World No Tobacco Day

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World No Tobacco Day

In order to make people all over the world tobacco free and healthy and to protect against all health hazards, all the problems and health complications caused by tobacco chewing or smoking are easily recognized by the people around the world. For the first time World Tobacco Prohibition Day was started by the World Health Organization to celebrate the program.

World Tobacco Prohibition Day 2019 will be celebrated by people all over the world on Thursday, May 31st.

Various other health related programs are organized by the WHO to make the whole world free from disease and its problems like AIDS Day, Mental Health Day, Blood Donation Day, Cancer Day etc. All programs are organized and celebrated in very important manner all over the world. It was first celebrated on April 7, 1988, on the anniversary of the WHO and later on 31 May every year it was announced as a tobacco ban day. It was created by the Member States of WHO in 1987 as World No Tobacco Day.

It is celebrated with the idea of ​​promoting people and awareness of the whole to prevent or reduce the consumption of tobacco completely in any form from all over the world. It is aimed at attracting people's attention globally to spread the message of the harmful effects of tobacco use with its complexities on others. This campaign consists of several global organizations, such as the State Government, Public Health Organization etc. conducting various types of local public awareness programs.

The habit of nicotine is very harmful to health, which is fatal, and the brain is known as "scarce" disease, which can never be cured, though it can be fully arrested. Like other non-legal drugs, meth, alcohol, heroin etc, this brain stops the dopamine path. Like other survival activities such as food and drinking food and liquids, it prepares the brain to send a wrong message about the nicotine requirement for the body.

There are ways to help different types of nicotine addiction by health organizations to help those who are already on the earth to save their lives. During the message campaign of "Tobacco Free Youth" and during the World Tobacco Prohibition Day of 2008, the promotion, advertising and sponsorship of tobacco or tobacco products has been restricted by the WHO.

How World No Tobacco Prohibition Day is celebrated and how its activities are implemented

World Tobacco Ban Day is organized on an annual basis by non-governmental and government organizations, including the WHO and its member states, to make people aware about all health problems being caused by the use of tobacco. Some activities are done to celebrate this day, public marches, exhibition programs, large banners, advertising campaigns through teaching programs, direct dialogue with the general public to stop smoking, and for the campaigners involved. Organizing meetings, marches, debates between people, tobacco prohibition activities, folk arts, health camps, rallies and parades, copies of tobacco in specific areas To introduce new laws to SFTP Dropbox Account and may also be a lot of activities that will help build the country's tobacco free. It has not been declared as a public or official holiday, however, it is celebrated with a variety of influential campaigns.

It is very necessary that the use of tobacco consumption at the global level should be stopped or prevented as it causes many diseases such as long-term obstructive lung disease (COPD), lung cancer, heart failure, stroke, permanent heart disease , Emphysema, various types of cancer etc. Tobacco consumption can be done in many ways, such as cigarette, cigar, bidi, cream cheese (tooth paste), cretex, pipes, gutkas, tobacco chewing, well-ordered (hand-eaten tobacco), tobacco Color objects, water pipes, snacks etc. Therefore, it is very necessary to ban the use of tobacco products.

According to the growing demand, on April 7, 1988, a proposal passed by the WHO on 15 May 1987, to endorse an annual program called World Tobacco Day, "Prevention of Tobacco Use", which was later on May 31, 1989, World Tobacco To commemorate the protest day, on May 17, 1989, it was further changed according to the second offer.

To attract attention of other people to be aware of the health problems caused by tobacco use, the general public, including government and non-government organizations, is actively involved in persuading World Tobacco Prohibition Day. To participate actively, people use different types of symbols to attract people's mind towards the festival. There are some symbols, clean ester with flowers, highlighting the main body parts that harm the use of tobacco (such as heart, lung, kidney etc.), showing signs of tobacco prohibition, showing brain death due to smoking, internet Use direct and indirect posters to display, blogs, etc., to make people aware by other means.

The WHO is a major organization that works as a central hub for organizing World Tobacco Prohibition Day in the whole world. In order to promote tobacco production and to promote various organizations and individuals who are actively contributing to this campaign, the WOO, a 1988 awards ceremony, is organized to promote any country and region during this award ceremony. Special organizations and individuals are given special awards and identity certificates.

World No Tobacco Prohibition Day is celebrated and its history

To promote and encourage the consumption of tobacco or its products, to encourage and encourage the general public, celebrating World Tobacco Prohibition Day is the main goal, because it leads us to some deadly diseases like (Cancer, heart related problems) or even death. Individuals from different regions of the country, very actively participating in the campaign to achieve global success, non-profit and public health organizations participate and participate in the distribution of advertisements, new themes and tobacco use or the bad effects of its smoking products. Poster exhibition is done on information related to.

To increase the consumption of its products, its aim is to pay constant attention to the purchase, sale or advertisement of tobacco products or tobacco. To make its campaign effective, the WHO creates a special theme of the Year related to World Tobacco Day. In addition to making the environment pollution-free, this program plays a major role in attracting the attention of people and the government towards the real need of all effective steps to save the consumption of tobacco globally.

At least one person is killed every year by consuming tobacco, while 1.3 billion people worldwide use tobacco. By 2020 we can control the untimely death of approximately 100 million people by reducing the use of 20-25% of tobacco use. It is possible by applying all the anti-smoking efforts and steps like ban on TV or radio advertising for tobacco, showing dangers, and starting the effective public awareness campaign and preventing smoking in public places. According to statistics, it is worth noting that in 1995, the number of people smoking about 37.6% was decreased, in 2006 it was 20.8%.

It was noted that 50% of men smoke in China. Every country's government needs to take some important steps at national and regional level to reduce the impact of this bad situation. It can be by anti-smoking policies like taxing tobacco, selling, buying, advertising, promoting tobacco and its products and limiting sponsors; organizing public health camps to assess the dangers of smoking etc.

Steps / Events taken by the WHO on World No Tobacco Day

The WHO has taken several steps to prevent or reduce the use of tobacco or its products through the establishment of various other health awareness campaigns and programs called World Tobacco Day Worldwide. In order to avoid using tobacco, certain steps were taken by the WHO, which is given here as follows:

  • To commemorate a program called "World Tobacco Prohibition Day" on April 7, 1988, on its 40th anniversary, aiming to make and alert the people using tobacco in the world to abandon or reduce the use of tobacco. In 1987, the WHO passed the resolution, named after WHA 40.38.
  • Every year on May 31, a second proposal, called WSH 42.19, was passed by the WHO to commemorate a program called World Tobacco Day. It also supported the celebration by organizing various programs and related to tobacco.
  • With the aim of attracting people's attention towards global health problems of tobacco use, in 1998, the WHO had established a second program named Tobacco Free Initiative (TFI) to focus on international resources. It has helped in making health policies universally for effective tobacco control, encouraging people in society etc.
  • In the form of an agreement to implement policies for the end of tobacco, a second public health treaty accepted in 2003 was the WHO FCTC.
  • On the eve of the World Tobacco Prohibition Day in 2008, by creating a "Tobacco Free Youth" goal, the WHO had declared a ban on tobacco advertising, sponsorship and publicity.

World No Tobacco Day Theme

Every year, the WHO elects a special subject in a form of central organ for spreading a global message to people for greater awareness, to celebrate World No Tobacco Day effective worldwide. Members of the World Tobacco Protest Day celebration are provided with other promotional items such as brochures, posters, flyers, press releases, websites etc. on this topic.

From 1987 to 2014 the themes are given on the basis of year:

  • The theme of the year 1987 was "First Smokeless Olympics (1988 Winter Winter Season - Calgary)."
  • The theme of the year 1988 was "Tobacco or health: Choose health."
  • The theme of 1989 was "Tobacco and Women: Women Smoking: Increasing the Risk."
  • The theme of the year 1990 was "Childhood and Youth Without Tobacco: Without Tobacco Being Large."
  • The theme of the year 1991 was "Public place and transport: Tobacco free is better."
  • The theme of the year 1992 was "Tobacco Free Workplace: Safe and Healthy."
  • The theme of 1993 was "Healthcare: Our window for a tobacco-free world."
  • The theme of 1994 was "Media and Tobacco: Send the message to all."
  • The theme of 1995 was "The price of tobacco is higher than you think."
  • The theme of 1997 was "united to the world of tobacco-free".
  • The theme of 1998 was "Growing Without Tobacco."
  • The theme of the year 1999 was "Leave the box behind."
  • The theme of the year 2000 was "Tobacco kills, do not be stupid."
  • The theme of 2001 was "Smoke from others."
  • The theme for the year 2002 was "Tobacco Free Games."
  • The theme of the year 2003 was "Tobacco Free Film, Tobacco Free Fashion."
  • The theme of the year 2004 was "Tobacco and poverty, a sinner."
  • The theme of the year 2005 was "Health Professionals Against Tobacco".
  • The theme of the year 2006 was "Tobacco: Death in any form or manner."
  • The theme of the year 2007 was "Tobacco Free."
  • The theme of the year 2008 was "Tobacco Free Youth."
  • The theme of the year 2009 was "Tobacco Health Warning."
  • The theme of 2010 was "gender and tobacco with emphasis on women's business."
  • The theme of the year 2011 was the "WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control."
  • The theme of the year 2012 was "Tobacco Industry Interference."
  • The theme of the year 2013 was "Ban on Advertising, Incentive and Sponsorship of Tobacco."
  • The theme of 2014 was "Enhance" tax on "tobacco."
  • The theme of 2015 was "Preventing illegal trade of tobacco products."

Statement on World No Tobacco Day

  • "Quitting tobacco is the easiest task of this world. I know because I have done this thousand times. "- Mark Tawane
  • "Tobacco kills, if you die, you will lose a very important part of your life." - Brooke Shield
  • "The real face of tobacco is sickness, death and fear - not the glow and artificialism that people who sell drugs in the tobacco industry try to show us." - David Biren
  • "More smoking kills the living person and saves the dead pig." - George De Prentiss
  • "The best way to quit smoking is to stop it immediately - if any, and or not." - Edith Zitler
  • "Cigarette is a killer who travels in a compartment." - Unknown author
  • "Tobacco is a filthy habit, as I am dedicated to the statement." - Caroline Hellbrun Author Manisha Dubey JhaDear Reader, My name is Manisha Dubey Jha. I have been blogging for 3 years and through the Fast I have been giving important educational content as far as possible to the reader. Hope you like everyone, please share your classmate too. As a literature person, I am very passionate about reading and participating in my thoughts on paper. So what is better than adopting writing as a profession? With over three years of experience in the given area, I am making an online reputation for my clients. If any mistakes or wrong in the article, please suggest us @

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