Access Array with For-of

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JavaScript has various methods for handling arrays, as you read about in section,“Javascript Arrays.” Apart from while and for loops, you can also use for-in. Unfortunately, this loop visits all of an array’s named properties, not just the actual array values:

"use strict";
let arr1 = [ 6, 5, 7, 9 ];
arr1.greeting = "hi";
for (var x in arr1) {
console.log(x); // logs "0", "1", "2", "3", "greeting"

To get around this problem, ECMAScript 6 introduces the for-of construct, which iterates over just the property values:

for (var y of arr1) {
console.log(y); // logs "6", "5", "7", "9"

Note the use of the directive "use strict" in the preceding code snippet. This directive, introduced in ECMAScript 5, indicates that JavaScript should execute in strict mode, a more rigid set of interpreter rules, and is currently necessary to use certain ECMAScript 6 features.


The examples presented so far in this section are fine for testing ECMAScript 6 features, but at the time of writing they are not ready for use in your production code. Few visitors to your website will be using a browser with strong ECMAScript 6 support. You can start preparing for the future, though.

Traceur is a Google project intended to take ECMAScript 6 code and process it into ECMAScript 5 code that is compatible with most browsers using their default settings. It doesn’t support all of the ECMAScript 6 features, but new features are being added all the time.

You can read about the project at, and also download the code to try for yourself at