- Studies show that newborn nurses pay more attention to more attractive, healthy infants with normal birth weight. They pay less attention to less attractive children with lower apgar scores.
- Researchers have noted that the mother pays more attention to her most attractive children, who exhibit better qualities and more social behavior than her less attractive siblings.
- The teachers expect more attractive children to perform well, which has more attention, less punishment and better grades.
- Regardless of the number of sex partners with any man or woman, the more attractive an estimated new sexual partner, the less likely it is that a person will take a safe sexual precaution.
- In the 30's, a couple's child seems more attractive to the old faces than their mothers in their face.
- Many studies have shown that college students rate their teachers' performance more on the basis of physical attraction than their ability to communicate or communicate their lectures.
- Birth control pills affect both a female's hormone level and for whom they are attracted. In particular, women taking contraceptive pills are more attracted to men with more explicit masculine features than those who are not taking the pill. However, masculine qualities are associated with higher testosterone levels, aggressive behavior, and even higher average divorce rates than average
- Exceptionally attractive women harm especially while looking for a job related to masculine qualities. For example, if a more attractive woman and less attractive woman compete for a job as a tow truck driver or operates the switchboard, the more attractive woman rarely wins the job. Researchers suggest that a very attractive woman is considered less capable of fulfilling the job requirement for female qualities than an immoral woman.
- Studies show that physically attractive people have better paid jobs in higher levels than their less attractive counterparts. This preference is collectively known as "beauty bias".
- Charming defendants are not less likely to be guilty only, but when they are, they may have to face less severe punishment than an unloved person who is guilty of the same crime.
- A defendant accused of rape with an abusive victim is less likely to be found guilty of being raped with an attractive victim.
- Attractive statesman usually gets more news coverage than less attractive politicians.
- For a child, physical attraction is often associated with being smart and friendly. Studies show that children will often choose palmate based on physical attraction.
- Researchers have found that women's satisfaction in contact with ideal body images decreases.
- When children are abused and should be disciplined, then being more attractive means less punishment. In other words, the serious crime of an attractive child is less likely to be seen as an exhibit of an informal behavior than an unethical child in comparison to a serious crime.
- Television news directors are more likely to kill or kill an attractive victim than a simple one.
- Aristotle noted that "personal grooming is more recommended than any reference letter."
- According to the Hebrew Bible, an Egyptian Pharaoh was so attracted to Sarah's beauty that she presented Abraham with sheep, bulls, donkeys, male and female slaves, sheep and camels.
- To become more attractive in the Middle Ages, rich noblewomen will swallow the blood of arsenic or dab bat to improve their color on their skin. As recently as the 18th century, American women hadhed themselves in hot urine of a young boy to erase their children.
- Charles Darwin noted to be a universal objective to be attractive whenever "surprisingly great pain" was needed.
- In almost every culture, men find younger women more attractive than older people, most likely because human women are able to regenerate only for a limited time.
- Thousands of women are demanding alternative surgeries, which offer more attractive private parts. For example, the growing number of women is paying thousands of dollars for genital sculpture, such as labaplasty (surgery on the labia), hymenoplasty (surgery to repair or heman to change the confusion of virginity), enrichment labaplasty ( Fat is removed, another part of the patient and transferred to Labia Maida), and valver lipoplasty (unwanted from Mons Pubis or Labia Maida Is being removed).
- In most cultures, women are more attracted to the elderly than the youth. The researchers explained that this is because men are able to make children father for their entire adult life, and older men generally have more resources.
- The effort to become more attractive is a global industry of $ 160 billion, which includes weight loss programs, cosmetics, skin and hair care, perfumes, cosmetic surgery, health clubs and hormonal injections. Americans spent more money each year on beauty enhancement than on education.
- For ancient Hebrews and Christians, physical beauty was a reward from God and contrary to punishment. In fact, physical attraction is sometimes mentioned in the Bible, such as: "Joseph was beautiful in form and form" (Genesis 39.6), "[David] was ... a mighty man of war, war A man of understanding, a sensible and beautiful person in speech "(1 Samuel 16:12), and" Now there was no one in all Israel who had praised for his good appearance as Absalom "(2 Samuel 14:25) .
- Prehistoric humans appreciated the power of physical attraction. For example, the most famous woman of the Polyolithic era, Venaldorf's Venus - 25,000-year-old limestone statue-is a worthless, Rubenesque woman who is surrounded with wonderfully.
- Researchers have noticed that young men are attracted by hourly specimen figures, or a thin waist while separating large breasts from thin hip. Researchers noted a correlation between a female's hour glasses and its reproductive capacity.
- According to one study, the face of a woman is once most beautiful and attractive once a month, at the same time when it is at the peak of its reproductive ability.
- When women look at another woman smiling, women are more likely to judge a man to be more attractive. For a man, the same person becomes less attractive.
- Research has found that women prefer masculine looking men when they are oval-but in other times of the month, they are looking for males with soft features, which are more associated with social and caring behaviors. .
- Researchers have thought why, if nature likes well proportional bodies and symmetric faces, then not everybody is beautiful? In other words, people will not be "ugly" born from the population? The answer is that humans invented clothes and cosmetics to improve the appearance.
- Studies show that humans agree that who is attractive and not attractive in ethnicity and culture, and both inside. Researchers have noted that the attraction is not only in view of the viewer but also the universal norms of attraction.
- Even though attractive and unwanted people display positive behavior and qualities, studies show that attractive people display more positive behavior and symptoms than unethical people.
- Online dating research shows that women are more concerned about the height of the potential partner, while men are more concerned about the weight of potential date. Women who have weighing only one inch and 20 pounds under the average height, have a hard time getting a date.
- A male rat, placed in a cage with an already unknown woman rat, usually starts her relationship with the mania of imitation. After a while, the male rat loses interest in sex and it is difficult to celebrate to imitate the female. When a separate woman is kept in a cage, then the man starts copying again with the new rat - but then, for only one time. If this process is replicated with new females, then men are completely eliminated, sometimes even more than that, beyond this even more
- A historic study by the University of Minnesota-Minneapolis in 1966 assembled a group of 664 volunteers. Studies have shown that when it is preferred from a date, there was little or no difference between the underlying and excluded personalities. In other words, young college adults were mainly worried about the physical attraction of their date.
- Due to their greater ability to attract fellow men, fertility success of tall men is compared to younger men.
- Women show a strong attraction towards men who have a shape with the ideal hunting body: strong shoulders, narrow waist, and broad chest and shoulders (without being too heavy). Men with a high shoulder hip ratio reported having sex with sex and more sexual partners at an early age.
- Researchers have noted that women understand the bearded men as "biological and social property", which will increase their value in the form of husbands and will also consider it
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