Remove all Characters in a String Except Alphabet using C++ Prog.

04-11-17 Course- CPP

In this program takes a strings from user and removes all characters in that string except alphabets.

Source Code to Remove Characters in String Except Alphabets

using namespace std;
int main(){
    char line[150];
    int i,j;
    cout << "Enter a string: ";
    cin.getline(line, 150);
    for(i=0; line[i]!='\0'; ++i)
        while (!((line[i]>='a'&&line[i]<='z') 
                || (line[i]>='A'&&line[i]<='Z' 
                || line[i]=='\0')))
    cout << "Output String: " << line;    
    return 0;


Enter a string: p2'r"o@gram84iz./
Output String: programiz

This program takes a string from user and for loop executed until all characters of string is checked. If any character inside a string is not a alphabet, all characters after it including null character is shifted by 1 position backwards.