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Essay on Necessity Justifies Revolution (3700 word)
In the case of hunger, humans have the right to use the gun, justification of the revolution is required. According to World Bank statistics, about 1.2 billion people live below the poverty line for less than a dollar, and compared to less than $ 2 billion a day, compared to the global population of more than 6.0 billion people
In many sub-Saharan African countries, during 1990 life expectancy fell due to the effects of HIV / AIDS. Other major failures in health benefits were in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, where there has been a decline in the age of five years for men with political and economic transition.
In some of the poorest countries of the world, one in five children still fails to reach their fifth birthday, primarily because of infectious diseases related to the environment.
The Millennium Declaration, adopted by all 189 United Nations member states in 2000, promised a better world with less poverty, hunger and disease; A world in which mothers and children get more opportunities to survive and achieve education, and where women and girls have equal opportunities for men and boys. It promises a healthy environment and more cooperation, in which a world-developed and developing countries work in partnership for the well-being of everyone.
The announcement set eight MDGs and timed targets, which can be progressed by. With the 2015 deadline, how much progress has been made? And is there enough speed to achieve the goals?
MDG is divided into 21 notable goals, which are measured by 60 indicators. The international community are the world list showing mercy towards poverty alleviation, while entering the same international community adversely affect their industries cannot stop those who are able to produce high amounts of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which human existence Are there. Civilization.
Indirect or direct support on those activities, rather than promoting global poverty, is to reduce it. The international community will show since 2015, poverty creating beautiful charts or conditions, hunger and rapid reduction in disease, however, the scenario will be something two poles of reality on the ground and static magnets apart, who have no connectivity.
According to a survey conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the number of hungry people in the world has reached 963 million or about 15 percent of the world's population. It represents an increase of 142 million on the figure of 1990-92.
This is an effective effect of poverty and inequality in the current national and international order. Poverty is a situation where people are not only deprived of using natural things but also in the situation to use the things provided by the government.
As a state, the state or international community is called, which is sponsored to increase the world of poverty widely. In both developed countries and developing countries, poverty is becoming a serious challenge to establish human rights laws or norms. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR, 1948) and the two binding agreements, the introduction of ICCPR and ICESR, have talked about protecting life, independence and property worldwide. These rights are entitled to the vested rights of people all over the world.
The effectiveness of implementation in terms of protection and promotion of these rights can only be seen from its practical experience. If there is a violation of any human rights violation in any corner of the world, which significantly increases the effectiveness of these international equipments.
International communities were aware of the fact of global poverty and they had consequences when preparing the draft of these international instruments, but they drafted it and forced international communities. Emerging scholars such opinions, illness, poor, unhealthy environment, non-opinion about adequate food, water and shelter, etc. is agreed, can not be applied to any human rights standards there.
Because, jurists are self-classified, which are in favor of generation theory and which are against the theory of generation. But for me, will not solve the problem of generation theory of perception global poverty, because it is not due to a generation but due to several generations later and its adverse effects appear to this generation.
There is a similar level of right to food to survive as a living while living, it seems that the possibility of survival is not so small that it requires dignity and protection from representative time. True, the right to life and food cannot be interpreted separately nor can be applied separately, because the existence of one is dependent on the belief of others.
It is also supported by the principle of recognition of rights, which tells about the identity of all the rights which help people to use their natural rights which they are. Theories also bridge the gap between the principle of development by providing compensation, repair and other various treatments to those who are entitled to it.
Orissa and Jharkhand are equal to Chad and Niger in the case of BPL percentage. Orissa, Jharkhand, Bihar, UP, M.P. All are more poor than Africa, Himachal Pradesh and Kerala are almost equal to BPL percentage of Brazil (Source: Human Development Report 2011). 10% of rich people in India consume 59% of the resources, while 30% of the poor have only 3.5% resources, fourth largest exporter of food is sleeping without eating 1/4 of their population in the population of 1/4 Five star hotels are in rich India, while the 1/3 population can not meet their basic needs. 5 proud Indians hosted the flag of India in 20 Ford's richest people. The list, while poor India is at 96th place in the Global Hunger Index (Source, Data and Ravelian, 2009) "Minimum basket theory" (food, education, health, training, energy) 49.98% of population is BPL, population 49.98 Per capita per day per person per day was living 40 or less and they are called poor and weird.
Most Indians living in rural areas live in poverty, how can you become true democracy? They do not have electricity, there is no clean drinking water and there are no good schools? The fact is that businessmen and middle class living in big cities, and the minority of one billion Indians, enjoy money and it does not prove that they have democracy true in good schools. Indians have no doubt in it such as military science and software engineering. But that does not mean that they should be complacent. They should maintain their good things, imitating others and removing them from the bad things we have achieved, and they should get good things.
Some people consolidate Indian and American democracy, saying that both are dominated by money, and that democratic democracy is the best democracy that can afford money. Well, it is true that there is money in American democracy, but that's because America is the stronghold of capitalism. You have the best democracy in the US, which can buy money. In the US, a lot of people are well off
Even an ordinary person, who works as a garbage pickup person for small town, can not only financially assist his family, but he can also buy a family car. He is not ashamed to tell others that he is a garbage collector for small towns.
The reason for this is that there is the dignity of labor in the West but things are different in India Most of the people living in rural areas do not have electricity, there is no clean drinking water, there is no regular income, and hopefully things in the future Will improve.
As a result of pregnancy, more than 20 lakh women continue to experience ill health every year. Poverty has existed for a very long time, and it is still different in the 21st century still around the world.
This was often the case in primitive societies that everyone was equally poor, but more modern societies have often restricted poverty to minority minorities - though it can often harm those people more than universal poverty. . In India, 32.7% of the population is less than $ 1.25 a day per day and 69 percent earn only 2 dollars a day.
In rural India, 34.28 percent of the population lives in less than $ 1.25 a day, which was 43.83 percent in 2005. In urban India, 28.93 percent of the population is in extreme poverty, more than 1.2 million African AIDS (more than 20 lakhs in a year) have died due to HIV / AIDS in the report below 36.16 percent in 2005, and 13.2 million Have been orphans
Several million people are infected annually by malaria, which occurs in almost 300 million diagnostic cases worldwide and more than one million deaths each year. So the answer to poverty is not simple, because poverty comes in different forms and extensions, allows different definitions of poverty, but it is always harmful to those children and especially harmful to those children. Those whose biological development and survival possibilities can be too much harm.
Poverty means misery for the poor and it also limits the limits of their freedom of life and makes them vulnerable to various other types of abuse including child abuse.
Poverty can also be very detrimental to the society, because it can maintain a divisive conflict society where poor struggle with poverty and acceptance generally encourages social evil instead of goodness.
To deal with poverty, two problems are preventing most governments,
- Most of the governments in both rich and poor countries do not consider poverty reduction a priority for them, and therefore do not make much effort to reduce poverty. Comprehensive benefits of reducing poverty are not widely explained.
- Some governments of rich or poor countries, who see poverty reduction, see them as a priority, they usually ruin a lot of resources used in the wrong efforts of poverty reduction, Those who do not understand the best policy option for this.
It is difficult to predict the movements of the revolution to make it easier to understand. There has been a long history of revolution or we can say that the environment of revolution is to connect with the development of civil society with the development.
In the revolution, it is necessary for human society to solve the unresolved problem only. The premises or base of some Vedic philosophical leaves also talked about the rationality and the validity of the revolution.
In the words of Marxist or Communist, there is a result of non-equality revolution in resources, while the revolution is a non-participatory outbreak and there is a non-representation in the mainstream of the intangible entity, which is called the state in the speech of democratic norms. The revolution gives greater emphasis to the principle of secularism of human society.
Secularism is a religious-religious concept in the words of some atheist and communist who build a wall between religion and state. The distinction between them can only bring the state to the right path which is essential for personality and development of the state.
Secularism is always straight forward. It never wants to engage in matters related to religion of jurisprudence and others. It gives scientific stage for humans to find the criteria of humanity and without any discrimination has applied for the advancement of human beings.
Although the philosophical thought of secularism is to understand human beings to talk about improvement in the whole world, but implementation is a very difficult task. The revolution upheld it on the ground that humans are never from the lowest level of subjects or slaves or fellow human beings. Nature has created us with equal values, standards, reputation, prestige and skull capability.
The only difference is that someone has enough access to natural resources, while others lack it. Race on the common property of all human beings is created only through natural phenomena. Differences are never prepared on the basis of biological distinctions, when differences in companions and other humans begin, seeds of revolution begin.
The revolution does not try to make humans more secular, but it also attempts to justify the number of unresolved issues.
The number of issues may be violated in the name of the revolution, the former concern of the revolution is to build a society based on mutual respect, mutual tolerance and mutual coexistence. There are some international human rights issues that we say that the treaty or manifesto speaks in favor of human rights and their fulfillment and avoid chaos from society.
But we can never forget the most painful and devastating war in human history and have an impact on their adverse human civilization. Anything that is necessary for us to save or help a favorable environment for humanity, will fail to work, when we will not be able to eradicate the problem of human society. This will only change in reality if workers and other humans are true secular.
It cannot be seen only with a religious paradigm, which talks about the justification of the religious revolution. It was a time in human history when religion was dominated by the state and people had to suffer in the name of religion, to eliminate these bad stories, holy war took place in Europe, and in the form of the Treaty of Westphalia it was called Killer Thirty Destructive religious war for years.
In order to solve various problems, revolution in every society will be in different forms. For every revolution, it is essential for the youth to develop the criteria for secularism for a better future. Conception about secularism has also become political in most parts of the country where it was misinterpreted.
Secularism is a philosophy of neutrality, which can not be applied anywhere on any bias. Secularism emerged and emerged as a philosophy of freeing any prejudice in the functioning of the state, but later due to being diluted with religion and state neutrality, their wide scope was limited to neutrality solely from religious matters.
There was never an intangible unit like a state, or religion could have been, it was like this, and would be neutral with all points, but only one minute to talk about secularism. The state itself does not work; It requires a driving force that we called from the government and it has been appointed as a representative of the people to do some work as a representative of the people.
The religious matter is completely private; There is no place for state intervention in the personal life of man. The secular state does not mean that there is no religious belief, beliefs and other things in the state, the only question is about the state sponsored religion and their active involvement in protecting and promoting any of their religions, for which the shadow Remaining in the religion
Another community on the revolution is breaking the vacuum in the country, when things are silent to talk about emerging issues. It is related to the principle of necessity for the justification of the revolution.
Although the Black Law Dictionary, the eighth edition did not say anything about the theory of necessity, but it defines the requirement as a legal theory, which is justification for a person who works in an emergency, which he does not was made."
The Black Law Dictionary further defines the necessary and appropriate rules that arise from the American constitutional provision on the work of Congress which says that America can take appropriate measures when it is suited to fulfill any purpose.
It always means that under the required and appropriate stream the Congress can make any proposal to resolve any emergency situation. In January 1954, Chief Justice of Pakistan Mohammad Muhammad Munir, for the legitimate use of information, by the Governor General, Ghulam Mohammed, in his decision of emergency powers, the Chief Justice referred to Brecon's proverb, "which is not otherwise valid, it is legitimate according to the requirement , "Which will provide the label associated with this decision and this principle is being established.
In 1985, for the second time in Grenada an additional constitutional decree was required to apply for the principle of allowing blood to be heard in the courts. In the 1985 verdict, the Chief Justice of the High Court of Grenada imposed the principle of necessity to validate the legal existence of the court and then attempted to assassinate those people who made a coup against East Maurice Bishop Was there.
After the constitution of the country was overthrown, the court was established under an unconstitutional "People's Law", which was later restored. The defendant argued that the court before which he was being sued, he had no legal existence under the restored constitution, and therefore he was deprived of a constitutional right in the court established by law.
The High Court admitted that the lower court "came into being in an unconstitutional manner", but "the principles of necessity have validated its acts." On this basis, the execution trials were allowed to move forward.
This principle was used for the third time on February 9, 2010 in Nigeria when the National Assembly passed the resolution of becoming the Chief of the Commander of the Acting President and the Armed Forces, the Vice President, Goodluck Jonathan. The two chambers of the Assembly passed 78 days after the absence of President Umro Yaradua, who is treating in Saudi Arabia and refused to hand over the proposed voluntary power in the constitution.
However, there was no such provision to empower the National Assembly to pass such a resolution in the Constitution, Senate President David Mark said that the Senate was guided by "Principles of Requirement" to reach its decision. Responding to the use of this principle, a constitutional lawyer, Chief Mike Agak Home stated that "this decision is constitutional, legal, legal and reasonable and meets the need for justice.
Under the principle of requirement, this decision is taken very well. "He confirmed with the father of a doctor of Hippocrates that" an incurable disease needs a desperate measure. "Another legal practitioner, Malam Yusuf Ola-Oulu Ali (R), had argued that theory of necessity was not unconstitutional in the signature used by the Senate.
He said, "For example, if a law has said that you should use your left hand and the left hand is not inefficient and it cannot be used, the use of the right hand will not be outside the law because the law It is not said that it should not be used.
In such a time, dependence on the principle of the requirement used by the National Assembly was in the interest of the entire Nigerian, the more, when the country had lived without a recognized head for so long. Chief Richard Akkinzide, once in an interview, San once said that he is not enough to talk about the constitution, there are two other important elements, and these are: National interest and conventions
Both are similar to the constitution. "To believe in this, another law professor, late Fanasha Darmol once said that" a judge who only wishes to provide solutions should ask what the society wants, which solution will end. ends. "In this way, the constitutional revolution is justified through the application of essential principles.
The use of essential principles can only provide a better solution for a special problem such as constitutional deadlock, constitutional silence, constitutional vacancy, constitutional crisis and others.
In many circumstances, we will find the use of the principles needed to give legitimacy to those conditions which were considered unlawful in other situations.
Some of the unknown contexts of the revolution around the world are the French Revolution, the American Independence Revolution, Bangladesh Revolution, India Independence Revolution, Cubic Revolution, Russian Revolution, Chinese Revolution and Nepali Revolution etc. Discrimination can not be done, for example, by any means of the world, the people of Western Nepal were dying due to lack of adequate medicines, water, food, proper security, while the people of Kathmandu enjoying all the facilities provided by the government are there.
People have not revolted for civilian malls or buildings such as Rajshahi Mahal, but have to eat twice a day. While destroying a large number of assets, the revolution has brought a lot of change in Nepalese society. One serious question arises, does a person have the right to revolt against another person or not?
The world was when the spirit of brotherhood and common values ​​was practiced. Any kind of revolution will be justified if it is a matter of concern with humans and their development. There are small incidents that justify the revolution: -
There are a number of examples of these types of poor countries where liberal students have to face the problem of survival and progress in academic life for good scores. On one hand, privatization and globalization have brought a sense of competitiveness in each discipline whereas in the other hand poverty and dependence have increased a lot.
Governments are silent for such cases, ultimately liberal students are involved in the revolution for their rights. The only story in the world is if we remember facts about children's involvement in the ten-year civil war in our country and study, then we have the same reference as rosina. He was forced to leave school and become a freedom fighter in childhood, when he had to take special care from family and time to form the basis for education.
Children did not have to stand up for revolution, but they did so because the reason was real. They were fighting for the rights of the coming generation and their inherent rights, which have been stolen by someone, in "Gitanjali", Rabindranath Tagore builds their houses with sand and they play with empty shells. With drying leaves they weave their boats and smiling them on huge deep waves. Kids play on the seashore of the world.
They do not know how the traders sail in the ships, while the kids collect pebbles and then disperse them. They do not discover hidden treasures; They do not know how to insert net. "Revolutionary ideas are not in well-equipped houses but in the areas of slums.
The history of slave society of human society is not far behind modern developed society. It was the time when slavery was fair, apartheid was valid, internal colonization was valid and ultimately the virginity of the girls was a good tool for the success of land owners.
Under the period of colonies of India, a large number of people were under the feet of some white people. Under the perimeter number, the Indian Independence Revolution was justified. The history of the French Revolution was the same.
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