The World Press Independence Day is celebrated every year on May 3 of the world. The United Nations General Assembly announced on May 3 as World Press Day or World Press Freedom Day so that the press could be reminded of the government to spread awareness on the importance of independence and to maintain support and respect for the right to freedom of expression. Democracy has been created for the rights of the media, which plays an important role in redefining the values. That's why our government should help keep journalists safe.
World Press will be celebrated throughout the world on Independence Day 2018, May 3, on Thursday.
World press freedom committee
The World Press Freedom Committee was established in 1976 to promote, promote, and cover 44 media organizations around the world through a batch of independent journalists. The World Press Freedom Committee is a member of the International Freedom of Expression Exchange, which works in conjunction with many other organizations for press freedom, human rights experts, global consultants and journalists. This committee is located in Argentina.
History of the World Press Independence Day
The World Press Independence Day serves as a reminder of the importance of independent press in a safe and functioning society and supports the press that supports the press, who has given his life for the freedom of the press. Article 19 Freedom of expression expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a basic human right. The World Press Independence Day was started in 1993 as an initiative to reflect the independence of the Press on the international level by the United Nations General Assembly. This day was marked on the anniversary of the announcement of Windhoek, which was a statement of the fundamental principles of freedom pressed in 1991 by African journalists to encourage a plural and independent African press.
Why World Press Freedom Day is celebrated
World Press Freedom Day was celebrated to celebrate the early principles of press freedom, to evaluate freedom of the press throughout the world and to save the media from those attacks which are threatening the freedom of the press. is. This day is celebrated to greet those journalists who have lost their lives in the life of duty. It acts as an information to inform citizens about the violation of the press freedom. It is a sad fact that in many countries around the world publications, suspension, censorship are banned and editors, publishers and journalists are attacked and they are detained, harassed, and even so That is even murdered. This press is a day to develop and encourage initiatives in the approval of freedom and to assess the state of freedom of press throughout the world.
How World Press Freedom Day is celebrated
World Press Freedom Day is celebrated in more than 100 countries around the world. To determine the importance of press freedom from meetings in the rooms to cultural events and performances United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) coordinates the initiatives of many countries and most of the time, to promote freedom of expression Works as an organizational partner. UNESCO also marks this day as honoring the prizes of such eligible organizations, individuals or institutions, who have made commendable contribution in promoting promotions and press freedom in any part of the world, especially when the achievement is in front of danger it occurs. World Press Freedom Day is celebrated around the world, some examples are as follows:
The number of attacks on journalists is constantly increasing and it is still at alarming rates. According to investigations of Investigating Reporting, the situation in India has become extremely alarming. In March, 54 journalists were attacked and 7 journalists were killed. To be the worst country for journalism, India has been ranked 136th. Therefore, it is extremely important to increase awareness about the freedom of press freedom among the citizens of press freedom Freedom Day. In fact this year, the World Press Freedom Day Media Institutions Act and both Houses of Parliament have passed a law to protect the journalists where they are doing duty.
In India, Press Freedom Day is usually celebrated to honor the media professionals who put their lives in danger to fulfill their duty of journalist or sometimes sacrificing their life while performing duty. Many government officials, civil servants and ministers respect the people who risk their lives to deliver latest news to the world in a variety of programs, art exhibitions and award ceremonies.
South Africa
World Press Independence Day is celebrated in South Africa with great enthusiasm. This day is a celebration of commitment and hard work by journalists in presenting life-transformative information that helps people understand their society better. Each year, South Africa's Media Institute (MISA) offers tribute to all those journalists who were murdered for their utmost commitment in South Africa and other parts of the world. Memorial Festival is organized in nine countries of South Africa. Normally the press begins with breakfast by Independence Day editors, reporters, representatives of diplomatic community, government officials and civil society representatives. MISA has also published its annual publication of Media Independence.
Costa Rica
Costa Rica has achieved the highest rank for the press freedom in the US in terms of freedom and expression. Recently, it has been ranked 6th in the International Press Freedom Index. Costa Rica Press is highly dedicated to the freedom and freedom of expression. Costa Rica is relatively safe for journalists and media professionals. This day is celebrated in the industry to mark its success and make people aware about the freedom of the press. Various conferences, panel discussions and media festivals are organized to discuss the issue of press freedom with media experts.
The Ministry of International Affairs celebrates the World Press Independence Day in Argentina, which organizes international seminars according to the UNESCO prescribed topics. It provides a place for exchange of conversations between international experts and local officials, which includes information and transparency. This program is generally open to the general public as well as representatives of journalists, civil society organizations.
In addition to mark the World Press Independence Day, special news programs are broadcast on Argentine television channels, in which special anchor representatives and media industry experts are interviewed. Other programs like workshops, conferences and seminars are also organized on this day.
The World Press Independence Day is an important opportunity to save the media from the attack on freedom and to salute the people who have lost their life in the practice of journalism and accept the fundamental bases of freedom of the press. Various conferences and events in Cambodia are discussed about how media freedom can be prevented. Large media campaigns are organized to spread awareness on the right to information, in which civil society directors, government representatives and women affairs ministers participate. Panel discussions are also organized to address the challenges faced by journalists and the media.
Tips for better celebration of Independence Day Press in India
In the list of Press Freedom Index 2013, India has been given a very bad place which has been released by RWB-reporter. It has come in 136th place in 179 listed countries in the freedom of the press. Although the rankings are continuously decreasing since 2002, there is still a lot to be done in this direction.
Although there is no mention of the word 'press' in the rights of our Indian Constitution, it provides freedom of speech and expression. Yet this authority is subject to certain restrictions for the safety, integrity and security of sovereignty of India. The law has been used to prevent the freedom of the press and the Secret of Officers Act to limit freedom of press.
Press Freedom Day in India, Press provides a very good platform for raising awareness about the issue of independence. Here are some suggestions for celebrating this day in India.
People should gather their friends and family members and plan to spread awareness about the freedom of the press. To increase awareness for press freedom, people can also use # WorldpressFreedom on social media sites.
Government of India should work together with UNESCO and with its solution, major programs, conferences and seminars should be organized on the problems of press freedom in India. General public and journalists should be invited to participate in those programs.
A national action plan should be prepared for the safety of journalists. Aggression and murder against journalists should be considered as a cognitive offense.
Schools and colleges of the country should also start celebrating the celebration of this day by doing small tasks on freedom of press, so that students get knowledge about this day.
World Press Freedom Day theme
Since 1998, World Press Independence Day brings together media professionals, Press Freedom organizations and United Nations agencies worldwide to discuss press freedom solutions and solve solutions to solve various celebration themes each year. Adopted Each conference is based on themes such as press freedom, terrorism media coverage, freedom from punishment, role of media in countries with good governance and race conflict disputes.
World Press Freedom Theme 2017
World Press Freedom Day theme for the year 2017: "Critical Minds for Critical Times: Role of the media in pursuing peaceful, just and inclusive societies" Enabling the media to effectively contribute to the success of the development goal The theme has been kept in mind to focus on the importance of strengthening the quality and free journalism. In particular, the difference between the rule of peace, law and integrity, the freedom of justice and expression for all will be traced.
- For all, sustainable development and independence of expression is essential.
- Promote media potential as a catalyst for mutual understanding and peace.
- Freedom of information and freedom of expression encourage a more consolidated society.
Last year's theme
- World Press Freedom Day theme for 2016: "Access to information and fundamental freedoms - this is your right!"
- The 2015 World Press was a theme of Independence Day: "Success in Journalism! For better reporting, gender equality and security in digital reports."
- The 2014 World Press Independence Day theme was for: "Media Freedom for the Better Future: Shaping Development Agenda After 2015".
- World Press Freedom Day theme for 2013 "To talk securely: freedom of expression in all media"
- World Press Freedom Day theme for 2012 "New Voices: Media Independence Helps Change the Society".
- World Press Freedom Day theme for 2011 "21st Century Media: New Frontiers, New Barrier"
- World Press Freedom Day theme for 2010 was: "Freedom of information: the right to know"
- The theme for World Press Freedom Day for 2009 was: "Talks, mutual understanding and reconciliation."
- The theme for the World Press Independence Day for 2008 was: "Pressing the Fundamental Principles of Freedom."
- The theme for World Press Freedom Day for 2007 was: "United Nations and freedom of the press."
- The theme for the World Press Independence Day for 2006 was: "Media as the drivers of change"
- World Press Freedom Day theme for 2005 was: "Media and Good Governance."
- The theme for World Press Independence Day for 2004 was: "How many decisions will be decided?"
- The theme for the World Press Independence Day for 2003 was: "Media and Armed Conflict."
- World Press Freedom Day theme for 2002: "War on global terrorism"
- The theme for the World Press Independence Day for 2001 was: "Combating racism and promoting diversity: the role of free press"
- The theme for the World Press Independence Day for 2000 was: "Reporting the news in a dangerous world: the role of the media in dispute settlement, compilation and piece building".
- The 1999 World Press Independence Day theme was: "Turbulent Eras: Generation Perspectives on Freedom of the Press"
- The theme for the World Press Independence Day for 1998 was: "Press Freedom is a Basis of Liberty"
Media plays an important role in the development of any country. The common people are educated about what is happening in society and about those issues and events that affect their lives. In this way, journalists and media experts should be given utmost protection while fulfilling their duties and giving full freedom of speech. Press freedom is a very serious issue and they should be given importance. The World Press Independence Day works as a platform that reminds us of the essence of maintaining strong journalists when they are facing challenges. It serves as an opportunity to give information to each geographical and independent media and to protect the freedom of the press in every aspect.
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