Access Array with For-of
JavaScript has various methods for handling arrays, as you read about in section,“Javascript Arrays.” Apart from while and for loops, you can also use for-in. Unfortunately, this loop visits all of an array’s named properties, not just the actual array values:
"use strict"; let arr1 = [ 6, 5, 7, 9 ]; arr1.greeting = "hi"; for (var x in arr1) { console.log(x); // logs "0", "1", "2", "3", "greeting" }
To get around this problem, ECMAScript 6 introduces the for-of construct, which iterates over just the property values:
for (var y of arr1) { console.log(y); // logs "6", "5", "7", "9" }
Note the use of the directive "use strict" in the preceding code snippet. This directive, introduced in ECMAScript 5, indicates that JavaScript should execute in strict mode, a more rigid set of interpreter rules, and is currently necessary to use certain ECMAScript 6 features.
The examples presented so far in this section are fine for testing ECMAScript 6 features, but at the time of writing they are not ready for use in your production code. Few visitors to your website will be using a browser with strong ECMAScript 6 support. You can start preparing for the future, though.
Traceur is a Google project intended to take ECMAScript 6 code and process it into ECMAScript 5 code that is compatible with most browsers using their default settings. It doesn’t support all of the ECMAScript 6 features, but new features are being added all the time.
You can read about the project at, and also download the code to try for yourself at