Setting the Hyperlink Color

Whenever a Web page is opened for the first time, the hyperlinks on it is blue in color. However, if you click a hyperlink, its color changes from blue to purple. You can also set the hyperlink color according to your requirements. For example, you can set the color of a hyperlink to be changed from blue to red when it is clicked. To do this, HTML provides the following three attributes, which can be used inside the <body> tag.

  • link: Specifies he color of the hyperlink that has not been visited (or clicked) before on a Web page
  • vlink: Specifies the color of the hyperlink that has been visited before on a Web page
  • alink: specifies the color of currently active links

Let’s do the following steps to set the colors of the hyperlinks:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Links </title>
<body link=”gree” vlink=”red” alink=”blue”>
    <h1>Setting Hyperlink Colors</h1>
    <a href=”page1.html” target=”_blank”>
    <h2> Page 1 </h2></a>
    <a href=”page2.html” target=”_blank”>
    <h2> Page 2 </h2></a>

Save the document with the name LinkColors.html.