National Girl Child Day is celebrated on 24th January every year as National Work Day for girl child. This festival was started to provide more support and new opportunities for girls in the country. It is celebrated in society to raise awareness amongst the people about facing all inequalities by the girl child. Discrimination with a girl child is a big problem which spreads in many areas such as inequality in education, nutrition, legal rights, medical supervision, safety, respect, child marriage etc.
The Indian Government has started celebrating National Girl Child Day as a National Girl Child Development Mission. This mission increases awareness among the people of the whole country about the importance of girls' advancement. This enhances the meaningful contribution of girls in the decision-making process by influencing other community members and parents.
National Girl Child Day was celebrated on Wednesday 24th January 2018.
Why national girl child day is celebrated
It is celebrated for the betterment of their life among social people and for promoting girls' position in the society. It is very necessary that different types of social discrimination and exploitation should be completely removed from the society, which every day girls face in their lives. Various political and community leaders deliver lectures about equal education and fundamental freedoms for raising awareness about the need for girls' rights in society.
National Girl Child Day
It is very important for girls to get a strong, safe and secure environment. They should be aware of every truth and legal rights of life. They should know that they have the right to good education, nutrition, and health care. To face their rightful rights and all the challenges in life, they should be well aware of the provisions of domestic violence including law, 2009, Child Marriage Prevention Act 2009, Dowry Recovery Act 2006 etc.
In our country, female literacy rate is still 53.87% and one-third of young girls are malnourished. Due to limited access to health care and due to gender inequality in society, women suffering from reproductive age group are suffering from various other diseases and lack of blood. A number of steps have been taken by the Ministry of Women and Child Development at national and state levels to improve the status of girl child through various schemes.
The Ministry of Women and Child Development has launched a scheme called "Dhanalakshmi" under which funding of basic needs such as inequalization, birth registration, enrollment in school and maintenance up to Class 8 by cash transfers to the girl child's family is met . Right to Education Act has provided free and urgent education for girl child.
How National Girl Child Day is celebrated
Various programs are organized throughout the country to celebrate the girl child day in order to promote girls' position in the society. In Indian society a big campaign is organized by the Indian government to increase the consciousness of the people towards girls.
To commemorate national work, the women and child development commenced from the year 2008 to commemorate National Girl Child Day. This campaign marked the inequality of girls in the Indian society. On this day, various advertisements are run by the government on the message "Save the girl child" and in the radio station, TV, local and national newspapers. NGOs and non-governmental organizations also come together and participate in this festival to fight against social stigma against girl child.
Purpose of celebrating National Girl Child Day
- In society, the girl gives new opportunities for the baby and it is celebrated as national work to increase the consciousness of the people.
- Indian society is being faced by girls' infants to remove inequality.
- It should be ensured that in every Indian society every girl child is being given due respect and importance.
- It should be ensured that every girl child in the country will get her all human rights.
- Working against child sex ratio in India and changing the mindset of the girl child.
- Girl child should start a couple by raising awareness about the importance and role of girl child.
- Discussing issues related to their health, respect, education, nutrition etc.
- Promoting gender equality among people in India
Right to Girl Child In India
In order to improve the status of girl child, the Indian government takes various steps by various declarations. Some of them are as follows:
- To know the gender by the clinics in pregnancy has been termed as illegal by the government.
- Child marriage is prohibited.
- In order to fight infant mortality in malnutrition, illiteracy, poverty and society, prenatal care has been made necessary for all pregnant women.
- To save girl child, the government has introduced "Save Girl Child" scheme.
- The condition of girl child education in India has improved through the free and essential primary school.
- Indian Government has reserved one-third seats in the local government for women to improve the status of girl child in India.
- In order to increase the status of women and the employment opportunities, anti-MTP anti-sati law, anti-dowry act has also been brought in by the law.
- The Five Year Plan has been implemented to give attention to the state of education in the backward states of the country.
- Uniforms, lunch, educational items are given to school children and families of SC and ST girls are refunded.
- The Balwadi-cum-Cadana house has been implemented to go to elementary schools and give attention to young girls.
- Other programs, including "Operation Blackboard" have been organized for improving the school service and for teachers' education.
- Free education system has been set up for ease of girls of backward areas.
- For the girl child, it has been declared that "girls should be treated equally with equality and opportunities to increase their chances".
- Government has started self-help group in the form of main policy for better living for girls of rural areas.
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