14 jQuery Modal Dialog Boxes
1. vex
Easily styled, highly configurable, and mobile ready, vex is a pleasure to use. Start using vex on your projects as simply a drop-in replacement, without conflicting with other libraries or plugins you may have installed. Give your site that modern look.
2. animatedModal.js
animatedModal.js is a jQuery plugin to create a fullscreen modal with CSS3 transitions. You can use the transitions from animate.css or create your own transitions.
3. Remodal
Remodal is a responsive, lightweight and fully customizable modal window plugin with declarative configuration and hash tracking. You can also define a background container for the modal (so as to create effects such as a blur). It also supports IE8.
4. Avgrund Modal
Looking for something a little different? Avgrund may have you covered. The default settings create a unique effect that not only adds animations to the modal, but to the page itself, elegantly creating an illusion of depth. The best way to see how it looks is to check out the demo in the links below for yourself.
5. noty
Who said modals need to be centered? The default for noty is flush with the top of the screen ( with the ability to easily set a variety of positions). Other modal dialogs can achieve this effect, so this isn’t necessarily unique to, but noty makes it very easy to configure.
6. Lean Modal
If you are using jQuery, but still want something lightweight, Lean Modal is lean and mean. At only 1kb, with no extra CSS, you’ll hardly even notice Lean Modal is there.
7. jQuery Popdown
Tired of going popping up? Try popping down for a change. jQuery Popdown’s default, and only, animation comes in from the top and into our list. What it lacks in documentation and customizability, it makes up for in simplicity.
8. jQuery UI Dialog
jQuery UI is a well supported, widely used, easily customizable, lightweight jQuery based frontend framework. The entire framework includes much more more than just modals, but if all you’re looking for are the dialog boxes, each module of the framework can be easily used individually from the download page.
9. Colorbox
Designed as a lightbox plugin to display images, Colorbox can elegantly meet the needs of both a lightbox and a modal dialog system.
10. BlockUI
While every plugin on this list is capable of Ajax, BlockUI is built for it. It allows developers to simulate synchronous behavior using Ajax, without locking the browser. BlockUI adds elements to the DOM to give it both the appearance and behavior of blocking user interaction.
11. jQuery Modal
For what it lacks in creative naming, it makes up for in browser support. The documentation claims to even support the text based browser Lynx. But, don’t be confused, jQuery Modal is not part of the jQuery project.
12. nyroModal
Do you like customization? Well, let me introduce nyroModal. Many of the other plugins on this list allow for a great deal of customization, but nyroModal is designed around allowing the developer a great deal of freedom, even down to the animations.
13. jqModal
At only about 375 lines of code, including comments, the source code jqModal is very basic and straightforward. Making it a great option if you want to dig into the source code yourself.
14. Zebra Dialog
The default flat theme on Zebra looks fantastic, however feel free to customize your own!
Bonus: rmodal
Want something that doesn’t use jQuery, but is still lighweight and looks great? You may have found the one you’re looking for. Coming in at 3kb and no jQuery dependancy, rmodal is the most lightweight option on our list.
Bonus: SweetAlert
SweetAlert may not be the most lightweight modal on our list at 17kb, but it is the most popular. However, it does not need jQuery. If your site is small and the only reason you’re considering jQuery is to add a dialog, 17kb is much smaller than the entire jQuery library which can be hundreds of kilobytes. Sweet Alert also looks really great.