Variable Scope

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We have already seen how to declare variables with the var keyword. There is a golden rule to remember when using functions:

“Variables declared inside a function only exist inside that function.”

This limitation is known as the scope of the variable. Let’s see an example:

// Define our function addTax()
function addTax(subtotal, taxRate) {
var total = subtotal * (1 + (taxRate/100));
return total;
} // now let's call the function
var invoiceValue = addTax(50, 10);
alert(invoiceValue); // works correctly
alert(total); // doesn't work                    

If we run this code, we first see an alert() dialog with the value of the variable invoiceValue (which should be 55, but in fact will probably be something like 55.000000001 because we have not asked JavaScript to round the result).

We will not, however, then see an alert() dialog containing the value of the variable total. Instead, JavaScript simply produces an error. Whether you see this error reported depends on your browser settings—you learn more about error handling later in the book—but JavaScript will be unable to display an alert() dialog with the value of your variable total.

This is because we placed the declaration of the variable total inside the addTax() function. Outside the function the variable total simply doesn’t exist (or, as JavaScript puts it, “is not defined”). We used the return keyword to pass back just the value stored in the variable total, and that value we then stored in another variable, invoice.

We refer to variables declared inside a function definition as being local variables; that is, local to that function. Variables declared outside any function are known as global variables. To add a little more confusion, local and global variables can have the same name, but still be different variables!

The range of situations where a variable is defined is known as the scope of the variable—we can refer to a variable as having local scope or global scope.

Try it Yourself: Demonstrating the Scope of Variables

var a = 10;
var b = 10;
function showVars() {
var a = 20; // declare a new local variable 'a'
b = 20; // change the value of global variable 'b'
return "Local variable 'a' = " + a + "\nGlobal variable 'b' = " +
} var message =
alert(message + "\nGlobal variable 'a' = " + a);                    

Within the showVars() function we manipulate two variables, a and b. The variable a we define inside the function; this is a local variable that only exists inside the function, quite separate from the global variable (also called a) that we declare at the very beginning of the script.

The variable b is not declared inside the function, but outside; it is a global variable.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Variable Scope</title>
var a = 10;
var b = 10;
function showVars() {
var a = 20; // declare a new local variable 'a'
b = 20; // change the value of global variable 'b'
return "Local variable 'a' = " + a + "\nGlobal variable 'b' =
" + b;
var message = showVars();
alert(message + "\nGlobal variable 'a' = " + a);

When the page is loaded, showVars() returns a message string containing information about the updated values of the two variables a and b, as they exist inside the function—a with local scope, and b with global scope. A message about the current value of the other, global variable a is then appended to the message, and the message displayed to the user.

javascriptvariable scope