Essay on Mobile Addiction in English in Very Simple Words for Kids & Students

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Essay on Mobile Addiction in English in Very Simple Words for Kids & Students

Essay in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. Here you can find Essay on Mobile Addiction in English language for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 or IAS, IPS Banking and other competitive exams.


1 - Essay on Mobile Addiction - 200 Words

Mobile phones provide the freedom to quickly connect with anyone around the world. They enable us to find any information that we need and is a great source of entertainment. While this invention was done with the aim of empowering us, sadly, it is something that is dominating us. These days, most mobile users are suffering from mobile addiction.

Can do so on a mobile phone. Our mobile phones enable us to engage in gaming, gambling and online shopping. They connect us with people around the world, allowing us to watch movies, click pictures, listen to music, surf the internet and enjoy various other activities. It is difficult not to be accustomed to this electric house of entertainment.

However, it is necessary that it does not have any prey. This is because its results can be harmful. Mobile addiction causes many serious problems, such as headaches, weakening of eyesight, sleepiness, depression, social isolation, stress, aggressive behavior, financial problems, wasted relationships and less or less professional development.

Mobile phones have been made for our convenience. We should limit their use to handle our lives. If you think you are becoming addicted to your mobile phone, then see ways to get rid of it. You should also take it as your responsibility to help you get rid of this addiction of your loved ones.


2 - Essay on Mobile Addiction - Signs and Symptoms - 300 Words

Mobile Addiction is a growing concern. Mobile phone addiction is easy but it is difficult to recover from it. Many people around the world are addicted to their mobile phones. The behavioral pattern of mobile addits is more or less the same. There are some signs and symptoms that clearly show that a person is addicted to their mobile phones.

Symptoms and Symptoms of Mobile Addiction

Some symptoms and symptoms of people suffering from mobile addiction are as follows:

Display clearance symptoms

If the mobile phone's battery gets reduced or dies, the mobile phone addicts are worried and angry. They also show concern and are also restless on the misuse of their mobile phones. In such a situation, they are on the brink of panic attack.

To deceive

Some mobile phone addicts also listen to the ring of their mobile phone or even vibrate even when this situation is not really.

Like to connect with people online

Mobile addict people prefer to join online instead of talking to them, they are surrounded with them. They will stay on the phone continuously even during outings with social gatherings, family dinners or friends.

Check mobile phones often

Mobile addices check their mobile phones almost every minute, even if nothing is important to do this. They simply scroll through the app to check or see the information that are online and engage in such other useless activities on their mobile. They are so addicted to their mobile phones that they do not hesitate to check them while driving, even during the shower and during an important meeting.

Loss of time

Another sign of mobile addiction is a lost sense of time. A person who is accustomed to mobile phones loses a complete understanding of time. He is often late to work and delays important tasks that prioritize his mobile phone.


All of the above mentioned symptoms are seen in mobile phones. It is important to take these signals seriously and help your loved ones suffering from mobile addiction.


3 - Essay on Solutions for Mobile Addiction - 400 Words

It would not be wrong to say that human being has become a slave of technique. We have become addicted to our mobile phones in particular. At present, most people suffer from serious mobile addiction. It's like their world revolves around their mobile phones and they can not do it for an hour without it. It is important to remove this addiction to live a healthy, prosperous and peaceful life.

Here's how you can remove mobile addiction:

Self help

As with other types of addictions, you can not remove mobile addiction unless you want to give it seriously. Once, you determine, you want to get rid of mobile addiction, you can do so by following the suggestions given below:

Set timings for mobile usage

Restrict your mobile usage by setting the goal of spending on mobile every day. Set a schedule for each activity such as social media, texting, gaming or watching videos. There are apps that help you calculate the time spent on different apps. Use these apps to make it work.

Engaged in other activities

Painting, dancing, playing indoor / outdoor games, fulfilling household chores and being busy This will reduce your urge to check your cell phone frequently.

Help from loved ones

Your loved ones are always your back and you will be happy to help you get rid of mobile addiction. Instead of talking to your parents, playing with your child or trying to connect online with an unknown person, spend time working with your spouse. You will soon notice how much fun these activities are. Similarly, you can call your friends at your place and get rid of this addiction, you can engage in various fun activities to remove your mind from the mobile.

Professional help

If you are not able to face mobile addiction on your own and do not think that your loved ones can help you a lot then it is time to seek professional help. There are practitioners who specialize in mobile addiction therapy. They offer personal as well as group therapy to help get rid of this addiction.


If not stopped on time, mobile addiction can ruin our life. Getting rid of this habit can be difficult but it is not impossible. With some efforts and support of loved ones, you can overcome this problem over time. If this does not help, you should not hesitate to get professional help.


4 - Essay on Impact of Mobile Addiction - 500 Words

Our mobile phone is to make things easier for us. It helps us to be connected almost immediately with our loved ones and loved ones. Communication with our relatives and friends living in distant countries has become very easy with the introduction of mobile phones. A mobile phone with a high speed internet connection caters to many purposes.

It helps us to order food, shop online, watch any information online, read ebooks, enjoy gaming and not do anything. But alas, while a mobile phone should be an extra value for our lives, it's something that is showing it down. Mobile phones are becoming more and more addictive with the introduction of new applications every day. The addiction of mobile is growing heavily on our lives.

The effect of mobile addiction

More than half the mobile users around the world are accustomed to their mobile phones. Mobile Addiction is affecting us at various levels.

Impulsive and aggressive behavior

People with mobile phones are known to show impulsive and aggressive behavior. They keep checking their mobile phones every few minutes and can not do this without them. New messages and notifications give them a high. The lack of these can make them angry and depressed.

Anger and aggression are especially seen among those who spend the most time playing violent games on their mobile.

Duration of reduced meditation

Addicted to cell phones are not able to focus on work for long periods of time. A lot of screen time adversely affects the brain and the ability to concentrate becomes less. In addition, mobile addicts have the constant urge to check their cell phone. Thus, they can not focus on the work at hand.

Bad eyesight and headache

Mobile addicts often complain of headache. They develop issues of migraine over time. Eying the screen for long periods of time also affects the eyes and affects the eyesight.

Sleep disorders and depression

Mobile addicts use their mobile phones late in the night and often develop sleep disorders. Everyone knows the effects of sleep sickness. It can hinder our work and can affect our health badly. Mobile addicts often cut off relationships with the real world. They are mostly busy engaging with online, gaming and people watching videos. The absence of human contact is the first step towards moving towards depression.

Brain cancer

Studies show that people who talk to their mobile phones for several hours in the day, are more likely to develop brain cancer. This is because mobile phones emit radio waves that damage the brain cells. However, many scientific and medical practitioners disagree with this finding.

Continuous use of mobile phones also adversely affects our nervous system.


Even when you are surrounded by people, the term phabing is used to refer to the habit of continuously checking your mobile. Mobile addicts develop this habit and this is not good for their personal relationships. As they try to connect with people online, they get away from their loved ones who crave their love and attention. Mobile addicts thus suffer from serious relationship issues.


As we ignore it, mobile addiction has become a big problem today. It is hampering our professional lives and is ruining our personal relationships. Mobile phones are doing more harm than good. Those facing mobile addiction problems should try to get rid of it and return to the real world.


5 - Long Essay on Mobile Addiction – A Common Problem - 600 Words

Mobile addiction is increasing day by day. With the introduction of a new and more engaging app, people are spending more time on their mobile phones instead of focusing on their real life. People have become confused. Having made his mobile phone central to his life, he has created a new world for himself. It is tragic to see how mobile addiction is robbing people of their real life.


You might have heard about hydropobia, acrobophobia and clostrophobia, but have you heard about nomenopobia? It is a new kind of fear that is seen in a large number of humans. Nomophobia is not a "mobile phone, phobia". It is afraid to be without a mobile phone. It may sound strange, but it is a real fear that catches more than half the mobile users around the world. Humans have become so accustomed to their mobile phones that they have developed this new type of fear. The problem is serious and needs attention.

People with Nomophobia show the following symptoms:

  • When they can not use their phones they are easily offended or irritated.
  • When their mobile phone was not found, they got scared.
  • They take their mobile phones everywhere they go to the washroom, dining table and other places where it should not be used.
  • They tend to stress when the battery is low.
  • They check their mobile phones almost every minute.
  • They escaped from places where there is no Wi-Fi connection.

Mobile addiction in teenagers

A mobile phone works to avoid real-life problems. People of every age group are suffering from mobile addiction. However, teenagers are most likely to develop this addiction.

Teenagers are at that stage of their life where they are searching and searching for new things. They have many questions and answer their mobile phones. A mobile phone with an Internet connection can answer almost any question.

They have a lot to share, but often with their parents or teachers, do not hesitate to talk about it. This is because most of the time parents are so absorbed in their work that they do not have time to talk or listen to their children. Second, many things they want to discuss may be embarrassing. Their mobile phones can connect them with many people around the world. They make friends online and comfortably share their emotions with them.

Teenagers prefer to boast about any new development in their life as it makes them feel better than others. This is a way to gain popularity in school / college and win more friends. Their mobile phones enable them to do this through social media platforms.

Adolescents addicted to mobile phones are the worst. They can not focus on their studies. Mobile addiction reduces their ability to focus and reduces their ability to understand things. People with mobile phones are more at risk of developing habits such as smoking, drinking and taking drugs. They become socially awkward as they are constantly on their mobile phones. Therefore, their future is at stake.

Parents need to ensure that they do not give smart phones to their teenage children. It's time for them to focus on their studies and find out their interest in other useful activities. They should know the world correctly and not through mobile phones.


Mobile addiction is more serious than ours. We should help our loved ones to pass through this problem. We can help them by talking to them about this problem without making decisions. Express sympathy and be open for their negative reactions. It is difficult to face this problem, but supporting family and friends can really be helpful in overcoming the addiction of mobile. Author Manisha Dubey JhaDear Reader, My name is Manisha Dubey Jha. I have been blogging for 3 years and through the Fast I have been giving important educational content as far as possible to the reader. Hope you like everyone, please share your classmate too. As a literature person, I am very passionate about reading and participating in my thoughts on paper. So what is better than adopting writing as a profession? With over three years of experience in the given area, I am making an online reputation for my clients. If any mistakes or wrong in the article, please suggest us @ [email protected]

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