Rename a User

Course- PostgreSQL >

This PostgreSQL tutorial explains how to rename a user in PostgreSQL with syntax and examples.


The ALTER USER statement is used to rename a user in the PostgreSQL database.


The syntax to rename a user using the ALTER USER statement in PostgreSQL is:

ALTER USER user_name

  RENAME TO new_name;

Parameters or Arguments


The name of the user to rename in the PostgreSQL database.


The new name to assign to the user.


  • You can not rename the current session user. If you wish to rename the current session user, you will need to logout and then login as a different user to run the ALTER USER statement.


Let's look at how to rename a user in PostgreSQL using the ALTER USER statement.

For example:

ALTER USER fastread.aitechtonic

  RENAME TO totn;

In this example, the ALTER USER statement would rename the user called fastread.aitechtonic to totn in the PostgreSQL database.