National Mathematics Day: 22 December

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National Mathematics Day: 22 December

National Mathematical Day is celebrated every year on December 22 in India. It is celebrated to honor the famous mathematician Mr. Srinivas Ramanujan's birthday. He was a world-renowned mathematician who made significant contributions in the branches of various fields and subject mathematics.

History of National Mathematics Day

The great Srinivasa Ramanujan was born on December 22 in the city of Erode, Tamil Nadu. He read mathematics in an unconscious manner and started developing his research in the beginning. Srinivas used to study himself and he was a self-taught person. He never took any kind of training in mathematics. For the first time, he solved the question of mathematics on a formal and regular basis when he was 10 years old. When he was in school, he received several qualifying certificates and academic awards.

Ramanujan has contributed a lot to mathematical analysis, number theory, infinite series and continuous fraction. In 1913, Srinivasa Ramanujan contacted European mathematicians to pursue his knowledge and interest towards mathematics. He was also elected for various societies organized for debate and discussion on mathematics. He is the world's famous mathematician. He started sharing letters with H. Hardy and finally went to England in 1914. He spent nearly 5 years in Cambridge and wrote several papers related to mathematics while living there.

Srinivas Ramanujan's birth anniversary was announced as the National Mathematical Day by the then Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh, for his memorable and great contribution towards mathematics. The year 2012 was celebrated as the National Mathematical Year for the first time in the country.

National Mathematics Day is celebrated

National Mathematical Day is celebrated to pay homage to the great mathematicians of India. Dr. Manmohan Singh, the former Prime Minister of India, discussed about the great contribution of world-renowned mathematicians and organized the National Mathematical Day to emphasize the need to further their legacy. Great Indian mathematicians such as Brahmagupta, Aryabhatta and Srinivasa Ramanujan have played an important role in the development of various theories, theorems and theories of mathematics in India and thus by encouraging the magnificent tradition of Indian mathematics by celebrating National Mathematics Day and furthering it Increasing is important.

The Prime Minister inaugurated a center for high mathematics in the name of Ramanujan at Alagappa University. He also said that the principles of mathematics are broadly used in the study of economics, science and other subjects.

Dr. Singh also acknowledged that there is no shortage of mathematicians in our country and the duty of the community associated with mathematics is that they can promote research and study of mathematics as an academic discipline in India and make it more possible.

Dr. Singh paid tribute to the great Shrinivas Ramanujan, saying that he is the great son of Tamil Nadu and India who have made a significant contribution to the world of mathematics throughout the world. In order to remember and respect his memorable contribution in mathematics, the Indian government announces it annually on Ramanujan's birth anniversary, celebrating National Mathematical Day. 2012 has been declared as the National Mathematical Year.

The Governor of Tamil Nadu, Rosaiah admitted that it is hard work, enthusiasm and passion that made Srinivasa Ramanujan a great mathematician. Universities are also encouraged to encourage students for research and development in mathematics. Celebrating National Mathematical Day, a platform can be created for research and development. This platform will help students and researchers continue their longevity of development, which was established by the original founders of mathematics and science.

How National Mathematics Day is celebrated

National Mathematical Day is celebrated in various schools, colleges, universities and educational institutions of India all over India.

The former Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, announced the celebration of National Mathematical Day on December 22 on the 125th birthday of Srinivasan Ramanujan.

The International Society of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and India have agreed to work together to spread the happiness of learning and understanding mathematics. He has also taken various steps to educate students in mathematics and introduced students and learners around the world to its knowledge.

NASI (National Academy of Sciences India) is the oldest Academy of Science in Allahabad To celebrate National Mathematical Day, NASI organized a three-day workshop titled "Emerging Development of Ramanujan's Mathematics and Applications in the field of Q-Hyper Geometry Series". In the workshop, the country's leading mathematics lecturers and experts took part in the field. Speakers spoke about the great contribution made by Srinivasa Ramanujan in the field of mathematics of the country and the world. Ramanujan's work was also praised in the field of cryptography in the conference and those who created many theorems were also appreciated.

All states in India celebrated National Mathematical Day in various ways. Various competitions and mathematical quizzes are organized at the school, college and university level. Mathematics and students of entire India participate in the events organized on this day. The School of North Maharashtra University (NMU) located in Jalgaon celebrated National Mathematical Day with great enthusiasm in 2015. Various types of purpose testing competition, quiz competition and poster presentation competition were organized. The theme of this competition was 'Indian Mathematics', 'Mathematics for Life' and 'Application of Mathematics'. The theme and competition is basically to develop the knowledge of emerging students in the field of mathematics.

In the celebration of 2015, a workshop was also organized at Jalgaon "Historical Progress of Mathematics". Its plan was made for college teachers and students in the research department of mathematics. Workshop was an attempt to offer a common forum for researchers of young teachers and colleges. The celebration of National Mathematical Day focuses on the promotion and development of research related to mathematics and possibilities in various fields of mathematics.

Some more suggestions to celebrate National Mathematical Day

The great mathematicians of India include Brahmagupta, Aryabhatta and Srinivasa Ramanujan. These great achievements have not only changed the face of Indian mathematics but have also gained great popularity all over the world.

Every state of India should recognize the great contributions made by these mathematicians and celebrate National Mathematical Day with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm. At the state level, schools, colleges and universities should organize other cultural programs for festivals, competitions and celebration. This will not only create competition among students but also increase their knowledge.

Engineering colleges and technical institutes should also celebrate National Mathematical Day and invite researchers and developers across the country to give lectures and share their knowledge and experience. This will inspire emerging engineering students. It will also provide a common platform for collectively dealing with the problems faced in the field of mathematics.

About Srinivasa Ramanujan

Srinivasa Ramanujan is one of the great Indian mathematicians whose efforts and contribution have given a new meaning to mathematics. He was born on December 22, 1887, in Erode, Tamilnadu, India. The theory of their numbers includes the revolutionary findings of the properties of the functions of division.

When he was only 15, he received a copy of Summary of the priorities of Pure and Applied Mathematics written by George Schubridge Car in 1886. This book is important because it was the main source of information for the great mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan to learn. It has also been said that this book is an important factor in promoting Ramanujan's talent and intellect. He allegedly expanded and followed every text and content of the book.

After confirming the results and details of the car book, Srinivasa Ramanujan went ahead and developed his thoughts and theorem. In 1903, he got a scholarship at Madras University, but later he lost it because he ignored all other studies related to mathematics. This did not discourage them and continued their research and work without any employment. He lived under poor conditions but he was determined to do his research work. He married in 1909 and started searching for employment. During this he got an opportunity to meet Mr. Ramchandra Rao, a government official. Mr. Rao was very impressed with Ramanujan's mathematical knowledge and skill. Shri Rao also agreed to support Ramanujan's research for some time, but Ramanujan was not ready to do any work on the money given by anybody and ultimately he got a job as a clerk in Port Trust, Madras.

In the year 1911, Ramanujan's first research paper was released in the Indian Mathematical Society. Their excellent ability and intelligence gradually started to gain popularity and in 1913 their conversation started with Godfrey H. Hardy, the famous British mathematician. This conversation helped Ramanujan in obtaining a special scholarship from Madras University and financing Trinity College in Cambridge. Ramanujan conquered his religious opponents and went to England to meet Hardy in the year 1914. He pursued his knowledge and Hardy told him in detail about mathematics through many formulas, theorems etc. During his stay in England, Hardy worked with Ramanujan to study mathematics.

Ramanujan made most of the math sources himself and his knowledge was wonderful. Although Ramanujan was almost unaware of the modern development in mathematics, his specialization on the various fractions released was still incomparable to those mathematicians who were famous during that time. He worked on the principle of functional and practical equations of Elliptic Integral, Zeta Function, Rememan Series, Hyper Geometry Series and various series.

Ramanujan extended his knowledge during his stay in England. He specially improved his knowledge and wrote several letters describing the division of numbers. Their letters were issued in English and European journals. He was also elected to the Royal Society of London in the year 1918. Unfortunately in 1917 Ramanujan was diagnosed with tuberculosis. In 1919, his condition improved greatly and he returned to India. Ramanujan died in Kumbakonam on 26th April 1920 next year. They left behind 3 notebooks and a bundle of pages that were also called "Lost Notebooks". The bundle contained many unpublished results of mathematics, which, after his death, used to be studied and verified by various mathematicians for a long time.


India has given birth to various scholars in various fields. One of the great scholars is Srinivasa Ramanujan, who made amazing contributions to mathematical analysis, infinite series and number theory. They also introduced many equations and formulas. s. Khamji Ramanujan Theta and Ramanujan Prime made by Ramanujan have inspired various researchers for further research and development on this subject. Thus by celebrating National Mathematical Day on the birth anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan, we will be able to pay tribute to this great scholar and will also be able to maintain India's mathematical culture. Author Manisha Dubey JhaDear Reader, My name is Manisha Dubey Jha. I have been blogging for 3 years and through the Fast I have been giving important educational content as far as possible to the reader. Hope you like everyone, please share your classmate too. As a literature person, I am very passionate about reading and participating in my thoughts on paper. So what is better than adopting writing as a profession? With over three years of experience in the given area, I am making an online reputation for my clients. If any mistakes or wrong in the article, please suggest us @

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