Speech on My School Life in English in Very Simple Words and Easy Sentences
Here we have long and short speeches in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. - Speech on My School Life - which are widely written and easy to understand. If you are a student, than, here you can find Speech in English language for 1st to 12+ class or IAS/IPS, Banking and other competitive exams students.
1-Speech on My School Life
Hello friends - Hearty congratulations to you all!
I hope life is behaving well with you. Before I start a speech on my school life, I want to thank my class teacher that I have the opportunity to speak and speech to everyone in front of you. I know that this practice will help me overcome all obstacles and give me enough confidence to speak. The subject of my speech is interesting and there is no need for any preparation in it because it will all flow from my heart.
What do I say about my school life? So far, so good! The journey has been incredibly brilliant and I have grown so much in these past 12 years that I am now ready for the next level of challenges. There is more excitement in the air! After getting the highest score in my 10th board exam, I am excited and enhanced with enough confidence to launch itself for the upcoming challenges. I can say this because of my immense support from all my teachers. If that was not supported then I would not bring this pride home.
What I am today is due to my teachers and nothing can take away the credit from them. I am so grateful for my school to provide us with all the best resources needed for development and development. Whether it is library or laboratories, there are workshops held from time to time or our extra classes - everything has helped us to get closer to our dreams. If we see students as any obstacle in our studies, then we can report it directly to our principal. Management in our school is smooth and streamlined. Our queries do not take days and months for quick decisions and actions. This is the reason why our school has achieved the benchmark after getting the benchmark and to say that one of the best schools in Dwarka is counted.
I can say with pride that my school is the best school and whoever passes from this school, successfully goes to the ground somewhere and will definitely make it the best. The best thing about my school is that it does not work to confirm the immediate current, but works towards achieving a vision continuously, which he has envisaged for himself. If our future is secure then we are safe and this is the primary goal of our school, that is, we have to protect our future by molding it in such a way that we can achieve strength by our own strength and overcome any obstacle in life. Able to
I could not have been a better school for me, who had given me great respect for my skills and displayed my talent so well that today I am proud of my accomplishments and therefore my teachers and parents. In the end, I only wish for the uninterrupted success and pride of my school.
Thanks to all of you!
2-Speech on My School Life
Dear Friends – I hope this day finds you in the best of spirits!
Today on the speech giving day, I – Abc Singh from Class-VIII (B) – would like to deliver a speech on My School Life. I am sure we all will have something or the other to say about our school lives. Isn’t it?
I am a student of class 10th. I take part in a private accredited high school. I like my life at school.
As a student, I have some duties and responsibilities. I like them I never try to shore away from them. I bid to my parents for me. I read and write a lot. I always try to please my teachers with their work, conduct and behavior.
I never go against their wishes I do my duty with full devotion and I have nothing to fear, I know that my parents and teachers are my well wishers. My welfare is always dear to them. They are ready to give me every sacrifice.
Their lives are examples for me. They set some guiding principles for me. I follow them faithfully and there is no reason to be sad. I am more than happy to obey my elders and honestly do our duty.
I enjoy some rights and privileges which are well done with duty. The love of my parents and teachers is a rare thing for me. I feel proud of this. I get enough time to play and enjoy the company of my friends and companions.
I am an all-round player and take active trains in sports like cricket, hockey, badminton and table tennis. Games and sports help me to grow in a young man. They make me happy and healthy.
Scouting, hiking, mountaineering, excursions, plays, announcements and debates make my life interesting and engaging in school. I am given love and respect for my achievements in studies, sports and other activities by fellow students.
I am free from the care and concerns of life. I am regular and systematic in my work. I work hard all year long I have never been myself absent from school. I read new books and newspapers. I think that's hard. I use my hands along with my head. I have no reason to fear my teachers and exams. My life is disciplined and well-organized. All this is very beneficial for me.
School life is preparing me to live a better life ahead. I am preparing myself for the war of life. The punishment of my sins of omission and commission is not painful for me. It strengthens my character and takes me to the right path. I am very happy and proud that my school life can provide me and stand up.
Thanks To All !
3-Speech on My School Life
Dear friends - I hope this day finds you in the best spirits! I would like to give a speech on - My School Life. I'm sure we all have something to say about the life of our school. Is not it?
The very word 'school' carries a lot of emotion with it and we are taken to a world where we spend half a day studying, reading and writing, then other co-curricular activities such as sports, dance, music And so on. We do a lot in the school environment, where our personality and character take shape and we are ready for the country's manufacturing practice. The foundation of our early years is very important because it indicates our future and this very foundation is being kept by our school. I am currently in the eighth grade and till now my visit to this school has been excellent; In fact, what I am doing today is doing for my school.
I would like to thank my parents that they have sent us one of the best schools in our city and I want to thank my Honorable Principal and the teachers that they work at all times for the better prospects of their students. Are there. I especially want to thank my class teacher for being so patient and kind and always show the willingness to solve my questions. My school life has been the best till now and there is no regrets or regret for anything. My school has given me many things, that is, it has made me confident, independent and knowledgeable. The fact is that I have brought home prizes and trophies in the inter-school competition along with science and math topics in the Olympiad; My school education and my teachers told me a lot about hard work towards our mental and intellectual development.
There is no reason to doubt that if such a school is going on in our country, then no one can stop our country from leaping and increasing to the border. It is not necessary to say that the growth of a nation is directly proportional to the development of its youth and if the future of youth is ruined, then no one can save the future of that nation from drowning into obscenity. And if the youth develops the country, then it also grows. This is the reason that many stresses are given to educate and educate the youth and to provide them different skills in order to generate employment and our greater youths show their talent and opportunities to make their nation proud Can get .
Therefore, I firmly believe that schools play a very important role in our society, without which the country will be reduced to a state of acute vandalism.
All I have to say, thank you so much for being such a great spectator.
4-Speech on My School Life
Dear Friends – I hope this day finds you in the best of spirits!
Today on the speech giving day, I – Abc Singh from Class-VIII (B) – would like to deliver a speech on My School Life. I am sure we all will have something or the other to say about our school lives. Isn’t it?
School life is the most enjoyable time of a person's life. Everyone yearns for those happy days in their later life. When he remembers the old memories of his school life, he is very happy.
The joys of school life are many. School is a place of youth. Even old young students feel happy and smart in the company. This is a carefree life. The student is not worried about worldly matters. The demands of the student are easily completed by his parents. He is only concerned with his lessons and games. There is enough time for him to play and make his health. She remains cheerful for most of the time. Some of their friends are naughty. He told jokes with his classmates. But there are some industry boys too. They work hard to overcome others. They cut jokes with their classmates.
We have a happy evening in the playground. There is a deep competition between players. They are happy to clap This is blissful happiness which we can not find anywhere else.
Teacher is cute personality. We are familiar with their special habits. They are angry and punished but by heart, they are our well wishers. They become the ideal example for us. Discipline, cooperation and tolerance through school activities Actually, the character is created in school. In this way we become good citizens and lead a successful life in the future.
School activities such as tournaments, picnics and other activities are a source of great happiness. We spend a good time at school. But we should not waste this time. The success of our future life depends on this period. The child is the man's father. School prepares us to fight the battle of bravery bravely. We are very few heroes in making.
Thanks To All !
5-Speech on My School Life
Greetings of the day everyone - I hope you are doing good!
Before I give a speech on my school life, I welcome everyone at today's speech. Today's speech theme is My School Life and I am very excited to share my thoughts on it.
School life is an exciting phase in everyone's life, I am convinced that all of you will agree. Actually, my school life has been so rich that I can not thank my parents for sending me the best school and certainly my teacher for such a guided torch in the entire journey. My teachers have been an effective factor in my life, helped shape my personality and shared a lot with us with immense reserves of knowledge. What I am today is due to my schooling and the kind of rites I have given them in the early years.
Apart from the academics, I enjoyed other co-curricular activities well, such as being a part of the basketball fraternity, the cricket federation, the debate society, etc. This whole journey has been really exciting and I have grown into a person, as a person. It is rightly said that "school life is the best life" and this phrase shows its entire cracks because during the entire 12-year period we learn something new and do something new. The school provides us an enchanting environment where we grow; we learn; Experience new things; Make friends and gain confidence to face the outside world. That is why it is the best stage of a student's life, where he develops the ability to think critically.
The school also teaches us the value of discipline and time without which we can never achieve our goals and goals in life. The test we take in school days helps us get ready for big challenges in life. There is no reason to doubt me that this is a place where we experience the development of a period of our existence, where our scholarly abilities increase, where our horizon is wide and we learn new things and our Be aware of many possibilities of shaping personality. The best way is possible. Although every stage has its own importance in our life, but we can never assimilate it much as we do from the life of our school because it is a 12 year long journey. Is not it?
I can never go on the indelible impression that my school has left me - the time to get up early in the morning, school preparation, walking inside classes, reading, writing, completing work, joining the exam, in annual work Participation, debate competitions and definitely not the last but at least games too. Nothing remained untouched because my school has taught me a lot, for which I will never be able to thank my school.
A good school always provides value education to its students and this value education is not limited to books, but goes beyond that which helps a child during his lifetime. That's all I have to say.
Thank you very much!
6-Speech on My School Life
Dear Friends - Best wishes to all of you! Before we start celebrating today, please allow me to honor our Chief Guest, Principal, Vice Principal and all our teachers.
I am very happy to welcome everyone at our school's annual function today. I, Surendra Rawat from Class XII (B), I am your host for today and my class teacher Dr. I am honored to share the stage with Naina Gupta, which is really an inspiration for me. This annual ceremony is really very special for all of us and we eagerly look forward to enjoyment and celebration of this day. But this time friends, I promise you some extra attractive games with some extra dose of laughter and joy.
Apart from this, I would like to express my feelings even today, because this is our last year in school and it has been posted that our high school will be completed and that's why our journey to school will be done. Therefore, on this auspicious day, I would like to say a few words to my school and I would like to express my gratitude for giving the best wishes to the property of knowledge.
It seems as if I had entered this school yesterday, but it was 10 years ago when my father found me here. At that time I was a child and then my academic journey started. I entered the X standard and now I am a person born here who is waiting to emerge with flying colors.
From learning to read and write, this school has taught me everything from scratch. Here, I have not only given examinations but have also learned to overcome difficulties and become a strong person. Not only do we teach lessons in the classroom, but some valuable lifetime lessons are also given, which will be with us throughout our life. We are taught how discipline plays an important role in meeting our goals and why it is important to value the time. Then, besides academics, we are encouraged to become part of other co-curricular activities. Where I performed excellent in basketball, my other friends performed excellent in cricket, in some dance classes, some in music, etc. Inter-school competitions were organized so that we can learn to compete in a healthy way and the best of our ability Can be experienced.
We were given enough opportunities to show our talents and skills. All this is due to the fact that we are confident and have learned to behave in the outside world. If this school was not in the form of our spine and was in the form of our strong support, then we would not have such personality as we are today, that is, strong and dynamic. A school actually plays an important role in keeping a child's scholarly foundation, and I consider myself lucky to be sent to such a school because it is a place where every child will be raised very carefully and carefully. Is done from
Lastly, I want to say that I am a proud student of our ABC school. Now, the show begins.
7-Speech on My School Life
Dear Friends – I hope this day finds you in the best of spirits!
Today on the speech giving day, I – Abc Singh from Class-VIII (B) – would like to deliver a speech on My School Life. I am sure we all will have something or the other to say about our school lives. Isn’t it?
A person of his life passes through various stages. It starts right after birth; In the first stage, childhood, adolescence, infancy is included after infancy and then the final stage is old age. The foundation of a life begins with the family after school. The school plays a very important role in our lives because it covers two stages of life i.e. childhood and adolescence. From the first day of school, we know the realities of the world and experience many things. Having spent 15-16 years of our life, it becomes our second home. This is the school from which we started learning a lot of things that make our lives better and determine the basis for our coming years.
This is the school from which we learn the ethics of life, whether it is from our morning gatherings, teachers, and research or experiences experienced by us during the day. We learn discipline, respect, obedience, courtesy and much more. We also learn how to maintain patience according to the situation and how to handle it in different situations.
The brain develops very much through academic activities. We gather a lot of knowledge about the world and its scenarios. Educationists inspire us to build a career-oriented life for a better future. Books not only help us in academically, but also help in preparing ourselves, co-curricular activities organized in schools are also very helpful in the development of our personality because it includes debates, games and plays. Who help themselves find and discover our real identity. Throughout the passing years, through regular social interactions, we make many unforgettable memories, in which people like schoolmates, teachers and staff members are emotionally connected.
The basis of our life revolves around the fact that we are able to manage our time properly and this quality we learn from our schools. We get assignments, home work, tests, coaching and examinations, so we learn that from the day we wake up in the morning, plan your day and it will last until the day ends. We learn to manage our time, which difficulties we face.
It is said that the choice of school life is friendship. It plays an important role in social development because when we make friends, we are not disturbed about their caste or religion, it is based on our real feelings. This is a friend who helps us with various problems in our school life and we share our personal life with them as after a certain time they become our families away from home. Sometimes friendships are harmful rather than fruitful, because we tend to move towards the path that we should not take. Coworkers take us towards cigarettes, alcohol, drugs addiction, causing life to be damaged. So we should always choose our friends wisely so that if we are being misled by the wrong company of the peers then they can take us on the right track.
Although we think about school's sanctions, discipline in our school days, but when all this ends and we move towards our next life then whatever is left is nothing but those memories and foundations. That's what we have achieved over time. After schooling, we promise to stay in touch with our friends, but after a certain period, it becomes very difficult to add all our steps in various directions of life.
The only thing left is to save for a lifetime.
thanks all !
Speech on My School Life in English in Very Simple Words and Easy Sentences, Long Speech on My School Life, Short Speech on My School Life, speech on school life experience, my school life essay for class 10, school days are the best days of our lives, essay on school life for class 7, what is school life, my school life story in english, journey of my school life
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