Essay on Co-operation

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Essay in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. Here you can find Essay on Cooperation in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and banking or other competitive exams students in 1150 words.

Cooperation is one of the most fundamental and collaborative process of social life. Without this a society can not exist. It is the root of human life. The word collaboration is the product of two Latin words, such as' o'mining 'together' and 'operative' which means' work 'therefore co-operation means' work to do'. In other words, co-operative literary means to work together to achieve common goals or goals.

"Co-operation" says A.W. Green is a constant and common effort of two or more people to do one task, or usually attempts to reach a goal. "Fair Child writes," Cooperation is the process by which individuals or groups add their efforts, more or less organized way to achieve general purpose. "Harril and Eldridge say," Collaboration is a form of social interaction in which Two or more people work together to achieve a common end ".

Thus, collaboration is a process of social interaction that occurs between two or more individuals or groups for the achievement of normal refined goals or goals. Collaboration involves reciprocity, general goals, awareness of the results of cooperation, a sense of working together, sharing results and essential skills and skills. CH Coleley also included some elements of cooperation. They are common goals, rationality, self control and the ability to organize, etc. Thus, the main features of cooperation are as follows:

1. It is a collaborative process of social interaction, it is a conscious process.

3. This is a personal process in which the parties meet personally and work together.

4. This is a continuous process.

5. This is a universal process.

6. There are mainly two elements such as common end and organized effort.

Types of cooperation:

Various sociologists have categorized cooperation in various ways, Macever has classified into two types of direct and indirect cooperation. A.W. Grain has been classified into three types: they (i) are primary; (ii) Secondary and (iii) Tertiary cooperation. Keeping in mind the nature and size of collaborative groups, the form of relationship involved in cooperation and the regulation of behaviors, etc., some other sociologists classified cooperation. Thus, keeping in mind the above ideas, cooperation can be classified as following types:

1. Direct cooperation:

This is contrary to direct cooperation. Here, people work differently toward a common goal. In other words, the objective is common but in the end, each person performs a specific and differentiated task. This type of collaboration is prominent in modern city and industrial society, especially in large organizations where there is a lack of personal tie or intimacy. This type of cooperation is also seen in the organization where the behavior of individuals is governed by customs, traditions and laws, or by law.

2. Indirect Cooperation:

This is the type of cooperation in which people collaborate directly with each other by making a similar cave to achieve common goals or goals. This kind of cooperation is either due to close or proximity or small group tie because the face-to-face situation is a stimulus for the performance of the work itself. The contribution of the members of the family, children, house building, playing together, worshiping together, connecting the area together etc. are examples of direct cooperation.

3. Primary Cooperation:

This is the kind of cooperation in which there is no selfish interest and the end is identified with those who co-operate. Blood relations, mutual liability are the basis of primary cooperation. This type of cooperation is usually found in families, neighborhoods and small communities such as primary and small groups. In the family and relatives, share each other's happiness and sadness.

Secondary co-operation:

This is the kind of cooperation in which the person co-operates with each other for the achievement of their selfish interests. This is the reason why such cooperation. There is too much in secondary groups. It is also found in large economic, political and religious organizations. Although these people are not fully aware of each other in these organizations, they co-operate with each other. This type of cooperation is seen in trade union in industry and government.

5. Tertiary cooperation:

Despite the mutual dislikes, the purpose of such cooperation is to fulfill any particular situation. In other words, such cooperation is the result of some fascinating situations. The co-operation parties' approach in this kind of cooperation is completely opportunistic and selfish. Political parties of different ideologies can work together or co-operate each other to defeat their opponent, third party, an example of tertiary cooperation.

6. Guided Collaboration:

Such cooperation is found in organizations where collaboration is sought and the person has to co-operate under the structure of written or oral laws. Modern bureaucratic cooperation is the best example of guided cooperation.

7. Un-directed cooperation:

This kind of cooperation is automatically guided by innate unplanned or nature, but is an expression of human nature. Various types of help we present in our daily lives, are examples of guided co-operation, helping the blind to cross the road, helping motor vehicles push them out of the soil.

Role of co-operation

As a collaborative social process, cooperation in social life plays an important role. Cropottin said cooperation as a mutual aid and saw that human life is difficult to survive without cooperation.

The value of cooperation has been seen in history. Egypt's pyramid shows the end result of China's Great Wall, Taj Mahal and other such sites cooperation. In the modern society, in the absence of co-operation, progress in science and technology, art and literature, agriculture and industry, transportation and communication, trade and commerce etc. was not possible.

Human cooperation can not be able to live a happy and comfortable life without. What to say about humans, some animals are assisted by ant, monkeys, tigers, elephants etc. Therefore, cooperation is the basis for living beings and also for human society as well. Society is present due to cooperative. This is both a psychological and social need for humans; They can not take a single life.

Social unity and integration depend on cooperation. This is the cooperation which reduces mutual differences, mental conflicts, and inspires people to provide possible support to maintain solidarity.

Mandatory in Family Support. Without cooperation between husband and wife, pleasant marriage will be a dream. Breeding, bringing up, protecting the newborn will be impossible. It reflects the role of cooperation in family life.

In the field of production and distribution of goods and services, everyone feels the value of cooperation. In modern times, to produce even the smallest article (PIN), we require the cooperation of a series of workers.

Human beings need cooperation for human beings to satisfy their innumerable desires, both are in existence and are derived. In addition, cooperation is the urgent need of the modern world. Its utility is realized by both small groups and communities. It has contributed a lot in resolving the ways and means of resolving international problems and disputes. Without it the world can not be in existence in the least peace. Therefore, cooperation in every area of ​​personal and social life is essential. Author Manisha Dubey JhaDear Reader, My name is Manisha Dubey Jha. I have been blogging for 3 years and through the Fast I have been giving important educational content as far as possible to the reader. Hope you like everyone, please share your classmate too. As a literature person, I am very passionate about reading and participating in my thoughts on paper. So what is better than adopting writing as a profession? With over three years of experience in the given area, I am making an online reputation for my clients. If any mistakes or wrong in the article, please suggest us @ [email protected]

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