Speech on Save The Environment in English in Very Simple worlds and Easy Sentences

Feed by Manisha Cat- Speech

Here we have long and short speeches in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. "Speech on Save The Environment " which are widely written and easy to understand. If you are a student, than, here you can find Speech in English language for 1st to 12+ class or IAS/IPS, Banking and other competitive exams students.


1-Speech on Save The Environment - Save The Nature

Good morning respected principal, teachers and my dear friends.

Our topic for today’s assembly is ‘Save Environment’.

What is environment? I know we all will have different definition for this single word. In very simple words, I will address environment as the surroundings in which we humans or plants and animals live. Now, let’s just think that will we ever like to live in the surroundings that are bad or unhealthy? No, right..! We always want to live in the surroundings or the environment that is safe for us and others. An ideal environment is the one that does not lead to human diseases and extinction of natural resources, plants and animals.

Human beings play a vital role in the conservation of the environment. Good or bad environment depends on our activities. By our unscrupulous actions, we are contributing to the degeneration of the natural environment which in turn negatively affects human life on the planet Earth. All the human actions and activities in this modern world directly impact the whole ecosystem and environment. We should monitor our actions and ensure that we restrict our hazardous activities so that environment can be safeguarded.

It is our duty to protect the environment. But today our environment is under threat because of our deeds and decisions. We are responsible for pollution in the environment. Deforestation, mining, unjustified usage of machines and electricity, using several vehicles for traveling short distances etc., are responsible for pollution. Global warming, depletion of natural resources, untimely rains, cyclones, diseases and life amidst pollution and many more are the traits that show we are living in an imbalanced environment. Knowing this that we are ruining the surroundings for us as well as future generation, we should stop right away. We should control our activities that threaten our environment.

Saving environment is not a big task; it is not something that cannot be tackled. We just need to take a few steps like; save  natural resources such as water, energy etc; dispose of our waste in the correct way and not litter around on roads and public places, etc; grow more trees, use public vehicles and avoid using personalized vehicles for each member, controlling industrial waste, etc. Isn’t it simple? Yes, it is. We only need to be cautious and have control on our actions and we will surely end up at least reducing the bad effects and doing our part in saving the environment.

To conclude my discussion, I will like to request you all to please do your bit and monitor the activities you perform and also educate others to safeguard their actions and protect environment. We should promote and contribute to the projects run by the government and various NGOs that focus on saving the environment. A lot of major environmental problems would disappear if we all curb the excessive use of petroleum, coal and natural gas. Let us grow more trees and create all possible ways to dispose off waste correctly. The focus should entirely shift on renewable and reusable sources of energy. These would help Save Environment from global warming.

Thank you! Keep spreading the message.


2-Speech on Save The Environment - Save The Nature

Good morning to all. I welcome you all to this discussion board.

For today's discussion, our theme is 'Save the Environment'.

All of you think how important is it to save the environment? To save our environment is to save our life. The environment is basically the atmosphere, and the surrounding geographical area. Environment is the main source of living for humans, plants and animals and eating, eating, playing, working, enjoying, walking, breathing, listening, drinking or getting food overall. To run a healthy life happily, we all need a healthy and natural environment.

We all have the responsibility to monitor the environment and day-to-day activities that are being done here. Ecology or environmental balance and natural cycle have become unbalanced, which are very difficult to bring back and give it a natural shape. The environment can be preserved at various levels: Individual, organization controlled or governmental level to ensure continuous development.

We all should understand that everything in our environment includes all things like living and non living things. It can be classified as a natural environment and created environment. The natural environment is that which is naturally in existence for a long time and the created environment is that which is made by humans; Buildings, industries, etc.

Many activities of human beings, such as tree erosion, industrialization, technological improvements and so on, are taking our environment towards danger and decline and endanger life by affecting the development, development and survival of all the organisms. Various types of environmental pollutants such as water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution, etc. are reducing ecosystems and are causing various health hazards, human and animal diseases. Due to many man-made and natural means, the continuous unbalanced temperature of the earth causes great disturbance to the harmonious existence of humans and all other living beings due to various natural disasters and threats.

All of us should focus on our activities and should see that none of us connects to reduce the quality of the environment. We should use energy, electricity and natural resources wisely; Restrict the use of vehicles at short distances and insist on using public transport instead of personal transportation for each member. These are just some of the tasks that we humans should do to protect our environment.

To end my discussion on saving the environment, I know that you all know very well about the key aspects to be kept in mind as a cautious human that protects the environment. There is a result and outcome of our every work, the result can be whatever we wish, but most of the results are such that can be classified as good and bad for our environment. We take responsibility for protecting the environment by following those small steps.

Being a part and your mother Mother, to thank you all for generating a spark in yourself to protect our environment.


3-Speech on Save The Environment - Save The Nature

The respected Principal, the respected Deputy Principal, the respected teacher and my fellow students!

I am glad that today we have taken this very important subject in our morning assembly, i.e. to save the environment for speech and discussion. And, it seems privileged that I have been given this opportunity to give a speech, as the school's principal girl. I did not find anything from discussing the environment and geography; Especially when it has become such a trending topic in recent times. I am sure every one of us wants to save the environment at any cost. However, saving the environment does not only protect our immediate environment, but also our parks, forest reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. There is no reason to doubt that we all consider this responsibility to make our mother earth; A cleaner and safe place to stay in

The all-embracing Earth mother has given us some incredible beautiful gifts of nature, like we have river, mountain, forest and various natural resources that help us to survive on this planet every single day. Therefore, it is our turn now that we work towards protecting the environment from those challenges which are constantly threatening the existence of our Mother Earth.

Sadly, there is no such part of the Earth that is not so much affected by our actions, so that the health of our planet - in the form of land, where we live and work, ozone layer, Water supply, wildlife or our species - are constantly being threatened. The environment we live in is not as friendly as it used to be before. There are crowds of chemical industries in the number of vehicles that emit toxic chemicals in the rivers and leave dangerous hazards, people pass the waste in a manner that is not safe for our environment and is wasting it.

Although the problem has increased greatly, it is a solution. It's just that we have to trust ourselves that we can do something for our planet.

So, whatever is possible for us, pledge "save our land".

There are different ways of adopting which we can effectively contribute to the cause. For example, we can grow more trees in our living environment and where we find an empty piece of land. Or if there is a piece of backyard or land in your house, start planting trees. Plants, as we all know, absorb carbon dioxide for the process of photosynthesis and release oxygen in the environment. The guess says that a single tree can absorb carbon dioxide up to one ton of water until it remains. There is no problem, if you do not have much space, you can keep a small tub of plants in your balcony, doors or windows.

Secondly, make use of your own private vehicles and use the public transport and bicycle for short distances. Also, do not waste energy at home or office. Switch to the device, when not in use. Then you can use the fluorescent light bulb in place of normal bulbs. You may find these bulb expensive, but I believe they actually help us to get down our electricity bills and emit 70 percent less heat than normal bulbs.

You should also use water wisely; Close the tap immediately after use. Do not dump garbage anywhere and do not put waste in the dustbin. To adopt these measures, encourage others at your family and workplace and save your environment with impending doom.

That's all I have to say. Thanks!


4-Speech on Save The Environment - Save The Nature

Respected CEO, reputable manager, dear colleague (supervisor) and dear factory employee!

As we have gathered here to celebrate 'World Environment Day', so I have been given the opportunity to share data with respect to environmental protection. But before that, I will share my thoughts and facts about the environment.

Our environment is a very important part of our lives. This is the main source of life because we get food, water, air from the environment. In fact, the environment is what affects us and where we breathe and live every moment. Thus, the quality of our lives depends primarily on our environment.

In earlier times, people lived in goodwill, used to adapt themselves to the environment; But in the modern era, we are trying to cover the environment according to our need and convenience, which ultimately leads to indirect damage to ourselves in the long run. The latest technological progress in the field of science has made us more powerful, which I think is that we are not using anything indiscriminately using the resources of the environment and in return, rather harmful chemicals and improper benefits of pollution Are picking up.

As a result of environmental problems all over the world, issues like river pollution, global warming and weakening of ozone layer due to the flow of deforestation, loss of biodiversity, air pollution, toxic chemicals, wastes, waste, plastic, etc. Build up. Underground water, oil and gas reserves and natural resources such as mineralization, increasing toxic gases in the air, pollution, mist etc. etc.

It is clear that due to our uncontrolled actions, we have spoiled the ecological balance of our environment and are therefore facing these issues. This is a high time when we should take some strict steps to preserve our environment and make our place a better place to live for our next generations.


Well, the first step is to adapt our process of harmonizing with the environment and the use of domestic product. Regulatory, reusable and reusable techniques should be used in manufacturing units, etc. The advanced countries are more responsible for global environmental problems; Thus, the governments of this country and the UNO (United Nations Organization) should take precautionary measures globally. Also, long term planning and close monitoring of the works of manufacturing units is required; Instead of using and exploiting young people, they should be educated to respect and live with the environment.

Each of us should be conscious of protecting the environment because global warming is a serious issue for the advanced level of environmental pollution which is harmful to health. Natural resources and forests should be protected to control drought and flood. Pesticides should be used in a limited way and the soil should be protected from contamination.

Vegetables and fruit waste can be converted into fertilizers and not ponds, etc. Our small works like saving of drinking water, use of jute, fabric, paper bag, recycling of waste products etc. We can still save our environment completely from deteriorating.

I hope that from now on, we will implement these measures in our daily lives and make every effort to protect our environment.



5-Speech on Save The Environment - Save The Nature

Respected Principal, Respected Vice Principal, Respected Teachers and My Fellow Students!

Our environment is equal to our mother. It is our duty to protect the environment. But today our mother i.e. our environment is in a dangerous situation. This environment is in such a situation due to ours. Use of vehicles for deforestation, mining, short distance travel etc. are responsible for pollution. It damages the ozone layer. Through it the rays of the Sun fall directly to the Earth. To avoid this problem, we have to start afforestation. When improving or remodeling your home, try to salvage the material or buy recycled products. Flooring, insulation, plastic wood, wood work, ringworm, and many garden / lawn products can be made from recycled material. To reduce waste with reusable shopping bags. We only have to use vehicles to travel distances, etc. When we walk without using the vehicles for short distances, our health will be fine. Good condition. So it is a good thing to save the environment that saves us.



6-Speech on Save The Environment - Save The Nature

Respected Principal, Respected Vice Principal, Respected Teachers and My Fellow Students!

The environment is basically the atmosphere, and the surrounding geographical area. We are well aware that the quality of our lives depends on our environment.

Who disturbs the environment?

Long ago, people lived environmentally friendly and could not harm the environment. In these days we are harming the environment and thus indirectly harming ourselves. The power of technology and science has enabled humans to exploit the environment for selfish and indiscriminate use. This is causing problems for everyone.

The reasons for concern are:

1. Deforestation,

2. Population increase and rapid urbanization

3. Loss of Biodiversity

4. Air pollution (greenhouse gases), drinking water pollution, river
Pollution mixed with toxic chemicals, plastic.

5. Evaporation of global warming and ozone layer

6. Underground water, oil and gas reserves and natural deficiency
Resources like minerals

The effect of our irrational or selfish actions:

Due to famine, uneven rainfall, cyclone, polar ice melting, ecological imbalance, increase in erosion of land, less protection than UV radiation, life between diseases and pollution and so on.

Let's know what we have to do:

We have to make our manufacturing and domestic product usage procedures environmentally friendly. We should use reducible, reusable, regenerative and recyclable techniques. The governments
Different countries and UN organizations should take action at global level.

Long-term planning and monitoring of the works of private corporations is required. Young people should be educated to cope with the environment rather than exploitation


The role and responsibility of each of us is to protect our environment. Only he protects the race of life on our earth.


7-Speech on Save The Environment - Save The Nature

The respected Principal, Deputy Principal, teachers and my fellow students!

I am glad that today we have taken this very important subject in our morning assembly, i.e. to save the environment for speech and discussion. And, it seems privileged that I have been given this opportunity to give a speech, as the school's principal girl. I did not find anything from discussing the environment and geography; Especially when it has become such a trending topic in recent times. I am sure every one of us wants to save the environment at any cost. However, saving the environment does not only protect our immediate environment, but also our parks, forest reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. There is no reason to doubt that we all consider this responsibility to make our mother earth; A cleaner and safe place to stay in

The all-embracing Earth mother has given us some incredible beautiful gifts of nature, like we have river, mountain, forest and various natural resources that help us to survive on this planet every single day. Therefore, it is our turn now that we work towards protecting the environment from those challenges which are constantly threatening the existence of our Mother Earth.

Sadly, there is no such part of the Earth that is not so much affected by our actions, so that the health of our planet - in the form of land, where we live and work, ozone layer, Water supply, wildlife or our species - are constantly being threatened. The environment we live in is not as friendly as it used to be before. There are crowds of chemical industries in the number of vehicles that emit toxic chemicals in the rivers and leave dangerous hazards, people pass the waste in a manner that is not safe for our environment and is wasting it.

Although the problem has increased greatly, it is a solution. It's just that we have to trust ourselves that we can do something for our planet.

So, whatever is possible for us, pledge "save our land".

There are different ways of adopting which we can effectively contribute to the cause. For example, we can grow more trees in our living environment and where we find an empty piece of land. Or if there is a piece of backyard or land in your house, start planting trees. Plants, as we all know, absorb carbon dioxide for the process of photosynthesis and release oxygen in the environment. The guess says that a single tree can absorb carbon dioxide up to one ton of water until it remains. There is no problem, if you do not have much space, you can keep a small tub of plants in your balcony, doors or windows.

Secondly, make use of your own private vehicles and use the public transport and bicycle for short distances. Also, do not waste energy at home or office. Switch to the device, when not in use. Then you can use the fluorescent light bulb in place of normal bulbs. You may find these bulb expensive, but I believe they actually help us to get down our electricity bills and emit 70 percent less heat than normal bulbs.

You should also use water wisely; Close the tap immediately after use. Do not dump garbage anywhere and do not put waste in the dustbin. To adopt these measures, encourage others at your family and workplace and save your environment with impending doom.

That's all I have to say. Thanks!


8-Speech on Save The Environment - Save The Nature

Good Morning Everyone !

In recent years, the conscience of humanity has awakened for the need to protect the environment and preserve the environment. It is very important that people not only know about their problems but they also play their role in protecting the environment.

In addition to ground involvement, formal education should be provided and mental security projects should be implemented. Apart from this, it is also necessary to develop environment-friendly technologies and renewable energy sources according to the principle of conservation.

While developing technologies for the benefit of human beings, it is also necessary to study their effects together on the environment so that the cyclic processes created by nature for resource conservation are not affected.

There are basic amenities of air, water and earth life. But more population and rapid industrialization have created a decline in the environment. Man has constantly tampered with nature. As a result, due to the lack of clean air and clean water and the imbalance established in the biosphere, the danger for their life has increased.

Earth, perhaps, is the only planet in an environment and we all share it. But if they inherit such a polluted environment then life will be painful for them. Men have improved the techniques and other means necessary to increase their wealth and increase the exploited nature, but as implications of their actions without any foresight. Blind industrialization has led to urban migration and slum development, which has resulted in environmental degradation.

Prior to the advent of modern civilization, man lived and was rich in the right balance of many biological processes. Being the most intelligent on earth, man has manipulated nature by using his inventive talent and obstructing ecological balance. Thus, air, water and soil are all polluted and there is a threat to humanity's substance.

Air pollution is due to the direct involvement of industrialization. The industry's fireplace emits smoke and there are smoke in vehicles which contribute directly to air pollution. No gaseous matter is actually considered to be a normal component of the air or an additional sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, dust etc. in the pollution of the cause. Air pollution also occurs when there is a fire in forests, rubber plants are uprooted or burned with domestic waste. Nuclear explosions in some advanced countries have increased the risk of pollution today. Some hovering is also the result of atmospheric pollution on the cities that rise early in the morning. The lack of ozone layer, which is essential for life to protect against dangerous ultraviolet rays, is also due to air pollution and can cause skin diseases.

The increase in carbon dioxide emissions such as greenhouse gases (GHG) has changed the concentration. Although it has no toxic effects, it is largely responsible for the greenhouse effect and therefore global warming.

Most air pollutants directly affect respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Nitrogen dioxide and ozone also work on the respiratory system, irritation in the eyes, nose and throat, and in addition, ozone can cause headache. Carbon monoxide is capable of displace oxygen in the blood, which can have cardiovascular and neurological effects. The lead affects the bone, disrupts the function of the liver and kidney, thereby causing nerve damage and restricts the growth of the metal in patients.

Although the land is surrounded by water in three quarters, drinking water is rare. All major sources of drinking water such as rivers, lakes, ponds and even wells have been polluted by various types of hazardous chemical and biological waste. The accumulated mixture of dirt, sewage and industrial waste pollutes the water of the river, on which the factories are established. Due to increasing use of fertilizers and pesticides, drinking water of ponds and wells is also polluted. Harmful fertilizers and insecticides leak into the Earth and pollute the groundwater. Supply of polluted water is a pandemic, such as cholera, jaundice and gastroenteritis etc.

Soil is also polluted in various ways. Soil pollution is usually caused by the removal of solid and semi-solid waste from uneven agricultural practices and habits. Rapid industrialization and urbanization have discharged various types of concrete and semi-solid waste at different places pollinating the soil. As well as air and water Apart from this, direct pollution of land by pathogenic organisms is also a major importance. Thus, the soil is polluted by the hazardous substances and micro-organisms that enter the food chain or water and hence are swallowed by humans. Consequently, there are many health problems such as dysentery, cholera, and paratyphide fever. Increasing use of plastic, politics and other non-abusive products has given rise to the problem of their abolition.

Apart from air, water and soil pollution, we are now battling noise pollution. The continuous day of city life, repeated loudspeakers, even in odd hours, the continuous climbing of radio and TV, the frequent noise of the vehicles makes us deaf in the day. Research has shown that noise pollution is capable of producing ulcers, abortions, heart disease and high blood pressure besides many mental disorders.

Food pollution is another problem we face every day. We are suffering from many diseases due to polluted foods. After the advent of nuclear weapons, the level of contact with ionization radiation has increased, which is dangerous for the people. The harmful effects of radioactive pollution are unusual birth due to cancer, genetic damage and mutation.

Verification of environmental pollution was absolutely necessary. Yes it is not verified; Earth will become a graveyard. That is why we must take the necessary attention to protect ourselves from the abuse. We must have balanced and planned industrial development to reduce pollution. Cities and towns need to be carefully planned and should be focused on planting more trees.

The role and responsibility of each of us is to protect our environment. Only he protects the race of life on our earth.



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