International Senior Citizens Day is celebrated every year on August 21. It was first announced by the United Nations General Assembly on December 14, 1990. The first holiday was celebrated on October 1, 1991. This day has been started to increase the awareness of the factors affecting the elderly and their issues, including the decline in health with age and the abuse of elderly people. This day is also celebrated for the contributions made by the elderly towards society.
International Senior Citizens Day will be celebrated around 2018, Tuesday 21st August worldwide.
History of International Senior Citizen Day
History of International Senior Citizen Day is from 1988. It was officially started by former United States President Ronald Reagan. He signed the declaration of 5847 on August 19, 1988 and was presented as National Senior Citizen Day on 21st August. Ronald Reagan was the first person to first proclaim National Senior Citizen's Day The declaration below has been explained:
"Whatever we have achieved in our life and have continued to acquire for all, we want to thank our elders and greet them with heart. We can be satisfied by ensuring that our society is good Locations are suitable for the elderly - places where elderly people can fully enjoy their life and where they are encouraged, accepted, assisted and served Continue may not have. Independent and dignified life to live. "
Why International Senior Citizens Day (World Senior Citizen's Day) is celebrated
The main purpose of celebrating International Senior Citizen's Day is to spread awareness about the condition of the aged people and to support them through the process of courtesy. This day is also celebrated for the welfare of the elderly so that they can appreciate their achievements and ability to get promoted with their ability and knowledge.
One of the reasons for celebrating this day is also to thank and honor them for whatever the elderly has done for their children. They put their whole life in the care of relationships. He should also give some importance to his family for doing this kind of selfless service. This is why International Senior Citizen Day is celebrated. Dedicating a special day in the year to the elderly gives his family an opportunity to understand love and affection towards their elders. International Senior Citizen's Day is an important day where the government reminds people about working for achieving their desired goals in order to help eliminate old age and hunger and poverty for all older people.
Theme of International Senior Citizen's Day (World Senior Citizen's Day)
Celebration of International Senior Citizen's Day is celebrated each year with a different theme. The theme is kept individually every year. On August 21, 2017, the theme of International Senior Citizen's Day "Steps in the future: Geniuses, contributions and participation of older persons" was kept. This year's theme is about enhancing and enabling all elderly people to contribute towards their society, community and family. Considering the basic rights, aspects of cultural, social, civil, economic and political life of the elderly, strengthening and promoting the participation of the aged people, emphasizing their needs, priorities and support of people for full participation. gives.
How International Senior Citizens Day (World Senior Citizen's Day) is celebrated
Since 1998, International Senior Citizens Day is celebrated throughout the country. To celebrate the lives and achievements of elderly people, this day is celebrated throughout the whole world. People celebrate International Senior Citizens' Day by organizing different programs. Many other programs are also organized by people to mark this day.
International Senior Citizen's Day is a special day when people celebrate while respecting the spirit of elderly people around the world. This is the day when old people meet together and display their power, which shows how they are effectively fighting for bringing positive energy in the world. This day is marked by grand ceremonies. This day is a day for grandchildren to show respect to their grandparents and parents to realize that they are grateful to God by getting such old people. People try to thank them for their respected parents who have made their way in such a beautiful way. On the International Senior Citizen Day, people try to adopt every method in which they make their parents feel special and express their feelings towards them.
Some examples of events occurring around the world in recent years are as follows:
United States of America: The celebration of International Senior Citizen Day in the United States is celebrated with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm. This day is also celebrated as a reunion of families as those who live far away from the family, take time to celebrate this day with their families. On this day, people reflect on the invaluable role played by the elderly in the formation of character and in the development of the nation. On International Senior Citizen Day, people of America express gratitude, love and affection and respect their elders.
Australia: The international senior citizen day is celebrated in Australia in the same way as is observed in other countries of the world. Taking advantage of this opportunity, people express gratitude for their love and affection for the elderly and thank them for their support and care. However, this occasion is celebrated in many clubs for which families and people of the society take initiative to organize special programs to encourage and entertain the society. To strengthen the bonds of love with elderly people, many types of sports and activities are organized on this day. Breakfast is a common feature for families of senior citizens day celebrations in Australia.
India: To honor elderly people, International Senior Citizens Day is celebrated. In India, this festival is celebrated in various states as a number of activities undertaken by a group of people in India. Central and state governments are establishing measures for the welfare of such people and are also advocating the rights of senior citizens. The planned officials have taken the necessary steps to ensure that the needs of the elderly can be met. On this day focus on facilities, lack of government support and their upgradation and improvement methods. Besides this, some organizations and schools conduct special programs with different themes to spread knowledge about this day. Children's grandparents are invited in schools where special exhibitor programs are organized to honor senior citizens of our country. Special meals are also organized for their happiness.
Ireland: Taking full advantage of this day, people respect their elders and express gratitude and affection for them. Like many other countries, people give gifts to their elders and ask them to relax and relax on this day. People take their elders for dinner or lunch or offer them a fun breakfast. People whose elderly are no longer in this world pay tribute to donations by providing donations or providing free services to others.
Many cultural organizations and clubs in Ireland have organized International Senior Citizen's Day programs to understand the importance of the major role of adults in the development of the family. Apart from this, children are also encouraged to pay attention to elders and respect them.
South Africa: Like many countries of the world, South Africans also do not allow this golden opportunity to celebrate International Senior Citizen Day by honoring their elders. This day is celebrated throughout the country by organizing a beautiful ceremony. People express love and respect for their elders and thank them for their valuable guidance and support. As a tradition, children are pleased with their elders by presenting flowers, neckties, gifts, cards or any other item such as gifts.
As International Senior Citizens Day is celebrated according to the theme of the prevailing year, people meet friends and family to enjoy this opportunity. Many people in South Africa go out for dinner in a fishing, picnic or restaurant. In addition to private festivals, many social and cultural programs in South Africa are organized to celebrate the function of International Senior Citizen Day so as to emphasize the important role played by elderly people in building and promoting a strong society.
New zealand: Beautiful Island New Zealand International celebrates Senior Citizen's Day in this way, which has great attraction and enthusiasm. Like people from other countries, New Zealand celebrates this occasion by paying tribute to senior citizens and honoring them in general. People mark this day by giving flowers, handmade cards and chocolates to their elders. They spend quality time with the elderly, joining the pleasures and expressing their love and affection towards them.
United Kingdom: In the United Kingdom, International Senior Citizens Day is celebrated in much the same way as it is celebrated in the United States. In the UK, International Senior Citizens Day is celebrated by people by presenting popular gifts such as flowers, cards, neckties and chocolates, expressing love and affection for their elders.
Many cultural societies, clubs and schools of the United Kingdom organize parties for senior people and provide people the opportunity to celebrate this day. Different games are also organized in such celebrations.
Some other suggestions to celebrate International Senior Citizens Day in India
According to the 2011 Census of India population, there were 104 million elderly citizens of 60 years and above, of whom 51 million were male and 53 million were women. According to a report, this number is expected to increase year after year. Keeping in mind the large population of the elderly in the country, it is our utmost duty to serve them with care and affection. International Senior Citizen Day is the best forum to honor our elderly and also to show how important they are to our society as well as ours. Here are some suggestions for celebrating this day in India.
- Eating together is a fun experience and this experience gives people the opportunity to use their intelligence to do something. The most important thing is that all eat together as a family. On this day children make meals with their grandparents and parents. The dishes made are really amazing.
- People can also create a picture of memories and give them gifts to their elders. This is a great way to remember and stay connected with the old times.
- If the weather is good then you can make a picnic program. Earn your belongings and create a program of your favorite destination or you can meet your parents or call them if they do not live with you.
- Take a break from your work a little bit. Make a short distance from your smart phone, laptop, TV and other devices and try to spend a little time without them.
- Help in the work around the house. If your elderly are working at home then today is the right opportunity to help them.
- A simple presence of a friend or hugging a family member may help to increase happiness hormones and reduce stress. Even ordinary eye contact can also help to stimulate feelings of attachment. So embrace your loved ones more and try to bring smiles on the faces of your elders.
- Restaurants and clubs can give special discounts to senior citizens or they can also provide free meals for them.
As people are old they lose their ability to do basic job assignments. They start to trust others for help in the whole masses. Thus it is important to teach the children to serve the elderly. International Senior Citizen Day is an important opportunity for our society and to honor those tough things that every elderly does every day i.e. "the next generation's upbringing".
21st August is designed to help us remember and honor the contribution made by the elderly to our society as a Senior Citizen's Day. These are small things that are ultimately the most valuable. According to recent studies done on Aging, 29% of adults over 67% live alone. Maintaining the independence of the elderly will lead to empowerment and self-esteem. When the elderly live alone without social and family contacts, then it is a risk to their life. It usually takes more time to detect signs of cognitive or physical impairment. This increases the risks of their safety and health, and this increases the likelihood of depression and other mental disorders. We should stay with our elders and take care of all their needs.
Of course, not just senior citizen day but social communication and communication should be every year. Each and every day is important for our elderly to feel special.
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