Whether you are a concert guitarist or an amateur drummer, an Olympic Athlete or a rookie cricketer, a surgeon, student, teacher, or working professional, your performance and ability to learn new things, is dependent on your ability to focus.
We’ve all had days, perhaps weeks, or even months, when focussing has been an issue. It could have been due to the pressures of the workplace, or the numerous demands on your time. The one common theme was the end result – not being able to focus on anything for any useful length of time was taking a toll on your performance, and, hence, your sense of well-being.
Many people struggle with focus. And there are different reasons why they face trouble focusing. It could be tiredness, ennui, disinterest, anxiety, stress, and so on. The lack of focus predominantly originates from a scattered and restless mind. So, how should you train your mind to improve focus? Research suggests that people use a range of “smart drugs”, from prescribed ones to the illicit, to boost their work or academic performance. Wouldn't it be safer and healthier to develop focus, more naturally, by relaxing the mind? For example, have you considered meditation to improve focus? There are simple meditation techniques and slight lifestyle changes that can help you focus better. Let’s have a look at some of them.
Several studies have shown that regular practice of meditation can help increase and sustain attention span. A new study by the University of Wisconsin-Madison shows that those participants, who had practised meditation, were better at completing tasks, when faced with distraction. We often hear that meditation requires concentration. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the founder of the Art of Living Foundation, counters, "Meditation is de-concentration, and alertness and focus of mind are the result of regular meditation practice."
Here are a few tips to improve focus with meditation:
A. Observing the Breath:
Breath is the main source of prana, the vital life-force energy. By simply becoming aware of your breath, you may slip into meditation. A simple tip would be to choose a quiet spot for yourself, and keep observing the natural rhythm of the breath, for a couple of minutes, before meditation.
B. Pranayamas:
The main aspects of pranayamas are inhalation, retention, and exhalation. To boost your energy levels, both short term and long term, there is hardly a better method than the regular practice of pranayamas. Alternate nostril breathing or Nadi Shodhan Pranayama, is one such beautiful technique that should be practised, for a few minutes, just before you begin to meditate. It helps to keep the mind happy, centered, and peaceful.
C. Sudarshan Kriya:
A daily dose of Sudarshan Kriya incorporates specific natural rhythms of the breath, harmonising the body, mind and emotions. This powerful, yet simple, breathing technique, founded by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, helps eliminate stress, leaving the mind calm and focused. Sudarshan Kriya practitioners have reported better immunity, increased stamina and sustained high-energy levels.
D. Concentration Pranayama:
This two-and-a-half-minute technique can help retain and improve concentration for three hours. The Concentration Pranayama at the Art of Living, is especially effective for students and can be learned in the youth courses.
Observe the day
To make the mind restful and focused, have you ever taken time out and observed the schedule of your day? What do you read? How much time do you spend in front of the TV or laptop? What kind of company do you keep around you?
Reading fiction, magazines, advertisements, or news that agitates the mind, with negative stories, only makes the mind more restless. The TV and the Internet have the ability to keep the mind unnecessarily occupied, with irrelevant banter. Incorporate a bit of light spiritual reading, or explore inspirational and thought-provoking ideas and philosophy every day. This helps to settle the mind and improve focus.
Physical activity/yoga
A good amount of physical activity is very essential to make the restless body restful and, in turn, the mind as well. You can practice Sun Salutations (Suryanamaskars) or any set of yoga asanas at a slow pace. Remember to pay attention to every movement and stretch, while coordinating them with your breath. A new study finds that just 20 minutes of yoga stimulates the brain functions, associated with the ability to focus and retain. So make use of yoga to improve focus.
Eat healthy
"You are what you eat". The food you eat affects not just your body but your mind, thoughts, intellect, and awareness levels, as well. A brain-healthy diet is essential to keep your memory and intellect sharp, and your mood buoyant. It is better to keep a check on your junk food quotient. Many experts recommend abstaining from non-vegetarian food as well.
Be in the Now
To have focus is to be in the now, and this is a practice that has to stay with you, over and over. The moment you become aware that the mind has strayed, bring it back to the present, using your breath as a tool. This kind of mindfulness has to be made a way of life.
Focus can have far-reaching rewards in many areas of daily life. It is worthwhile to invest a little time and effort in sharpening it. So, when was the last time you proactively tried to improve your focus? Ten minutes ago, when you began reading this article?! Now take the next step, and work toward the difference you want to see in yourself !
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