Conflict Reduction Planning
This model can be used in conjunction with other techniques and skills mentioned elsewhere, but in some situations may also be used alone. Its strength is that it is intended to be used in a way that shows concern for the people involved rather than criticism.
This should be a partnership between a manager and individual(s), but the individual may utilize the procedure alone if necessary. Usually the manager has responsibility for implementing the process, but again, an individual who is aware that he/she needs to make changes, if they cannot get commitment from their manager, could use the process themselves. If the process is being driven by the manager, it is important to consider issues of confidentiality, taking into account the possible need to involve others in order to make the changes possible.
Conflict Reduction Planning
The process has six steps
- Recognition – that there is a problem
- Identification – exactly what the problem is and what is causing it.
- Brainstorming a range of possible solutions
- Agreeing an appropriate solution
- Implementing the agreed solution
- Monitoring the implementation and reviewing whether it is achieving the desired result.
Part 1 - Recognition
- Manager told by individual
- Manager becomes aware of obvious conflict
- Colleagues express concern
- Medical information - sickness documentation
- Manager becomes aware of performance indicators
Part 2 - Identifying Causes
- Discussion with line manager
- Discussion with both parties
- Identifying those areas that can be eliminated or controlled (for example by improving coping skills)
- You need to be very specific
- What is there about the aspect of work that is causing the problem between you?
Part 3 - Identify Options and Solutions
- Brainstorm as many options as possible that will achieve what you want
- Suggestions from staf member(s) and manager
- No suggestions excluded at this stage
- Consider appropriateness
- Consider more than one action
- Consider each option and decide which is best
Part 4 – Agree Plan
- If possible agree the plan with staff member(s)
- The plan should be written if at all possible
- You must be able to monitor and measure speciic indicators:
- Reduced conflict
- Reduction in sickness absence
- Positive feedback from staf member and/or colleagues
- Individual feels more able to cope and less stressed
Part 5 – Implement the Plan
- Put the plan into operation
- Organize whatever help is needed
- Let others know as necessary
- Perhaps keep notes of how it is going
Part 6 - Review
- Timetable specific reviews
- Agree monitoring method
- First review quite soon
- Allow flexibility
- Is it working?
- Successful outcome is when conflict is reduced and the potential for it is lessened.