Document.cookies properties
Cookies in JavaScript are stored and retrieved by using the cookie property of the document object.
Each cookie is essentially a text string consisting of a name and a value pair, like this:
When a web page is loaded into your browser, the browser marshals all of the cookies available to that page into a single string-like property, which is available as document.cookie. Within document.cookie, the individual cookies are separated by semicolons:
Escaping and Unescaping Data
Cookie values may not include certain characters. Those disallowed include semicolons, commas, and whitespace characters such as space and tab. Before storing data to a cookie, you need to encode the data in such a way that it will be stored correctly.
You can use the JavaScript escape() function to encode a value before storing it, and the corresponding unescape() function to later recover the original cookie value.
The escape() function converts any non-ASCII character in the string to its equivalent two- or four-digit hexadecimal format—so a blank space is converted into %20, and the ampersand character (&) to %26.
For example, the following code snippet writes out the original string saved in variable str followed by its value after applying the escape() function:
var str = 'Here is a (short) piece of text.'; document.write(str + '
' + escape(str));
The output to the screen would be
Here is a (short) piece of text. Here%20is%20a%20%28short%29%20piece%20of%20text.
Notice that the spaces have been replaced by %20, the opening parenthesis by %28, and the closing parenthesis by %29.
All special characters, with the exception of *, @, -, _, +, ., and /, are encoded.