Essay on The Profession I Like Most in English in Very Simple Words for Kids @

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Essay on The Profession I Like Most in English in Very Simple Words for Kids @

Essay in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. Here you can find Essay on The Profession I Like Most in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams.


1 - Essay on The Profession I Like Most

Choosing a profession is not easy. So many kind of attractive professionals present themselves to us, but it is very important to remember that we can be successful only in the profession in which we are interested. If I was asked if I am interested in which profession, then I would say education once. I would like to become a professor.

To become a professor or teacher, a great calling is to follow. Teachers and professors play an important role in the life of a nation. Because they train the growing generation, who are citizens of the future of the country. I would like to be a professor in a college. In the life of a teacher or professor you always live in harmony with youth. You grow up but your partner is always young. The young people you teach are your companions and they always make you feel young.

You are always living in harmony with books. Perhaps in another profession, you do not get in touch with books, as in the teaching profession. In fact your business is with books alone. You are to live with the great minds of the world. You live in contact with the latest development and progress in the world and above all, you have an easy life to lead as a teacher or a professor. For people, perhaps more holidays for them than any other profession. So you have a great chance to improve your mind and make yourself happy.

Of course, as far as the financial side is concerned, it is not very attractive. A teacher or professor does not earn much money, but for me it does not matter much. After all the respect and honor of this profession, it is an attractive profession for me. From above I am interested in it and so I should follow it as a teaching profession and a professor in a college.


2 - Essay on The Profession I Like Most

There are five occupations I admire most. First and most important is the teaching profession. The teacher is a nation-creator. She is an ideal for her students. In the modern materialistic era, teachers have lost high positions to enjoy in society. Nevertheless, anyone can say that teaching is the noble of all professions.

The second occupation I admire the most is a doctor's profession. There is no doubt that many doctors have become very greedy these days. They try to run away from poor helpless patients. But I'm just talking about an ideal doctor here. Such a doctor has a milk of human compassion. He considers his mission to serve mankind. He takes generous fees and works full sincerity to reduce the sufferings of ailing humanity.

The third profession, which I admire the most, is the profession of a soldier. A soldier is the savior of the country and its people. He is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of his country. He should be given proper respect, respect and status in the society. I admire the fourth profession, which is the profession of a farmer. A farmer supplies food to all people. No person can live without food. Therefore, we are dependent on food for all farmers.

Good treatment and facilities should be given to the farmer. I admire the fifth profession, it is a politician. This may sound strange because politicians are condemned everywhere. Usually the reason for their condemnation is that they are mostly corrupt.

But, I'm just talking about an ideal politician here. Such a politician is a model of the service of society, country and mankind. Before independence, we had great statesmen like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Balgangadhar Tilak, Gopal Krishna Gokhale and others. I wish we had such great selfless leaders and politicians who are now.


3 - Essay on The Profession I Like Most - My Aim of Life Essay

Without a purpose, life is like a ship without a Aim. Those whose purpose is nothing, they do not get anything. A profession depends on the ability and temperament of a person. Therefore, the Aim of life is different from man to man. Some people aim for wealth, some in power and some fame. According to his wish. Humans have to choose a profession or prepare themselves for that desired profession. We should choose the profession for which we are fit. If we do not do this, then we are sure to fail or get very difficult targets.

The question of choosing a profession is very difficult. This is the question of bread and butter. Therefore, we should not choose any profession in haste. We should seek advice from others. We should see if we can do it well. We need more taste for this, we need to be physically healthy for this. These are tests to choose a profession.

My family members are in different professions, everyone wants me in my line. But I do not want this. A lawyer is always a liar. He forces his clients to lie. He defies what is wrong. I do not want to be an engineer because his life is dull. He is notorious for taking a bribe. I do not like any for business man too. He is always busy in matters of money. He believes in cheating his customers. She has great craving for money.

There are two occupations that I like. These are - a teacher or a doctor. It is very difficult to decide which one is better. I have to think about deciding my purpose - either teacher or doctor.

Doctor's profession and teacher's occupation are a very good profession in the world. Consequently, no profession is good or bad in itself. This is the man who makes it bad or good. Both doctors and teachers are useful for society. We can not say that it is more useful than each other. Both have their own work to do in society. Both have their importance in their own way. Nobody can do the work of another. The country is indebted to these two. Therefore, it is very difficult to say who is more useful for the country.

First of all, we check the points that can be given in favor of the doctor. Those who are in favor of the doctor, their opinion is that they are most useful for the society. He likes the dying man He gives healthier illnesses and weaknesses. He cures our diseases. He is like a god on earth for a patient. In the absence of a doctor, a teacher can not cure any illness. A doctor is essential when we get sick. It is not needed every time. But simultaneously, it can not say that he is not a useful member of society.

A teacher can not be compared to a teacher. He is the silent builder of the nation. He also builds a healthy society. It is a teacher who makes a doctor, never a doctor has made a teacher. Who does the doctor, the doctor has never made a teacher. Students are expecting the future of the country. A teacher builds his mind. He enables them to fulfill the hope of a nation's future. The importance of a teacher in society can not be reduced. He does very important things. All great people are indebted to the greatness of their teachers. Great poets such as Kabir Das, Sur, Tulsi and Meera have approved the teacher's greatness. He became a famous poet because his teachers had faith and faith. It is only a teacher who removes the darkness and gives light of knowledge. A teacher develops all the faculties of the student. It is impossible for a student to develop mentally, physically and spiritually without the teacher. A doctor can only make you physically healthy. He can never help you without charge But a teacher will gladly help you without any selfishness.

So there are many reasons for my liking. I am a very good student. I have always been in the first place in my class. I am healthy and a good player. My body is strong for hard work. I can work like a teacher - a continuous labor for day and night. A teacher lives the good life. He is the creator of the nation. A mother gives birth but a teacher deserves. It plays an important role in shaping students' habits, character and destiny.

He is not mad after money. She lives a satisfying life. She believes in simple life and high thinking. The future of a country depends on good education. Good education can not be given if the teacher is physically, mentally, spiritually and psychologically not qualified in all respects. I am doing my best to become a qualified teacher of my choice.


4 - Essay on The Profession I Like Most

Human life on earth is very low. In this short span of life, man should have a definite objective of achieving success in life. In other words, our life is nothing but a journey. To reach the destination of travel, every man has some plans and programs that can be called 'goal in life'. One purpose is the corner stone for success in human life. A life without a purpose is like a ship without a helm. An objective helps a person to achieve his prestigious purpose. So, to be successful in life, a certain objective should be decided in advance.

Meaning of goal in life:

An objective means a special goal in life. It is related to related people. Every person has his own purpose in life, which varies from person to person, because different people have different flavors and abilities. To achieve the purpose of someone, there must be a certain purpose in life. It's like a torch of life.

My aim / ambition:

Some people want to earn money, want to earn some fame and want to serve some people. I had to think a lot in life for my purpose / profession / career. I think, the right choice of a profession leads to success. Happiness and peace, but as a result of the wrong election, there is failure, frustration and unhappiness. It should be decided according to someone's qualifications, qualifications and qualifications. Keeping my choice in mind, there is a simple desire to become a teacher.

Reason for my liking:

People around us suffer from many problems. Disease, wanting, and mourning are their daily companions. They can not hope to live a standard life. They are helpless and silent under any circumstances. They hated the earth and ignored the civilized world. Such a situation is due to lack of education. That's why I have decided to become a college teacher. The person who inspired me very much, in this regard, is my mother. My mother is an ideal and dedicated teacher. She is very popular and effective teacher. I wanted to be like him

Teaching in the form of profession:

Undoubtedly, teaching is a very great profession. It can not be financially very beneficial, but it gives a mental satisfaction. A teacher is like a potter who works on the wheel to shape his pot, which bites the rough edges to give a perfect end to the end product. In the past, teachers were highly respected. They had tremendous dedication and honesty. Students were also respected and obedient. But at present neither the students nor the teachers have the integrity and specificity of the purpose. As a result, the level of education has deteriorated. Although there are still extraordinary teachers who are really concerned about the future of their students and strive to guide them honestly.

Qualification of a good teacher:

A good teacher should have some qualities. He should be wise, learned, kind and justified. She maintains a positive attitude for life and handles students' academic, socio-economic and personal problems with warmth and affection. They should be skilled at guiding and consulting during difficult times. I have always admired teachers who are cheerful and who adopt a friendly but firm perspective in class. Students always feel comfortable in the company of such teachers and are always ready to listen to them. To a large extent, the interest of students in a particular subject depends on the attitude of teachers and skills in them. As well as the ability to build relationships with children, good communication skills are very helpful in catching children easily distracted mind. Enjoyment among the children: Unfortunately, there are people who are undergoing compulsion because other paths are not open to them. They flutter in teaching because they have failed to achieve their ambition. I have the option of choosing the option for the election. I love working with children. In fact, a lot can be learned from them. Children are comfortable, flawless and warm. They respond to love and affection as opposed to adults, whose thoughts influence their responses. It should be a very satisfying experience for shaping a young mind eager to learn, who come to a teacher in total trust.

Leisure and holiday period benefits:

As a teacher, those benefits can not be ignored. One gets so many holidays that can be used in capturing neglect in the days of working with other interests. I like many holidays and just indulge myself. There is no other profession, where anyone can be paid for many holidays. It's really a very attractive prospect. In addition, the salary of teachers has also become very attractive over the years. There are some specific benefits of teaching on other businesses. Teachers do not have long hours of working hours. Surely, there is a loss of time in preparing lessons, improving work etc. However, there may be enough time to pursue other interests.


I am not unaware that securing admission in a good teacher training college is very difficult. Everybody who wants to achieve something, has to work hard with the same purpose to achieve a goal. I am ready to work hard to realize my ambition, and I am waiting for that day when I complete my training in teaching. I can become a teacher. That day really will be a red letter day in my life. Author Manisha Dubey JhaDear Reader, My name is Manisha Dubey Jha. I have been blogging for 3 years and through the Fast I have been giving important educational content as far as possible to the reader. Hope you like everyone, please share your classmate too. As a literature person, I am very passionate about reading and participating in my thoughts on paper. So what is better than adopting writing as a profession? With over three years of experience in the given area, I am making an online reputation for my clients. If any mistakes or wrong in the article, please suggest us @

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