Speech on Natural Resources in English in Very Simple Words

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Here we have profive long and short speeches in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. - Speech on Natural Resources - which are widely written and easy to understand. If you are a student, than, here you can find Speech in English language for 1st to 12+ class or IAS/IPS, Banking and other competitive exams students.


1-Speech on Natural Resources

Excellencies, Respected Principal, A very good morning on honorable teachers and my dear friends. As we all know what is the purpose of being together here. I would like to give a speech on natural resources. I am so grateful to my class teacher that he gave me such a good opportunity to give a speech on this special occasion. Natural resources are everything created by nature on this earth and have been given as divine gifts for the easy existence of life. The progress of the whole human community across the world depends on various natural resources in different ways. However, human is using natural resources in the wrong ways, which are definitely facing a shortage of all natural resources in the future. We are using resources to meet our various needs only, without bringing them back. Natural resources like water, trees, wood, soil, coal, electricity, oil, gas, atomic energy, minerals, vegetation, wildlife etc. are very essential for the proper development of any nation.

Natural resources are forms of energy or meet the needs of people in various aspects like physical, cultural, social economic etc. All natural resources benefit us in different ways of life, as well as play great role in maintaining ecological balance. Planet. There are two types of natural resources that are named as renewable resources and non-renewable resources. The resources which can be recovered back by the natural cycles, are called the renewable resources. However, the resources which can not be recovered back by natural processes are called non-renewable resources. Renewable resources can be reused because they are used as fish, water, forest, wood, crop, leather, soil, solar energy, wood products etc. Non-renewable resources are limited and they can not be reused in metals (like iron, zinc). , Copper, etc.), fossil fuels (such as coal, oil deposits etc.), minerals, salts (such as phosphate, carbonate, nitrate, etc.), stones and many more. Once we lose non-renewable resources in our lives, we can not get it back because it went forever. Non-renewable resources can be recyclable and non-recyclable. Aluminum, copper, mercury, etc., ores are recyclable non-renewable resources and

Such natural resources are very essential for making our life possible on Earth. Therefore, we must do our best to preserve and preserve natural resources.

Thank you


2-Speech on Natural Resources

Honorable Principal Sir, Good morning to teachers and my dear colleagues. We have gathered here to celebrate special occasion. Today, I want to give a speech on natural resources and its importance in our lives. I would like to thank my respected class teacher that they gave me such a great opportunity. Dear friends, Natural resources are the best gifts for us, which solve our many problems and make life easier and easier. They need our lives without which life is almost impossible. The resources we use to maintain our lives are called natural resources. Natural resources (such as sunlight, wind, forest, wild life, etc.) are available on Earth before humans become. To meet unlimited needs and requirements, man uses all natural resources in different forms (natural or alternative forms).

Natural resources are the path to various technological improvements around the world. Its natural and alternative forms are the source of many suitable techniques for mankind. Some types of natural resources are like water, air, land, soil, animal, forest, minerals, energy, metal, etc., although resources are not available in the same proportion all over the world. The importance of resources can be clearly perceived in the area where they are rather rare. More exploitation of natural resources threatens their existence on earth, especially non-renewable sources.

Natural resources are very important to us as they contribute to the economic development of the nation. They provide us all the necessary supplies throughout life. Two types of natural resources are renewable and non-renewable. Renewable resources are like water, sun, air and plants (they are used at a lower rate instead). Non-renewable resources are like natural gas, coal, oil, minerals etc. (they are made at faster rate compared to fulfillment).

The fields provide us with fertile soil for crop production, water provides energy and power, oil, gas and coal are used to get fuel for transport and heating industries etc. In this way, all natural resources for the whole life are very useful. We should understand their importance and should be used within the boundaries only when needed.

Thank you


3-Speech on Natural Resources

Good morning to the excellencies, respected teachers and dear colleagues. We are gathered here to celebrate this special occasion. At this happy occasion, I would like to speech over the most important topic of natural resources.

Natural resources are things that are naturally available to us. They are very important and essential for living. But Noidis, people remember and waste natural resources that are affecting the world. But it is very important to realize that they are in certain numbers or quantities, we should not waste it in misuse.

Natural resources include coal, petroleum, chalk etc. These are in certain quantities but nobody cares.

It is necessary to know about the need and importance of natural resources. Due to the unavailability of these resources, we should spread awareness throughout the country by focusing on its dangerous effects. If we think seriously, then we can not live without natural resources.

For many years, all natural resources are being exploited by humans. The exploitation began with the beginning of civilization, urbanization, technological advancement and industrialization.
In order to meet the requirement of fuel, forest fairs, forests and boats, shelter, homes etc. are involved in the forests with people with their closed eyes.

That's why we should take care of natural resources and protect it.

Thanks To All !


4-Speech on Natural Resources

Good morning to the noblemen, respected teachers and dear colleagues. We are here to celebrate this special occasion. On this happy occasion, I would like to give a lecture on the most important topic of natural resources. The most important natural resources are like timber, soil, oil, minerals, petroleum, water etc. Such resources are called natural resources because all God's gifts are and are found naturally, no one is made by humans. Human can not make natural resources, but according to it it can be modified and used. natural resources. For many years, nature and natural resources are being exploited by humans from the beginning of civilization, urbanization, technological advancement and industrialization. In order to meet the need of fuel, people in the cutting trees and forests, boats, shelter, homes, etc. are involved with their closed eyes.

There are two types of natural resources that are renewable and incurable. We can say that wood (one of the main natural resources) is a renewable source. Other sources such as fish, animals and forests can also be upgraded if there is no more crop. Plants and forests can be replicated, thus the lack of wood used can be changed. However, due to the growing needs of the growing world population, more trees and forests are being cut at a hazardous rate. Looking at greenery in the cities is becoming increasingly difficult, thereby increasing pollution and problems in people living in normal life. If the lack of trees can not be fulfilled at the same rate that we are using, then they may become the reason for spending them with the earth, which can be caused by unlimited problems like loss of ecosystem, soil There will be a call for erosion, deficiency of rainfall etc.

Unlike the forest; Oil, earth minerals, metal ores, fossil fuels, coal, natural gas, petroleum, nuclear fuel, etc. are non-renewable natural resources which can not be re-found. Non-renewable natural resources can be reduced in the future if not used within the range or properly.

In this way we need to follow the protection methods to preserve natural resources, especially non-renewable resources on an immediate basis. We must start using some alternative forms of energy to reduce the burden on natural resources. Alternative forms of energy are like sunlight instead of electric light. The use of solar energy can greatly reduce the need for electrical energy. Bio gas is another alternative which can be used as a substitute for liquid petroleum gas. We can preserve the natural ecosystem through the maintenance of the abundance of nature, preserve endangered species, can maintain biodiversity, etc., through some habitual changes such as fire, protection and fire safety etc. Can manage forest resources.

Dear friends, we should join hands to make a great effort towards preserving natural resources.

Thank you


5-Speech on Natural Resources

As we have gathered here to celebrate the special occasion of ___. I would like to call our Excellency, Respected teachers and dear colleagues a very good morning. On this occasion, I would like to give a speech on natural resources.

Nature has provided us with many beneficial gifts for the better living. Natural resources are found on earth in various forms, but are not evenly distributed. Humans use their natural resources like soil, land, air, water, minerals, sun, wildlife, forests, energy, pastures, fish etc. for their welfare and development. All such resources play an important role in the expansion of national production to run economic development. Sufficient availability of favorable natural resources facilitates economic development while its lack or absence leaves behind the economic development process in the country. The scientific technique developed by man triggers the proper use of all natural resources. There are more useful resources which are still ignored by the man.

Some of the natural resources are either exhaustive or non-types (minerals, oil, etc.) although there are some renewable or non-exhaustive types (land, fisheries, water, forest, etc.). Non-usable resources can not come back once they are used, but renewable resources can be endlessly used with proper care. In order to achieve the sustainable development of the nation, we need to use the renewable resources very carefully and maintain their quality. The general ways of preserving natural resources are as follows:

  • Percentage of deforestation should be reduced and new plantation programs should be encouraged. Everyone should take part in plantation and take care of plants.
  • The use of natural resources should be reduced and its proper and limited use should be encouraged.
  • Everyone should practice waste disposal, make composition and then restore biodiversity.
  • Farmers should be properly taught for the use of mixed crops, crop rotation and fertilizers (compost, bio-fertilizer, organic fertilizers, etc.).
  • Rain water harvesting methods should be encouraged among the general public.
  • To reduce waste of water, drip irrigation or sprinkler irrigation should be practiced.
  • People should practice energy saving methods to prevent energy wastage.
  • Wildlife conservation should be promoted by banning animal hunting.
  • Renewable sources of renewable energy should be used as much as possible rather than non-renewable.
  • All levels of people should be equally educated about conservation and utilization of natural resources.

Thank you


6-Speech on Natural Resources

Good morning to the excellencies, respected teachers and dear colleagues. We are gathered here to celebrate this special occasion. At this happy occasion, I would like to speech over the most important topic of natural resources.

A natural resource is anything that people can use that comes from nature. People do not make natural resources, but they collect them from the Earth. Examples of natural resources are air, water, wood, oil, wind energy, hydro-electric energy, iron and coal.

We often say natural resources are of two types: renewable resources and non-renewable resources. A renewable resource grows again and comes back again after using it. It's like a rebounding ball. For example, soil, sunlight, water and wood are renewable resources. Non-renewable resources are a resource that does not grow and does not return, or a resource that takes a very long time to come back. And it is similar to the one-time sin. For example, when we use coal, then there is less coal. One day, there will be no addition to making the goods. Non-renewable resources can be used directly (for example, to burn oil for cooking), or we can get a renewable resource to use (for example, to generate electricity for cooking, wind energy To use). It is important to preserve (save) non-renewable resources, because if we use them very quickly, then it will not be enough.

Most natural resources are limited. That means they will eventually run out. There is never endless supply of a sustainable resource. Some examples of sustainable resources include solar energy, tidal energy, and wind power. Other examples are salt, stone, magnesium and diamonds.

Some of the factors affecting the supply of resources include whether it is capable of recycling, and availability of appropriate options for the material. Non-renewable resources can not be recycled. For example, oil, minerals and other non-renewable resources can not be recycled.


Demand for resources can change with new technology, new needs and new economics (such as changes in cost of resources). Some materials may go completely out of use, if people do not want it. Demand for natural resources is very high, but availability is very low.


All the places have their natural resources. When people do not have a fixed resource that they require, then they can either replace it with another resource, or trade with other countries to obtain resources. Some resources are difficult to find, so people sometimes fight for them (for example, oil resources).

When people do not have some natural resources, their quality of life can be reduced. That's why we have to save our resources from pollution. For example, when they can not get clear water, people can get sick; If there is not enough wood, the trees will be cut and the forest will disappear over time (deforestation); If there are not enough fish in the sea, then people may die of hunger. Some examples of renewable resources are wood, solar energy, trees, wind, hydro, fish and sunlight. So humans should start saving their natural resources. Otherwise, all will be lost and it will be difficult for humans to survive



7-Speech on Natural Resources

Respected principals, all teachers and my dear friends, all of you are good morning

Today, I want to give a speech on natural resources to all of you, its importance, in our daily lives, in the perspective of our country and its economy.

Natural resources are nothing, but from our birth we have a natural gift given by God, which is used by us to make our lives easier and healthier and comfortable. Natural resources are very important in our daily lives.

The resources we use to maintain our lives are called natural resources. Are natural resources

Sources that exist in the earth without human involvement. They exist on earth before the development of human life and now they are useful and useful for us. Man uses natural forms as well as modified forms in natural form to fulfill their needs and make their life comfortable.

Natural resources are a very important medium for various technological improvements and development around the world. Natural forms, as well as alternative forms of natural resources, are the path to many suitable techniques for human development.

Types of Natural Resources

Natural resources are classified on the basis of origin, development and renewal.

On the basis of origin

  • Bio-resources which are derived from biosphere or living and organic matter These types of resources are forest, coal, petroleum and animal
  • Abiotic-sources obtained from non-living and inorganic cases. These types of resources are land, water, wind, metal etc.

On the basis of development

  • Potential resources - The resources that are extracted in an area and can be used like petroleum in the future.
  • The actual resource-resources that have been surveyed and currently being used like wood.
  • Reserve Resources - The share of real-world resources that can be developed and used in the future.
  • Stock Source.

On the basis of renewal

  • Renewable resource-resources which are abundant and continuously available and their quantity is not affected by human exploitation. All types of resources are air, sun, water etc.
  • Non-Renewable Resources - Resources that are ending with human consumption and are present in very small amounts. Some types of resources are coal, petroleum.

Although many resources are not available in equal proportion in all parts of the world. The importance of all resources can be felt in the area where there is a lack of resources. Exploitation of natural resources can be dangerous and can threaten production and formation of existing natural resources along with their existence.

From economic perspective

In addition to the economic development of the nation, natural resources for industrial development and multinational businesses are very important. Unnatural resources provide essential supplies throughout life.

The presence of natural resources in the country is essential for economic development. A country which lacks natural resources is unable to develop itself in front of other countries.

If existing resources are not properly exploited and used, then the country can not be developed. JL Fisher has rightly said, "There are few reasons to expect natural resource development if people are indifferent to products or services that can contribute to such resources".

Conservation of natural resources

Several steps have been taken by various international organizations to protect natural resources like UN, WES etc.

In 1982, the UN created a program called "World Charter" for nature, which works due to human activity due to more deficiency in nature's security. And many other measures have been taken to preserve the natural resources and practices of conservation biology and housing conservation.

Conservation biology means scientific study of natural resources and the status of biodiversity of the Earth to protect the species and their habitat.

Management of natural resources

Only permanent can be achieved when the resources are used in the judiciary by compromising the needs of future generations as well as with the needs of future generations. Successful management of natural resources requires the active involvement of all the communities because those who are affected by the rules can participate in changing and establishing them.


Natural resources are the most precious and important gifts that we have received from God and Nature and it is our complete responsibility that we use resources very carefully. The utility of natural resources can change and everyone should take care about the lack of natural resources. . Natural resources also play an important role in the economic development of the country and in this way, all natural resources are very useful for us throughout life. We should understand their importance and should be used within the boundaries only when needed.

Thnaks To All !


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