marigold in the balcony, all of them are enough motivation to go out and be there. You want to go to the best company - the lap of mother nature, the place where you always find comfort. Nothing can force you to your bed, once you have experienced freshness in the morning. And if you have enjoyed this precious gift, then you will agree with me completely.

These are some of the reasons that inspire you to start your otherwise super busy, tedious and humiliating day's healthy start.

I start my day with some exercise with my mother, and then my routine starts. All day long my healthy start keeps me energetic and vibrant so that I can fulfill all my tasks efficiently and enthusiastically. Inspires exercise and enhances adrenaline in my blood, which improves the supply of oxygen to the organs of the energy level which otherwise does not achieve it and improves my muscular endurance.

Interesting exercise helps in creating a sense of happiness and less pain. It helps those people who are suffering from anxiety, feelings of depression. It can actually be very effective in lifting people's mood. And if you are looking for weight loss, exercise is your one-stop shop solution.

Since the benefits of exercising are not limited to physical maintenance only, they can be realized only by those who actually follow a strict regime. They will tell us how it helps in keeping them mentally healthy too. Now, studies have proved that those who exercise regularly, they improve the functioning of the brain, sharp thinking and definitely better memory.

It can be concluded from here that exercise has a direct connection with health. Health is physical and fitness as well as mental and emotional yoga.

Bicycling in the morning walk, jog, aerobics, yoga or fresh furry morning; The beginning of your day is the way to jump. You choose the activity that appeals to you and you are able to bear physically. Exercise regularly and you will see the difference. If you are young, you will definitely feel more energetic and you will be able to do more than you can. And if you are in your middle age, you can easily keep all the heart diseases and other such monsters in the bay. One study found that regular fitness regimes can reduce blood pressure and fat levels in the blood.

These days, good organizations and offices have also become conscious of health and they have developed an environment of their base around the fact that a person should get up from his desk and before going back to refreshing, Physical exercise should be broken. Can wait for a coffee break! Some office officials allow one to go and go from one end to the other. Yet there are some of them, which have gym or rebuilt rooms within their office premises. He has claimed to perform better than his employees and thus his production has increased.

"Life without health is not life, it is only the condition of suffering and suffering", Buddha said. And this is just right, thinking, evaluating, analyzing and adopting the ways which lead us to the path of great health and happiness should be our objective.

Thank you


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