Essay on Dictatorship Versus Democracy - 800 Words

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In any country, democracy is meant by elected representatives. It is defined as the government for people, by the people, for the people. Democracy depends on the principle of representation. People vote in elections and choose their representatives. These representatives participate in the legislature and work on the behalf of the citizens. If the citizens are not satisfied with their representatives, they can not choose them again in the next elections.

Democracy is considered as a better form of government. This is a government of people who is different from the class of persons or people. It is interested in the affairs of the country by sending all the citizens to their representatives in the assembly.

Democracy is also a protection against revolution. Since people themselves choose members of the government, there is no need for revolution. A democratic government guarantees freedom of thought, action and speech. This freedom has the advantage because it enables the individual to grow independently. Thus democracy provides a conducive environment for the development of human personality.

But there are weaknesses of democracy, the biggest of which is that it can be the rule of ignorance. Carleil says, "Nine out of every ten people" are fools, and citizens who are not sufficiently intelligent or educated, they are likely to make errors of decision making in castings of votes. Thus the best man can fail to be elected. Elections are generally the subject of publicity. However, in countries like Britain and America, voters have not reduced the decision because many opponents of democracy have believed us, although it is true that people who are uneducated in our country rarely provide evidence of sound or independent judgment .

Interest in democracy efficiency. For quick and effective action, the unity of action is necessary. Napoleon said, "is better than a bad general" two people. "In the minds of the crowd, there is discussion very useful while requiring unity of control for a vigorous national life. Newman said, for example , The British government can not effectively cope with the emergencies created by the war as a dictator.

However, this criticism is not very reliable, because at the time of the war, the British Prime Minister usually follows the powers of a dictator. During World War II, for example, Sir Winston Churchill had to face some real difficulties as a result of the system of democracy in England. A good critique of democracy in times of war it would be to say that it is difficult to privacy in military affairs, if not impossible, and reduces the morale of the people by condemning the opposition condemned usually cabinet functions.

It was believed that World War I made the world safer for democracy, but this prediction proved wrong. While democracy did great work in France and English speaking countries, while most other countries moved towards dictatorship. So successful and powerful became their dictatorship that almost the day of democracy was over. Germany, Italy, Spain, Turkey, japan, victory of dictatorship in all countries, Russia in development, until the outbreak of the First World War, the world has dropped in the bloody conflict, the way has never been seen before Was history

But dictatorship is definitely not without its properties. As Carlyle points out, society is an organism, not a machine. Therefore, no mechanical system like ball-box can prove to be satisfactory. This safe course is to give all the power to a dictator. Dictator, of course, should be one who has an extraordinary ability to organize, direct and administer. The meaning of parliamentary rule is usually the government from the rocks of politicians whose rights are strictly limited to their personal interests.

On the other hand, a dictator can concentrate all his energy on the upliftment and reform of his country. It is born with the extraordinary success achieved by Hitler and Mussolini in their respective countries. "My program", Mussolini said "is action, do not talk."

Unfortunately, there are ways of dictatorship, and should be merciless. Dictatorates employ force and violence to maintain themselves. It resorts to physical strength, gel, concentration camp, censorship, threats, purges and execution. Countless executions in both Russia and Germany were ordered for the stability of dictatorship. A dictator can not tilt a slight opposition. Thus there can not be freedom of thought or speech. In order to uphold the support of people, the deep propaganda done by Hitler in Germany is employed.

Therefore, dictatorship by its nature affects the free development of human personality. It does not allow the political opinion and diversity of belief, but leads to the political regimentation or standardization of human. The greatest threat to dictatorship, however, is the prejudice for war in the form of national advancement. In practice practically every dictator promotes war, partly because he acts partially through personal ambition and partially because he suffers from exaggerated nationalism. Author Manisha Dubey JhaDear Reader, My name is Manisha Dubey Jha. I have been blogging for 3 years and through the Fast I have been giving important educational content as far as possible to the reader. Hope you like everyone, please share your classmate too. As a literature person, I am very passionate about reading and participating in my thoughts on paper. So what is better than adopting writing as a profession? With over three years of experience in the given area, I am making an online reputation for my clients. If any mistakes or wrong in the article, please suggest us @ [email protected]

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