Get visitor's location details from IP address in php
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If you want to track your visitor's location details like city, state, country etc then you can use the following script. In PHP we can easily get the visitors/ user IP address by using $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] option. But you can't get other information like country, city, state etc directly in PHP. provides the solution for this.
How to get user IP Address in PHP
<?php $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; echo $ip; ?>
How to get user/ visitor Location in PHP
<?php require_once("userip/"); require_once("userip/php_fast_cache.php"); $_ip = new ip_codehelper(); $real_client_ip_address = $_ip->getRealIP(); $visitor_location = $_ip->getLocation($real_client_ip_address); $guest_ip = $visitor_location['IP']; $guest_country = $visitor_location['CountryName']; $guest_city = $visitor_location['CityName']; $guest_state = $visitor_location['RegionName']; echo "IP Address: ". $guest_ip. "<br/>"; echo "Country: ". $guest_country. "<br/>"; echo "State: ". $guest_state. "<br/>"; echo "City: ". $guest_city. "<br/>"; ?>
The above code provides the information like ip, Continent Code, Continent Name, Country Code in 2 digit, Country Code in 3 digit, Country short code, Country Name, Region / State Name, City Name, City Latitude, City Longitude, Country Latitude, Country Longitude, Local Time Zone, Calling Code, Population, Area in Sq Km, Capital, Electrical, Languages, Currency and Flag image.
$ip = $visitor_location['IP']; $Continent_Code = $$$visitor_location['ContinentCode']; $Continent_Name = $visitor_location['ContinentName']; $Country_Code2 = $visitor_location['CountryCode2']; $Country_Code3 = $visitor_location['CountryCode3']; $Country = $visitor_location['Country']; $Country_Name = $visitor_location['CountryName']; $State_Name = $visitor_location['RegionName']; $City_Name = $visitor_location['CityName']; $City_Latitude = $visitor_location['CityLatitude']; $City_Longitude = $visitor_location['CityLongitude']; $Country_Latitude = $visitor_location['CountryLatitude']; $Country_Longitude = $visitor_location['CountryLongitude']; $Country_Longitude = $visitor_location['CountryLongitude']; $LocalTimeZone = $visitor_location['LocalTimeZone']; $Calling_Code = $visitor_location['CallingCode']; $Population = $visitor_location['Population']; $Area_SqKm = $visitor_location['AreaSqKm']; $Capital = $visitor_location['Capital']; $Electrical = $visitor_location['Electrical']; $Languages = $visitor_location['Languages']; $Currency = $visitor_location['Currency']; $Flag = $visitor_location['Currency'];