World Giraffe Day is celebrated every year on June 21, which is the largest day of the year for the most necked animal. In the past decade, Giraffe's population has reduced almost 40% in the world. Now there are only fewer giraffes in the wild compared to African elephants. It's a new and exciting day to celebrate. It is not just a celebration of these brilliant and more loving animals, but also an annual program for raising awareness and highlighting the challenges faced by wild people. By supporting World Giraffe Day, you can support the giraff protection efforts in the wild, which will eventually help in securing this incredible creature in Africa. There are fewer than 80,000 giraffes in the world, and it's time to work now!
"The giraffes are the animals of the story, almost the heraldic - from the land of fables. They have very beautiful faces, huge eyes, very sensitive nostrils and oh, blue tongue!" - Joanna Lumley
History of World Giraffe Day
World Giraffe Day is the most exciting annual event, which is started every year by the GCF (Giraffe Conservation Foundation) to celebrate the longest animal in the longest day of June 21. World Giraffe Day focuses on Masai Giraffe in southern Kenya and Tanzania. Some of the giraffes have become harder than others, and the Masai Giraffe has to bear its brunt. There are only 32,000 Masai Giraffe remaining in Africa and it is one of the most dense Giraffe population in Africa. In the last 30 years, its number has decreased by more than half. GCF has raised funding to help Masai Giraffe with local and regional partners in East Africa.
The Giraffe Conservation Foundation is partnering with the Kenyan-Tanzania borderland protection initiative and its affiliates, as well as the Kenya Wildlife Service, to focus on community based conservation on Masai Giraffe. The main purpose of this day is to preserve this beautiful huge creature which is on the edge of extinction. It is celebrated by people from different countries to raise awareness among them. Some foundations are in action to recover these species.
How to celebrate world giraffe
World Giraffe Day is celebrated by schools, zoos, NGOs, institutions, governments and conservation organizations around the world, who are hosting programs on 21st June, to raise awareness and to support the giraffes in the wild. You can celebrate this day by giving some money for the protection of this huge creature. You can go to the zoo with the children and look at the giraffa, and this will help your children know more about them. You can share your thoughts and thoughts on social media by using the hashtag #WorldGiraffeDay.
11 Facts About Giraffes
- Giraffe is the longest mammal on Earth. Their feet alone are taller than many humans - about 6 feet. [1]
- They can run at a short distance of 35 miles per hour, or cruise more than 10 miles per hour. [2]
- Giraffe's neck is too small to reach the ground. Consequently, it has to spread its front or leg in a strange way to reach the ground for a drink of water. [3]
- Giraffe only needs to drink once every few days. Most of their water comes from all the plants they eat. [4]
- Giraffe spends most of his life standing; They also sleep and give birth. [5]
- The Giraffe calf can stand after about one hour and within a week, it starts taking a sample of the vegetation. [6]
- Despite the attempts of women to stand on their calves during the attacks of lions, spotted hyena, leopards and African wild dogs (4), many calves are killed in their first few months. [7]
- Giraffe stains are like human fingerprints, no two individual giraffes are of the same pattern. [8]
- Both male and female giraffes have two different hairs, called oscoins. Male giraffe sometimes uses its horn to fight other males. [9]
- Giraffe only requires 5 to 30 minutes of sleep in a 24-hour period! They often get in that instant nap that can stay only for a minute or two at a time. [10]
- Whenever it was thought that the giraffe has not given any sound, it is now known as untruth, as if the giraffe makes sounds like snort, snort, whistle and flute, as well as less than the limits of human hearing Pitch do noise. [11]
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