World Ozone Day

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World Ozone Day

International Day is an annual maintenance for the protection of the ozone layer. It is celebrated every year on September 16 to raise awareness and draw attention to the lack of ozone layer. This day is celebrated by organizing world-class seminars, speeches and national and international exhibitions. Annual Science Day is also organized in schools and awareness is also spread through the media. This day is very important because it acts as a platform for contributing its planet 'Earth' with family, friends and acquaintances. Various campaigns have also been started, which spread awareness of ozone layer with the help of people. World Ozone Day insists on international efforts to limit the production and release of harmful gases.

International Day for Preservation of Ozone Layer will be observed on September 16, in 2018.

What will happen to the earth if the ozone layer is not safe?

The ozone layer is a layer of ozone molecules found in the stratosphere layer of the atmosphere between 20 to 40 km in particular. Ozone layer is formed in the atmosphere when ultraviolet ray breaks the oxygen atoms from the sun. Oxygen atoms are mixed with oxygen and thus make ozone molecules in this way. The problem that causes the deficiency of this layer is that when the radiation of harmful sun is unable to get out of the atmosphere after sticking to the surface of the earth.

Most scientists believe that without the ozone layer the existence of life on the earth will end. The safety of the ozone layer will not affect the lives of people, plants and animals. Even underwater life will be destroyed due to ozone deficiency. The ozone layer deficit reduces natural equilibrium, there is more heat than winter, winters come in randomly and the iceberg begins to fall. Apart from this, the lack of ozone layer is a threat to health and nature.

History of World Ozone Day

From 1994 to September 16, the annual ozone layer is celebrated with great enthusiasm in all countries as an International Day for preservation. This day was named as an announcement that was made by the United Nations. Due to the lack of ozone layer on December 19, 2000, this day was nominated by the United Nations to sign the Montreal Convention. The Montreal Convention is an international treaty to protect the ozone layer by eliminating harmful substances and gases from around the world. Participation in International Day has seen huge growth since 1995, to protect the ozone layer, which was the first year when this day was celebrated around the world.

Why is global ozone day celebrated?

This day is celebrated not only on the date that the Montreal Convention was signed but also primarily to spread awareness that the ozone layer is decreasing rapidly. The main purpose of watching this day as an international opportunity is to create awareness of the ozone layer about how it is formed and what methods of preventing the reduction in the cause. On this day, through their participation in schools, colleges, organizations and media, their ideas are shared and it is said that the danger of destroying our land can be controlled. This day educates the importance of the environment about the public and the important means of keeping it safe.

World Ozone Day Theme

For the preservation of ozone layer, the theme of the International Day of the International Day is celebrated and this theme changes from year to year. One-year theme is not repeated again and every year a new and different theme is kept by the authorities. The International Day of Preservation of Ozone Layer was celebrated on September 16, 2017 with theme 'Care of all life under the sun'. The theme has been put on the objective that everyone should respect the life and man should work selflessly to clean the environment and the environment so that not only humans but also plants and animals can lead a healthy life. The themes of the past years are as follows:

  • Theme of 2016 - "Ozone and Climate - Restored by the World"
  • Theme of 2015 - "30 Years - Treating Our Ozone Together"
  • 2014 theme - "Ozone Layer Protection - Mission is Running"
  • Theme of 2013 - "Ozone Day - A Healthy Environment That We Want in the Future"
  • 2012 theme - "Protecting our environment for future generations"
  • 2011 theme - "HCFC phase-out: a unique opportunity"
  • 2010 theme - "Ozone Layer Conservation: Governance and Compliance"
  • 2009 theme - "Universal Partnership: Ozone Protection Connects the World Completely"
  • Theme of 2008 - "Montreal Protocol - Global Partnership for Global Profit"
  • Theme of 2007 - "Celebrating 20 Years Progress in 2007"
  • Theme of 2006 - "Protect the Ozone Layer, Save Life on Earth"
  • 2005 theme - "Ozone Friendly Act - Stay Safe!"
  • 2004 theme - "Save Our Sky: Ozone Friendly Planet, Our Target"
  • Theme of 2003 - "Save Our Skies: The Hole for Our Children is Great"
  • 2002 theme - "Save our sky: protect yourself; protect the ozone layer"

How is the world ozone day celebrated?

World Ozone Day is celebrated internationally for increasing awareness and understanding about the consequences of ozone layer depletion and its protection since 1994. On this day, sharing of efforts to reduce the emissions of harmful gases, which primarily causes environmental issues, are encouraged. These people inspire others to expand awareness and increase a wide range of activities to be organized to celebrate this international occasion. Workers of various NGOs raise slogans making awareness meetings to spread the benefits of this day. On this issue, the media has played an important role in contributing to various NGOs for organizing many volunteer programs online so that they can deliver important material about this issue to educate people. Nowadays, youth have started using Facebook, Instagram and other social media sites to promote the theme of International Day of Preservation of Ozone Layer. They share events, famous environmental quotes and facts in their area. Young people paint on the specific theme of that year and give online speech on important topics related to ozone deficiency and its consequences. Celebrating International Day on Ozone is celebrated in different countries in different ways:

India: In order to preserve the ozone layer, international ozone day in India is celebrated very enthusiastically by the students. On this day huge rallies are set up on the streets of the city, students are given the opportunity to give a speech on the annual Ozone Day. College students organize state-level campaigns for the session on this topic and thus use various measures to reduce the hole in the ozone layer. The Indian government provides recognition and scholarship to those intelligent people who invent creative ways to reduce emissions of harmful gases and substances, which are not only convenient but also permanent. The Ministry of Environment and Public Health has launched some programs and collected the data of harmful gases present in the environment for mankind, whose bad effects are on the ground. These updated figures are given to various Universities to study widely and to provide adequate solutions to this issue.

Australia: With other countries Australia celebrates International Day for conservation of ozone layer by participating in international efforts through various programs. As small groups, contact the young people of the nation and talk to them. The youth tells them that due to our negligence our environment is paying the price and also ignores the hope of making some positive changes. The day is full of everyday activities. Students generally get subjects to write essays, paragraphs or articles in their institutes so that teachers understand how serious they are to the environment in this technological world. Regional activities based on theme are organized by the government so that awareness can spread.

Europe: Europe is a major continent and this is the reason that the continent's contribution is more in population growth and population control. For the protection of the ozone layer, the world ozone day urges people to be involved in this fight to get acquainted with real environment situations and participate in an effective program against ozone. This festival is celebrated through various activities in schools, colleges and universities so that everyone can be warned about this danger, which has created a lot of problems in the climate conditions.

Africa: World Ozone Day is celebrated in Africa as various activities. These activities include events organized by people in academic and business areas to enhance knowledge about environmental crisis. Volunteers and employees of various environmental research committees tell ordinary people about the lack of ozone layer so that they can raise money and distribute that wealth in the inventions which can reduce the emissions of harmful substances.

Tips for organizing International Day for the protection of ozone layer in India

The environment is a very detailed term. It contains all the things above and below us. Our upper atmosphere consists of various layers in which one layer is stratosphere and it is also called ozone layer. Due to many problems in today's environment, the balance between us and below has got very deteriorating. Development and modernization in our country has increased the risk of environment for our people. It affects our biological resources like soil, land, forests and water. The following suggestions include celebrating International Day for the protection of the ozone layer in India:

  • On World Ozone Day, the maximum population should be practiced in the extensive cultivation of trees. This will help reduce the sources of substances that contribute to ozone deficiency. All people should only pledge to use the organic products and reduce the use of products due to the lack of ozone layer.
  • Focusing on environmental issues should be shifted at regional levels rather than higher levels. Apart from this, people, if they are involved in any activity, should be responsible for law enforcement agencies who give rise to environmental issues.
  • Through this day, the introduction of clean technologies should be encouraged.
  • People should check them before buying fire extinguishers, people should avoid buying aerosol products, which contain chlorofluorocarbons. Gradually everyone should reduce the use of refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners running from the 1990's.
  • In a developing country like India, more emphasis should be given on limiting private vehicle driving, environment friendly products should be of greater use, there should be restriction of pesticides, which are contributing to the decline of ozone layer, harsh norms on rocket launch And the conditions should be implemented and this day should encourage the least use of chemicals.


Everything on our planet Earth is connected to each other. Earth Mother provides us with so much valuable environmental facilities without whom we can not even imagine life. That's why we should adopt more organic and holistic forms to use it where everyone will get the benefit of no destruction. Ozone deficiency is the main reason for today's climate conditions. It is not present in a vast dimension today but if it can not be controlled, then it could be the cause of some serious destruction for developing and developed countries. World Ozone Day provides a great platform among people to make them aware. This is the right time and we must continue our best efforts to preserve the ozone layer.

Salogans of World Ozone Day

  • Earth without ozone is like a house without roof
  • Ozone-not just a layer but a protector
  • Deal today with Ozone for a Better tomorrow
  • Prevent skin cancer – Protect the ozone layer!
  • Ozone, Ozone, Don’t go away. We want you today
  • Every ozone hole is a threat to our soul
  • Life depletes when Ozone Depletes… So to save life save Ozone
  • Save Ozone; save earth
  • Ozone now, Oxygen later
  • Act as a whole to prevent the hole
  • Save nature, make future
  • Save the layer, which is Up in the air
  • Ozone is harmful to health but layer is good
  • Ozone and Carbon Monoxide makes Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen
  • Make love not Ozone
  • Vote for controlling gases harmful to Ozone layer
  • Regulate gasses that harm Ozone layer
  • Preserve Ozone layer, it protects us
  • Save the ozone layer from depleting by implementing Ecofriendly methods
  • Ozone Layer Destroyed = There is no clear Skies
  • Ozone Layer, the UV Blocker
  • Preserve our Ozone layer
  • Ozone – Nature’s sunscreen
  • Don’t bust up nature’s threesome–O3
  • Please spare the already depleted OZONE layer
  • Ozone is for the birds (and other living things)
  • I Love the Ozone Layer Author Manisha Dubey JhaDear Reader, My name is Manisha Dubey Jha. I have been blogging for 3 years and through the Fast I have been giving important educational content as far as possible to the reader. Hope you like everyone, please share your classmate too. As a literature person, I am very passionate about reading and participating in my thoughts on paper. So what is better than adopting writing as a profession? With over three years of experience in the given area, I am making an online reputation for my clients. If any mistakes or wrong in the article, please suggest us @

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