Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet in English in Very Simple Words and Sentence

Feed by Manisha Cat- Speech

Here we have provide long and short speeches in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. - Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet - which are widely written and easy to understand. If you are a student, than, here you can find Speech in English language for 1st to 12+ class or IAS/IPS, Banking and other competitive exams students.


1-Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet of a School by the Teacher

Good morning to the respected Principal, Deputy Principal, my colleagues and our dear students. I really believe in standing here to contribute in this unforgettable moment as an honor and privilege, because we celebrate the successful completion of high school education of these superb students. We have been longing for this day for so long and, finally, this auspicious day has come where we get to meet our favorite batches of this school. I would like all of you to be present here to give them a big round of applause. This is a very important day for all of us because we have had the privilege of meeting all of you after such a long time.

It is my great pleasure to be a part of this school which has achieved excellence in providing the nation with such talented youth. From the very beginning, this school has gained the distinction between sports, academics and even extra-curricular activities. I remember the day when students of class XII brought a gold trophy and started headlines across the city. Such great and small achievements have always contributed to the development of this institution. It will not really be possible without the efforts of dedicated and committed students and faculty members.

I know that it was not easy for you to bid for school life because you have made such sweet impressions here. It was equally difficult for us, teachers took part in the great minds taught by us. I always appreciate these alumni to stay in touch with us and come to us for their major guidance and counseling decisions. As all of you are now in a completely different world after coming out of your school days, you will find many lessons in life. I wish you courage and patience to deal with the conflict and want to be strong and more determined. You can achieve your goals and be victorious in every sphere of life!

Many of you have gone to various cities for their higher education. Some are also working. I am certain about the fact that you are all doing your best, whether you are in any field. In fulfilling the responsibilities of a good teacher, we never leave behind and have always taught you with our full strength that you perform better, whether it be an academician, play or activity of any other area. I wish you never give up in life and earn fame, name and a promising career and come to us to tell your success stories and to reward this school with your achievements.

In the end, I would like to say that the fame of an institution is not only on its administration and teaching staff, but also on the achievements and development of its students. We are extremely proud and lucky that you have been an important part of our organization and will always be in our heart.



2-Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet by Teacher

A very good evening for all of you to present here. Honorable President, Principal Madam, Director Sir and my dear companions, all our alumni,

I feel very honored to be here today and also with the privilege of welcoming you all. It's been so many years, I still remember my first batch in 2005, your faces are still so fresh, dear children, all of you are very welcome in this alumni of your school.

I appreciate this idea of ​​alumni meat which creates a special relationship between those students who have passed and who have already established themselves in a larger, outer world. I believe that an alumni meeting is a perfect platform for all of you to meet your colleagues and teachers and revive the contacts.

The school started as a primary school several years ago, but in 2006, it was successfully upgraded at +2 levels. The requirements were quite instantaneous; They were actually felt by the population of the city and neighboring areas. At that time, he did not know that he was raising a lot of education facilities in this area. In 2006, we started with the best faculty, experts and support staff, and I am proud to say that for years we have increased the heights of success and pride, earning a credible name in the field of education.

Our past results have shown that our academic graph is going up steadily. We have started a mission to empower all sections of society with the light of knowledge. We have broad scope of anxiety such as making our students good citizens at the level of city, state, nation, in reality, the whole world. Our concern is whether we are able to build the qualities of respect, sympathy, love, tolerance, honesty and, above all, humanity as a teacher.

ABC School has always determined to achieve its high goals, management, especially the President, Sir, Principal Madam, and Vice-Principal Madam and all other teachers including me are trying to achieve perfection and this is a long process is. This meeting organized today is to meet us, think and show your concern and to give us your right opinion that when and where we made the mistake and we all got excellence.

Therefore, once again, I welcome your beloved children, though it has been too long but it seems like it was yesterday for me from H to J to L and faces for many people are still very fresh In fact, I am very happy to see you and request you all to enjoy the evening and live this moment.

May god bless you

Thanks to all of you.


3-Welcome speech for Alumni Meet of a College by the Student

A very Good Morning to all ! All of us have gathered here for the meeting of alumni of the great graduates of this college. This is a very important day because we have a golden opportunity to meet our graduate colleagues after such a long time. I am sure that all of us are eagerly waiting for this day because it is a great pleasure to celebrate the spirit of graduation and meet our former classmates as the announcement of this official reunion.

I express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for taking time out of your busy schedule to be with us on this occasion. Some of you may have come from another city to join this ceremony. I hope your sacrifice will not be wasted and will give you memories that will be remembered for your lifetime.

This college has given us an unforgettable impression. They will occasionally live in class Bunk, canteen gossip, late night studies and hostel fun, teachers' lives and countless other memories forever in our brain. Competitions and extra-curricular activities organized by the college increased our exposure and assured us and today we are very supportive in forming and forming. The wide range of works done by us have given us a sense of responsibility towards our society and have raised our conscience. Not only this institution has given us a tremendous learning experience, but has also given us the opportunity to participate in various social and cultural programs. Except non-scholarly activities, the lessons taught by our proficient professors have given us inevitable knowledge and guidance throughout the session. I am grateful to my teachers and professors that they helped us to support the better persons during college visits and certainly helped us score good grades for all our efforts.

Due to this highly ambitious and committed faculty, I have seen this institution growing and tending every day. This is his courage, hard work and patience which has helped create bright students who have done well in their respective careers. I have seen many of our batch associates who have reached extreme heights in their career and have established their names in their respective industries. Thanks to all our respected principals and teachers! Without you it is not possible to run such a great way.

In the end, I would like to congratulate all pre-graduates of this college for successfully completing your related courses and contributing to the goodwill of this institution. I wish you all the best wishes and success for your future. I have a good line that Tyrone Edward has said to properly explain the importance of a reunion.

'Every every bidding is a form of death, because every reunion is a kind of heaven'

Thanks a lot.


4-Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet

Good evening to everyone and all present here…

It gives a great pleasure to address all of you at the auspicious occasion of our college 12th alumni meeting. One day is very special for us, because it gives us the opportunity to meet with many of our graduate students after a long time and also gives them an opportunity to meet each other, their teachers and other staff members. . This enables alumni to focus on the changes and developments in the then college campus.

Continuing this tradition in this college, there is a long established tradition of staying in touch with its students.

Please express your gratitude to every one present here to stay with us all tonight. We know that it takes a lot of time to get some time out of your busy schedule and finish. But I can tell you that it will be worth the experience of this evening that you will take home, at the time you all will be spared.

A few years ago, our college was a small organization. And if I talk about today, then our graduates are widely spread around the world to differentiate between development, learning knowledge and their performance. Because of your outstanding performance, many of you are still in my mind.

I believe our college has now become one of the great institutions of the city, which is the second ranking by the Mumbai Education Department. And to achieve greatness, it has all the important preconditions, such as an expensive premises, friendly environment for development around, experienced faculty, dedicated students, necessary financial resources, etc.

A living institution influences the minds of students and everything touched on the dreams and the characters, the world of thoughts and their practical application, because we move knowledge and innovations into the world beyond our premises and the communities we engage with , On them. At the local and global level. As we inspire our students, sometimes they give us complete measurements.

As I come closer, I would like to repeat the role played by you in a wider society. Most of you live on key positions of influence. I would appreciate seeing that you use the effect to direct the development of our society positively. You should always work to maintain good ethics and act as inspiration for society.

In the end, I would like to admire the many roles you played in society. Many of you live in key positions of major influences in society; I would like to justify your efforts for the development of our society and the years you have spent in this respected institution. last but not the least; I would like to thank all of you for your deep participation, as well as the support you have always given to your alma mater.

I hope all of you would like to arrange this great reunion. Wish you a great evening and memorable moments.

Have a great time.

Thank you.


5-Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet By Professor

A very good morning for all the people present here. Honorable President, Dean of the College, Principal Sir, my dear companions and all our alumni

I am very honored to be here today and as well as welcome you all. It has been so many years, I still remember my first lecture with you, your faces are still so fresh, dear graduates, all of you are very warmly welcome from this alumnus of your institute.

I appreciate this idea of ​​the former students' meeting, which creates a special relationship between faculty members and those who have graduated and have already established themselves in the outer world. I believe meeting with alumni is an ideal platform for you and certainly revive the bond with your peers and teachers.

When our college started, it started with a struggling phase due to a lot of competition in the city, but gradually when our institution appointed some of the most experienced faculties, our college has done its best in the top 5 colleges of the state. Place and you will be happy to know that our college has now been given the first place in the city and students excelled in university exams Has won back-to-back several awards for performance.

The benchmark, prescribed by graduates like you, is a proof that the graph of our organization is going up continuously. But, we are not limited to this; Our commitment is somewhat deeper and more comprehensive, which requires a lot of introspection. There are broad parameters in our partnership whether our students become good citizens or not at the level of city, state, nation or world. Our concern is that as a faculty we were able to build the qualities of respect, sympathy, love, tolerance, honesty and, above all, humanity.

This meeting organized today is to show us our thoughts, thoughts and our concerns and to give our true opinion about you that when and where we made the mistake and we all performed exceptionally well.

I still remember many of you, working hard to achieve their goals, worried about their career, and not wanting more and more, although it has become very long, but it seems like It was yesterday. I would say that I am really happy to see you people here, who have been spared for some time, I hope you will remember lunch again and enjoy the afternoon.

May be blessed

Thanks to all of you.


6-Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet By Student

On behalf of CDM College, I, 12th Class student from commerce side, heartily welcome all of you who represent diverse business - Doctor, Engineer, Advocate, Businessman, Technocrat, Artist, Bureaucracy, Architect and what not. Dear Honorable College President, Honorable Principal Sir and definitely the group of intellectual minds present here, a very delightful evening for one and all ....

It is a matter of great fortune for all of us, our alumni have to come here with us in the meeting of alumni, 2016.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time to bring back the days of your school, when this school started slowly and gradually nurturing you with delicate care and love. For some of you who started here in the form of children, this was the place that put you out of your life and strengthened your adolescence, I am sure that you remember your first day in school When you enter your mother's departure with tears of eyes. Day, but with the open hands, the kind, bright and cheerful smile of your teachers, wiped your tears and warmly welcomed you for a fresh start, introduced your classmates who changed the comfort areas of your sweet houses and that continuity The eternal relationship of today has proved today by its priceless presence.

Time passed and schooling became one of the best experiences, whether it was a mouthful of canteen or not a cold "cold drink", which brings a lot of enthusiasm for you. Today, we picked up those threads and continued our tradition of alumni meat, so that we can weave your precious memories again.

With great enthusiasm and excitement, we request you all to share your experience with the outside world with us, the foundation laid by this wonderful school has taken you away in life. This school has left no stone unturned to make its students good people and qualified citizens. From ethical values ​​to self-defense in public speeches, all the qualities and characteristics have been included in you.

Dear senior citizens, we are eager to hear from you how all this really benefits you and what the school has come out. Therefore, here we personally welcome all of you and present your experiences, your success story or whatever you feel about school as an eager and attentive audience.

Hope you enjoy a great evening with shared fun, fun and fantastic food.

Thanks to all of you!!


7-Welcome Speech for Alumni Meet By Student

Good evening for one and all present ...

It gives me great pleasure to address all of you at the auspicious occasion of our institution's 10th alumni. Today's day is very important to us, because it gives us the opportunity to meet with many of our graduate students after a long time and also gives them an opportunity to meet each other, their former teachers and other staff members. . This enables alumni to focus on the changes and developments in the then college campus.

FGH has a long established tradition of staying in touch with its students in Noida; Continuing this tradition, the FGH Group of Colleges has organized an alumni meeting in Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi on this day. .

Please be thankful to every person present here and all of you here to be with us all tonight. We know that it takes a lot of time to get some time out of your busy schedule and finish. But, I believe that this evening's experience will take you home, it will be worth the time when you will save all.

A decade ago, our college was a small and struggling organization. And, if we talk about today, our graduation is widely spread around the world and differentiates everywhere, in search of development, learning, knowledge and their performance. Many of you are still in my mind to show my excellence and outstanding performance.

I believe our college has now become one of the great institutions of the city, which has been given the position of '2 by Noida Education Department.' And to achieve greatness, there are all important prerequisites in it, such as a wide compound, environment friendly for all-round development, experienced faculty, dedicated students, necessary financial resources, etc.

In the end, I would like to admire the many roles you played in society. Many of you live in key positions of major influences in society; I would like to justify your efforts for the development of our society and the years you have spent in this respected institution. last but not the least; I would like to thank all of you for your deep participation, as well as the support you have always given to your alma mater.

Hope you like this great reunion arrangement. Wish you a great evening and memorable moments.

Have a great time.

Thank you.


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