Speech on Water in English in Very Simple words and Easy Sentences

Feed by Manisha Cat- Speech

Here we have long and short speeches in very simple language with the boundaries of different words here. "Speech on Water" which are widely written and easy to understand. If you are a student, than, here you can find Speech in English language for 1st to 12+ class or IAS/IPS, Banking and other competitive exams students.


1-Speech on Water

Good morning, Excellency teachers, and my dear colleagues. I would like to speak on this very special topic "Save water" on a very important topic today. Also, everyone knows how important water is for continuous life on earth. This is the most basic need of all (humans, animals, plants and other microorganisms). Water is a unique source of life, without water we can not imagine life here. Due to the absence of water, life on other planets is not possible. It is considered the most important among other known celestial objects. Approximately three-fourths of the Earth's area is covered with water and it is approximately 60-70% of the living world. It seems that water on earth is an endless renewable source because it is revived and redistributed on Earth through evaporation and rain. The question arises in our mind that if water is renewable sources then why should we worry about water and should try to conserve it.

Indeed, there is only 1% water on earth which is useful for us. And in other water bodies we have unsuitable water such as 97% salt water, 2% water in the form of glaciers and polar drinks. Only 1% of the water is here for us, on which a large population is dependent on living around the world. Due to lack of water, death is more possible in water scarcity. This question arises in our minds why we have so much delay in realizing the need for water savings and protection. Since the life of each and every living thing on earth depends on water, so if the water becomes dirty or starts to become less then the scenario will get worse. Fresh and potable water from the outside can be mixed with harmful and toxic substances through various sources such as industries, factories, sewer etc. and can cause sickness and death after being absorbed by animals, plants or humans.

Thanks for listening to me patiently. I hope that from now on, I will not listen to any complaints from the management because otherwise the rules and regulations of our school will be taken strictly and strict action will be taken against the students.


2-Speech on Water

Dear Members of Society - Best wishes to one and all and I welcome everyone in the 21st meeting of our Parshvanath Society!

Before we are involved in any other discussion, I will bring the situation of water crisis in your attention to these days of Delhi. I am sure all of you know about this situation because our lives are also not untouched by this issue. As Secretary of the society, giving no inconvenience to members and ensuring availability of resources becomes my responsibility. However, the situation sometimes goes beyond my control and I am not able to distribute my duties well enough. For example, due to lack of water, sometimes I had to wake up all night and still the motor did not get the water to fill the tanks, due to which I had to call for the tankers.

This not only causes great discomfort to me but also increases the expenses of our society. Therefore, I request all the members of society that they should use water with utmost care and do not let any one drop of it become useless. This is not a personal problem, but it is a matter of concern for all of us. Therefore, I look forward to cooperating with each of you at this time.

Now, the question arises how to deal with such a problem. Along with the solution of the situation of water crisis, the most relevant step taken for environmental protection is to change people's attitudes and habits, which is applicable to all of us. Save water to avoid extreme conditions. Here, I would like to share some simple things with you that can be done to ensure water conservation:

  • Try to find ways you can save water every day. There is no reason to worry if you only have to save a minimum amount because every single drop matters a lot. This way you can slowly and gradually make big changes.
  • Make sure you only use the required amount.
  • In fact, we can create groups of people who are conscious of water and encourage their neighbors and friends to become part of it. Start promoting water conservation in our community through bulletin boards and newsletters. We should encourage people around us and even our colleagues to contribute towards it.
  • Encourage everyone in your family to find out the innovative ways of conserving water both inside and outside of their homes.
  • Please make sure there is no leakage of water pipes at your home. If there is leakage, fix the problem immediately.
  • Close the taps while brushing your teeth or rubbing your face with soap.
  • Do not waste out of the toilet.
  • If you want to wash your car, use a bucket of water.
  • Never used to throw water used for washing fruits, vegetables, rice or pulses. You can use it to eliminate the purpose or to water the plants.
  • You can also collect rain water and use it for your various domestic tasks.

Thus, by adopting these small measures in our daily lives, we can contribute a lot towards water conservation. Now I request everyone to feel free to share their thoughts with us.



3-Speech on Water

Good morning, great teachers, and my dear companions. I would like to speak on this very important subject "Save water" on a very important topic today. Also, everyone knows how important water is to life on Earth forever. It is the most basic need of all (humans, animals, plants and other microorganisms). Water is a unique source of life, without water we can not imagine life here. Life is not possible on other planets due to lack of water. It is considered the most important among other known celestial objects. About three-fourths of the Earth's area is covered with water and it is approximately 60-70% of the living world. It seems that water on Earth is an endless renewable source because it is redistributed on Earth through resuscitation and rain. The question arises in our mind that if water is a renewable source then why should we worry about water and should try its protection?

Indeed, there is only 1% water on earth which is useful for us. And in other water bodies we have inappropriate water, such as 97% salt water, 2% water in the form of glaciers and polar drinks. Only 1% of the water is here for us, on which a large population is dependent on living in the world. Due to lack of water, death in water is more possible. This question arises in our minds why we have so much delay in feeling the need for water savings and security. Since the life of each and every living thing on earth depends on water, so if the water becomes dirty or starts to become less then the scenario will get worse. Fresh and potable water from outside can be mixed with harmful and toxic substances through various sources such as industries, factories, sewer etc., and can be caused by disease, disease and death after being absorbed by animals, plants or humans.

Thanks for listening to me patiently. I hope that from now on, I will not hear any complaint from the management because otherwise our school rules and regulations will be taken strictly and strict action will be taken against the students.


4-Speech on Water

Dear Ma’am and my dear friends - all good morning!

As of today, I have a chance to give a speech on any subject of my choice, so I have chosen to talk about water, which is a life source. You may be wondering why water and no vivid political or social issues matter. This is because water is one of the most important elements on our planet Earth. All living species need water to survive. Of course, if there is no water, then life will end. Everyone knows this, but even when I see people waste using water or using it beyond the required amount, then I feel unhappy and want to stop its unnecessary exploitation.

I believe that water is used for drinking purposes other than drinking. These different uses include:

  • cooking
  • moping
  • Washing clothes
  • Bathing
  • Washing dishes
  • The purpose of recreation, such as swimming
  • Watering plants or your garden area

In other words, water crops, plants are very important for sound enhancement and it is also used in the manufacture of various products. There are other uses of water, which are important at the national / global level. Such as:

Creating a balance in the ecosystem

Water is not only necessary for the existence of man, but also has a major role in balancing the whole ecosystem in different ways:

  • Through its presence in the surroundings, it goes to absorb the sun's rays.
  • The rain water sheds the hills and takes the sediments along the valleys, rivers etc.
  • With the intrusion of water in the crust of rocks, the reserves of minerals can be increased.
  • In polar regions water is found in caps, which affects geographical and climatic conditions.

Water for navigation

Water is an important means of transportation. Compared to railways or roadways, transportation is considered cheap by means of water. Ganga is the main waterway which is present in the eastern region and is Brahmaputra present in the northern region, which is responsible for more than half the traffic.

Water for Thermal Power Plant

Thermal power plants require large amounts of water to bring down the temperature and remove the fly ash. Water is required for thermal power generation.

Water for wildlife, fish and recreation

The features of wildlife, fish and entertainment play a major role in the creation of the country's wealth and heritage, whose constant development requires adequate supply of water. Boating, swimming and fishing are recreational activities on the road, which are not possible without water.

Water for industrial areas

Industries like chemicals, steel, textiles, fertilizers, electricity, cement, paper and petrochemicals require large quantities of water. Food and mining industries require water for various reasons, some of which are:

  • Coolant
  • Uses cleanliness
  • Power Generation
  • Air Conditioning
  • Fire safety

Thus, without water we can not imagine our existence on this earth and therefore we all should make honest efforts to avoid its wastage.



5-Speech on Water

Estimated Judge, Honorable Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers, My Fellow Contestants and Dear Friends - Good Afternoon!

Being one of the participants today, there is a bit of panic as well as enthusiasm for giving the best speeches. The subject of speech for me is water.

The moment I say water, many of us will probably begin to imagine sea, rivers and oceans. The sight of large water bodies always captures our mind and soul. Is not it? But when I talk about human existence, maybe there is very little water bodies which are fit to drink. It is not only water but it is fresh water which is an organism on earth and is very important for human health. It can not be denied that there is sufficient availability of fresh water for us on Earth, but it is due to poor infrastructure or poor economics that millions of people die from diseases related to lack of water, lack of hygiene and hygiene. Go.

Lack of water affects about half of the global population and it is believed that the figures can increase further. According to estimates, about 783 million people have no clear water to drink, and more than 1.7 billion people are currently living near river valleys, where water usage is beyond their limits.

It is important that human beings have access to clean drinking water, in which many sanitation services are involved in maintaining its health. Water, as we all know, is a major natural resource; However, 3 percent of this resource is fresh water, out of which only 1/3 of the water is available for the cities as well as for agriculture. The remaining remains are deeply hidden beneath the earth or frozen in the glaciers. At present, the primary sources of water for more than 2 billion people are Aquifers, i.e. underground storage of fresh water. As we observe the increase in income levels of people at the global level, the need for water-intensive products such as dairy products, manufactured meat and large-scale freshwater resources have also increased.

This massive increase in the consumption of freshwater has resulted in more than half of the world's largest aquifers, a problem that is likely to increase if demand increases. At this rate, the number of available freshwater reserves is expected to fall by 40 percent to meet the consumption of energy, consumption and food as well. And, as global warming grows, climate change can challenge our environment and ecosystem which protects important water resources, limiting access to natural resources.

Climate change is also affecting rain patterns. However, along with changes in the direction, the current effect is commonly known. Our inability to deal with the use of continuous water will cause big problems in the coming days.

Thus, it calls for adopting concrete measures to prevent the wastage of water and to protect the environment for future generations in the context of effective water management.



6-Speech on Water

Good morning dear kids - Hope you all are doing well!

As a Principal of this school, I have been given the responsibility to go to every class and discuss our areas. So my current session is with your class. Since I personally feel that there is no such serious issue to discuss with you, but it is important to raise the issue by looking at water scarcity and the way students are negligent in using water. is.

It has been observed in the management that students spray water without any real need, resulting in the staff often going into serious condition of water crisis. You are all Class-IX students and are mature enough to understand that waste of important resources like water should be avoided vigorously.

Water, as we all know, helps in bringing and sustaining life on our planet Earth. This is an important element for living species that nothing is possible without it. After all, there is 70 percent water in the human body. Maintaining yourself without food for a month is still possible, but without water we can not survive for a few days. Thus, water is extremely important to maintain life on earth.

Actually, every activity requires water which we do for cooking, washing, cultivating crops and drinking essentially. Life without water is unimaginable. Consider a place affected by the state of drought where there is no rain and there is no water body; Where the plant's life is dry and in vain! Can you imagine yourself at such a place? off course not! Then, why do not we use water wisely?

Please understand that there are such important chemical properties and compounds in water that are essential for nourishment of living cells of living beings. Thus, water is an active living subsistence agent. Apart from this, it is also an important source of energy. Water is used to generate electricity and it is also converted into steam, which is used for water-related vehicles.

Thus, the importance of water can not be ignored. As a responsible global citizen, using this resource really becomes our responsibility, and in fact, with the intensity of all other natural resources Spread awareness as much as possible in your surroundings and try to prevent the exploitation of rare natural resources. Let's resolve not to waste water or leave the taps when not necessary. Every drop of water matters, so save it for the future generation. Use extra caution while using water for washing your car or cleaning your porch, because instead of using one channel, get a bucket of water directly and only take the required quantity. That's all I have to say!

Thanks for listening to me patiently. I hope that from now on, I will not listen to any complaints from the management because otherwise the rules and regulations of our school will be taken strictly and strict action will be taken against the students.


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