We are providing many paragraphs, long essay in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. Here you can find Essay on Development of industries in India from independence till date in English language for students in 1000 words. In this article cover Topic :History of Indian industry, The pattern of industrial development before independence, Government's initiation after independence, Industrial policy of 1977, 1980 and 1991, Five Year Plan's role for industrial development and The National Manufacturing Policy-Role of National Investment and Manufacturing Zone (NIMZ) and Special Economic Zone (SEZ).
The history of Indian industry has come back in the history of mankind. Indian handicrafts, which are manufactured in the village's huts and houses all over the country, have received praise abroad. The real beginning of modern industries in India is recognized in 1854 with the establishment of cotton textiles industry in Mumbai. But after independence, there was a change in the character and purpose of industrialization, which is a change for colonial exploitation and raw materials industries, India's fast social economic development was created by a mixed economy with socialist tools and goals .
The pattern of industrial development emerging in the 19th century was confined to a limited area and was concentrated in some uneven distribution areas and remained virtually unchanged till 1940.
Apart from this, the lack of capital management experience and technical expertise in pre-independence industrialization, along with the lack of growing indigenous market and above all, general poverty has expanded the slow pace of Indian industries. Therefore, the revival of Indian industries was necessary after independence for India's rapid socio-economic development.
To understand the dream of development of industries, the Indian government adopted some industrial proposals and five-year plans. The first industrial policy resolution, 1948, considered a mixed economy, protected the area of ​​private sector and the second for the public sector.
After this, industrial policy resolution, 1956 was to encourage the new classification of industries (Schedule A, Schedule B and Schedule C), the private sector's fair and non-discriminatory behavior, village and small industries to overcome regional inequalities. . This policy was based on the development of the Mahalanobis model, in which it was suggested that heavy industries should be emphasized and the Indian economy should be taken in high growth rate.
After the resolution of 1956, industrial policy was the most important industrial policy of 1977, 1980 and 1991. The policy of 1991 is expected to end gradual liberalization since 1956 and to overthrow Indian economy from bureaucracy, to initiate liberalization, to remove restrictions on FDI and the Monopolistic and Restrictive Trade Practice (MRTP) Act The restriction can free domestic entrepreneurs. The Indian economy has so far been opened for the elements of a closed economy and for globalization elements.
Elimination of industrial licensing, elimination of price controls, reducing the issue of reservation of small scale industries and the virtual eradication of monopoly laws enabled Indian industry to flourish.
In addition to the industrial policy, the Five Year Plan prepared by the Planning Commission also shaped industrial development in India. Although the first five-year plan was mainly agricultural planning, the industry was not completely neglected. Hindustan Machine Tool, Integral Coach Factory, UP Government Cement Factory etc. was established during the first five year plan.
During the second Five Year Plan, the speed of industrial development increased, such as Rourkela Steel Plant, Bhilai Steel Plant etc. Further plans were focusing on industries but without much success
It was an eight-five year plan in which industrial policy resolution 1991 was followed and popular reform, liberalization, privatization and globalization set fire to industrialization in India, which continued in all subsequent plans.
Small scale industry is recognized by the Government of India as the priority area, because it paves the way for rapid industrialization, balanced development, employment empowerment and pre-requisite for export income. Measures for its development have been taken from the first five years plan and special emphasis has been given in the Eleventh and Twelfth Five Year Plan.
In the 12th Five Year Plan, capacity building, credit guarantee, venture capital etc for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) was started.
The National Manufacturing Policy also considers state-of-the-art infrastructure and land use as the integrated industrial city of the developed national investment and manufacturing sector (NIMZ).
The manufacturing sector is important for the Indian economy because it provides beneficial productive employment, reduction in surplus agricultural labor for industries, reducing import bill, boosting the financial sector and current account deficit by promoting special economic zones. With promises of promises as well as decreasing the area of ​​exports.
In 2015, the NDA Government announced the Make in India Scheme, a major national initiative that promoted innovation, increased skill development, protecting intellectual property and manufacturing of best-quality manufacturing infrastructure.
But Make In India cannot be run continuously without encouraging entrepreneurship, so Startup India has taken birth. In order to encourage entrepreneurship among Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and women, Startup India was started, which promised to give additional boost to the MSME sector and to refinance the micro finance sector, in the twin scheme.
Although industrialization planning in India has long been a long way from the policy IOG (ensuring cooperative unionism), revolutionary industrial policy, manufacturing policy, but still there is a way forward. The Economic Survey has classified India as the stability and post office of opportunities.
This stability and opportunity should be realized at the earliest so that it can be ensured that the Indian manufacturing sector is bright in the international domain. Culture of dependence should be changed into innovation and culture of scientific sentiments envisaged in our fundamental duties.
Education should be linked with industries (vocational education) so that Indian youth becomes skilled, without it the indigenization of the industry will be a distant dream. In the 21st Century, the new mantra of industrialization, to improve the ease of doing business in India, with a hospitable and encouraging atmosphere, educated skills should be redesigned.
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